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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Also the number one star of the game!!! Congrats Drew!
  2. Martens is injuried, but I don't know what kind of injury...
  3. Saw Grieco at lunch today, so I guess he isn't in Denver with the rest of the team...
  4. Here is the article from the Dakota Student: "Iron Man" Porter Nearing WCHA Record
  5. WiSioux


    I'm not really sure if this is where this belongs... but just my two cents worth. I'm okay with players leaving early to go to the NHL, because I realize that's been their dream for years. The one thing that bothers me is that I feel like, as fan, we don't get to properly thank them. With the seniors we get to recognize their parents on the ice, and in recent years given them a standing ovation for a "final skate" at the end of their last home game. With the players that leave early we don't get to do any of that. If you go to the end of the year autograph session you know that they will deny leaving early, even if they are going to be leaving the next day. We get no advance notice, and never get the chance to thank them for all of the entertainment/happiness that they have proivded us. I can't think of a way to fix this, but just thought I would throw it out there for others to think about. Now back to pretending that perhaps they won't leave at the end of the season....
  6. My parents were up here all weekend visiting... they said when they were waiting for me to pick them up for breakfast this morning they saw Coach Hak talking to a recruit and his family at the hotel. The kid was shorter than Hak, short black hair, and there was a reference about his sister also playing hockey (asking how good she was). My dad said he thought they heard him being called Joe, but he wasn't sure.... They couldn't give me much other than this... any ideas who it might be?
  7. I'm watching the Daytona 500 right now... and my "local track" back at home in Wisconsin, is one of the tracks that Matt Kenseth grew up racing on... so I've been watching him for years. Occassionally he comes back and races there on weeks off because his dad bought the track. Meet his grandma there once when she was watching him.
  8. There were a couple of recruits at the games this weekend. Not sure who it is, but I figured it might be easy to try and figure out. One kid had on a letter jacket, purple with yellow sleeves and a big F on it. Not sure what Fosston school colors are...
  9. And do we have 23 points or 22 points?? I'm confused... I'm sure I could look it up, but sleep sounds like more fun right now Play hard and keep winning and everything else will fall into place
  10. I thought we looked decent in the first period, and it all went downhill after that. We came out with no spark, no intensity in the second or the third period. Not trying to pass the blame, but I believe that Fabian is A LOT bigger part of the team than we might think he is. I really don't know what happened at the end of the third, I was too busy being pissed!!! This is definitly another tie that feels like a loss. We have got to find the spark again!!!
  11. Is that counting Lee's goal in our net? Sorry... I could resist
  12. Kaip asking if he could fight was HILARIOUS! You could see him dragging his player to the bench, looking at the bench and talking. The bench just about erupted when the brawl started... I could see Phil fighting with Clark.... According to Brad's blog: UND's Erik Fabian and Brian Lee will be out Saturday because of game disqualifications for fighting. Mankato loses Matt Tyree, Lucas Fransen and Trevor Bruess.
  13. Walski was in at the time... Clark wanted to fight, was trying to provoke him... but Walski ignored him. It was quite the interesting fight. I think it started with Fabian going at it with his guy... then I saw Kaip pair up with someone. Lee paired up with someone and skated way off to the side. Kozek was too busy banging his stick on the ice (clapping) to jaw with anyone. Basically everyone paired up and went at it. The refs would try and stop two pairs and another two would start up... Did anyone see the earlier kinda-fight? It was at the other end than I was on so it was kinda hard to see. It looked like to Mav players went after Genoway and then I saw Miller come flying in trying to pull them off Genoway. To me it didn't look like Miller was fighting, but both Genoway and Miller ended up in the box.
  14. Any chance there will be another "meeting" at center ice at the end of warmups??
  15. I'm not 100% sure what he's up to because I can't read the website... but it appears as though Spriko has played in 48 games 10 goals 20 assists 30 points 16 PIM Spirko The stats are on the right side of the page... I'm sure there is probably more info about what he's up to in there somewhere, it's just a matter of finding it. I have also found what appears to be a roster, including a picture. Roster?
  16. I was thinking the same thing. I have a feeling we'll be seeing an ad with Toews and Oshie or something like that.
  17. I find it interesting that we're discussing recruiting after verbal committment because I was just reading a story about it this morning in the Madison newspapers. Although it is about football, so I'm not sure if it's different in hockey. Personally, the story kind of disguested me, but that might also have to do with the fact that I don't like the Badgers in any sport. UW football: Bielema a proponent of recruiting to the final whistle It seems like these young athletes have a hard enough time trying to decide where to go to school in the first place. They think that once they make a decision it will get easier, and with continued recruiting from other schools I can only imagine how many times they second guess themself.
  18. I believe you are thinking of Finley. I believe when I met him in Madison he told us that he played football for the Gophers, but no longer like the program so he was happy that Joe came here.
  19. I saw this in the USA Today this morning: Youngsters Hoping to Realize Hockey Dreams There is also a mention of UND.
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