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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. 3rd and Goal... Officals timeout... Augie player down on one knee on the field
  2. Inside the 5 to the 3 yard line! LET'S GO SIOUX!!!
  3. Dressler with only two catches so far today... that's definatly not what the stat should be! Make that three now... first and goal!
  4. Augustana wins coin toss, will play defense first
  5. that's right! I remember now, thanks!
  6. overtime... college is sudden death, right?
  7. Talking to one of my friends, she said that her parents like the Big 10 Pub on Regent Street, or Stadium Bar on Monroe Street, right across from the stadium... basically if you are downtown anywhere near the stadium, it shouldn't be a problem finding a place to tailgate.
  8. Having lived in Madison for 17 year I feel that I should have some input here. As far as State Street, other than buses and deliveries, traffic is never allowed on the street. Lots of bars, lots of people, there will always be a lot going on if you visit State Street (not as much as Halloween, but that's a good thing!) I'm told that there are also a lot of good bars on Regent Street. Tailgating will be going on ALL around the stadium. A lot of people park a long ways away and walk to the stadium (we rent out my high school parking lot for parking). I'll post more info as I talk to my friends that attend/live in Madison still. Getting cheap tickets, especially for that game will probably be very close to impossible... as may be getting tickets at all. Make sure you check out the new "monument" (I guess that is what they call it) right by the stadium... a lot of people find it really amusing Jump around is definatly an experience, as is the entire student section. And the great part about it is that the rest of the stadium loves it, football is the way of live in Madison and Wisconsin in general. Hopefully this helps some, let me know if you have any other questions and I'll see what I can find.
  9. I saw the "new" logo when we had Student Ticket Orientation today (hahaha!) and it definatly catches attention. It's the first thing I noticed when we sat down in the arena... more green. I like it
  10. I remember reading that as well... some D3 school, but I can't find the article either
  11. Being raised in Madison I was taught something in school that not many people realize. When the Badgers orignally choose their mascot, they were not named after the animal the badger. They were named after people. They were named after the miner that were forced to dig holes in the side of hills in which they lived. "The team's nickname, 'Badgers,' was borrowed from the state of Wisconsin. The territory was dubbed the 'Badger State,' not because of animals in the region, but rather an association with lead miners in the 1820s. Prospectors came to the state looking for minerals. Without shelter in the winter, the miners had to 'live like badgers' in tunnels burrowed into hillsides." Badger nickname
  12. I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not in my earliest post... but the question was also posed as to what happens if it still doesn't work next week. The response was simply "we've got all week to figure that out". So if you have a good idea for a back up plan, I'm sure that Student Government wouldn't mind hearing it... as long as you express it in a respectful manner
  13. Just got done with the Student Government meeting... Nate Martindale addressed hockey tickets in his executive report. Said that it was a long day for him. They had previously tested the system last week and it was working correctly. However, when he logged on today he got error messages. He learned that there was a communications breakdown/failure between the Ticketmaster main server and the UND server. 74 students were able to get through and purchase tickets, they will get a full credit card refund and the entire process will start over at step one next Sunday. He was unaware of a $3 surcharge from Ticketmaster (1100 seats at $3 is a lot of money for Ticketmaster) but he said he would have more info on that tomorrow. They are bringing in Ticketmaster officials to work out all the kinks this week, but they made some progress today. He was optimistic and gave us his word, and Ticketmaster's word that the system would work on Sunday. When our "group" (four people) got up to leave, he followed us out and let us know that he would be in his office most of the day tomorrow if we had any further questions. It seemed like he didn't think that this would happen and he was very apologetic that it was inconvient and that everything should be worked out by Sunday.
  14. On paper it was an alright plan... just not totally thought out. Many people were predicting that we'd overload the server and crash the site... I'm not sure why no one did anything about it
  15. Well, someone mentioned an open forum for how to distribute tickets... here's one. Let's come up with some ideas for what to do this year, and perhaps we can all go to the Student Government meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the Union... I've gotta be at the Union at 6 anyway, what's another hour?
  16. Perhaps everyone should stop by the Student Government meeting tonight in the Union... they are generally in the River Valley Room (I believe) second floor... not sure of the time, anyone know?
  17. I've heard a rumor that if it doesn't work this time (which it isn't... shocker) they are probably going to cancel the whole thing. Anyone up for another lottery?
  18. 20 minutes until crash #3... (that's my attempt at being optimistic)
  19. pushed back to 3:00 How many push backs before they give up?
  20. Rumor is (from a phone call to the ticket office) that they might push it back until 3
  21. Good luck seniors... hopefully it works out this time... hopefully no one gets screwed out of tickets
  22. a confirmation number as in you bought tickets?
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