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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    Kickoff fielded at the 22 Dressler takes it to the 34 yard line 1st and 10 Dressler takes it to the WWU 38 yard line!!! (28 yards)
  2. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    Maybe next time.... ? This QB has yet to throw an interception, I think this is a good week to start...
  3. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    WWU to the UND 5 2nd and goal Incomplete 3rd and goal... LET'S GO DEFENSE! Stopped at the 1 4th and goal
  4. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    I'm at work and competing with Nightlife... boo... WWU 1st and 10 from the UND 31 to the UND 8 yardline.... Come on D!!!
  5. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    Game underway.... Kick into the endzone, great hit to stop him short of the 20 yard line Looks like I might be talking to myself tonight... haha 1st and 10 at the 18 Complete to the 36 yard line (17 yards) Tackle by Alexander 1st and 10 at the 36 Meek tackles the running back for a gain of 1 2nd and 9 Across the 45 to the 47 yard line - Manke makes the stop Sioux player down - LB Tescher (sp?) right arm? 3rd and 1 QB sneak 1st and 10 Complete to the UND 47 yard line (5 yard gain) 2nd and 5 Gardner to the UND 32 yard line (15 yards)
  6. WiSioux

    Sioux at WWU

    National Anthem just finished... LET'S GO BOYS! A couple key defensive players left at home due to injuries (Stoup) so we'll see how well the younger D steps up! Sioux lose the coin toss, and will kick first
  7. I think the Sioux will win big... I just don't think it'll be that big. I'm guessing we'll win by 25-30 points
  8. How many people are coming with us? I'm thinking we're gonna end up needed to take a second car anyway...
  9. Somehow I don't think the denying access would go over too well... haha Just to clarify the original post, Friday, Dec 7th will be the green apparel night, and Saturday, Dec 8th will be the white apparel night. Can't wait to see all the Sioux support!
  10. Haha... it appears that Porter got a rather interesting penalty from the bench in tonight's game... Perhaps he was merely serving the penalty for a coach? Checked the box score... at the same time, the other team was getting a checking from behind major, game misconduct penalty... that may explain it. scoresheet And Toews had the game winning goal for the Blackhawks Chicago scoresheet
  11. Here is my idea for a sign: It is on facebook, so I apologize to those of you that can't see it... I'm working on trying to figure out how else to post it... Sign
  12. I remember sitting in study hall not having heard anything about what was happening and the principal came on and made an annoucement and referred to it as "the events that happened in NYC this morning" and I was so confused I didn't know what was going on. I got to my next class and my teacher told us a little bit, but I didn't know what the WTC was, so I was still confused. It wasn't until lunch when I was able to see a television that was brought into the lunch room that I fully saw what was happened. Pretty much all afternoon we were watching the news coverage. I remember seeing video of the towers smoking and thinking it looked like a movie. For some reason, I don't know why... but I can remember seeing Disneyworld being evacuated and that really hit home. Who would have ever thought then that I would be majoring in Air Traffic Control now and that I would be involved in the one of the industries that was hit so hard on that day. To all those who know someone affected, I'm sorry. That will be a day none of us will ever forget.
  13. We'll see how well a "Red Out" works for the Badger football team.... Bielama Calls For Fans To Wear All Red Does having a coach endorse the idea help out?
  14. All five goals were scored in the first half, including two in the final minute. Good effort overall, I'm sure the goalie would like to have the goal back that she gave up. This was my first game of the year although I have attended in years past. The girls played well, good communication between the players. It almost seemed like the entire second half of the game we were simply playing keep away. The pressure on the opposing goalie was pretty good... a lot of teams I've seen in the past don't follow up shots and the goalie will drop the ball with no one there to get the rebound... I beleieve at least one of the Sioux goals came this way. Defense didn't appear to be tested much. Saw some speed from some of the girls. Often there was an open girl on the opposite side of the field, but they weren't crossing the ball as much as they could have been.
  15. Lennon: - Played some very good football... like what he saw. - Created momentum, three and outs for the defense. - Youth is getting older, getting the experience, not calling them young - Fumbled on the goal line, disapointing that we aren't taking advantage of all the opportunities - There is some special talent (Dressler, Chappel) unselfish players, good support cast that compliments them well - Knew Dressler was special but didn't know how special until he was here - Nice to have a home game, Central Washington won big over Humbolt, not getting any easier. Co-Defensive Coordinator, John someone: - Lot of guys came through and stepped up, strength in numbers, lots of guys played tonight - Warm night, guys getting tired, but gave it their all - Wes Marshall would try to do things with crossing routes, throwing, and running, he ended up 14 for 31. Defense done very well against the pass, knock on wood.... putting themselves in spots to make some plays - Manke dropped the one, but got it back on the next play - Good pressure, haven't had to blitz a lot, makes my job easier - Guys up front doing a great job UND 37 SUU 10 Central Washington up next! 1:00 Saturday @ the Alerus Tony: Most impressed with the concern on the defensive side, #2s stepped up, essentially it was a shut out for the defense. Offensive playmakers showed up. Freund showed up... Hellavang (can't remember his name) executed... everyone executed UND - 550 total yards tonight, 1,060 total in first two games of the season 49 carries, 314 yards rushing, Chappell with 12 carries, 138 yards, 2 TD - missed a good chunk of the middle of the game Dressler 5 catches 79 yards, 1 TD, yardage record Player Reactions: Mitch Breggelman- O-line came out got a good start, got points on first three drives. SUU played hard the whole game, we had a few breaks go our way. Felt woren down as the second half went on. Everyone was tired out there, they were as tired as we were. Elevation and heat might have affected... but we spent a lot of time on the field in the first half. After second game, the o-line does a lot of things well, but there are missed assignments/blocks, we have enough things that need to be corrected. Nice to have a large group of returners on the o-line, we all know the plays and the offense. Weston is a great player, you never know if he's gonna run it up for a touchdown... exciting to have those guys back there. Still early, lots of work left to do, but we're feeling good Brett Helinka- Had the game plan, played hard and stuck it to them. Still miss three starters, but the younger guys stepped up very well. Jealous of the true freshman, got to play right away... they really know what they are doing and do what's best for the team. We need to work on technique and assignments, lots of stuff on the film we'll have gotten away with, we'll go back to the film and we'll be fine. A lot of the play calling is called once they line up. We're all friends and we communicate well together, they line up and we check everything out. Weston Dressler - Breaks all time career receiving yards with 2,286 yards. First touchdown of the night. Corner route, Danny made great throw, good to get up early. We knew what we wanted to do and we marched down the field on the first drive. Set the tone for the rest of the game. Coaching staff does a great job getting us prepared and what to expect. We may look a step ahead, but that goes back to the coaching staff. It's special to play with these guys right now... guys making plays and comfortable on the field. Freund looks good and is playing well... he keeps improving. Nice to return a ball this time. Close on punt returns... we'll fix it and hopefully get one soon. After the year, the record will probably sink in... will think about it later. We've gotta work on the redzone, had some opportunites where we didn't score, put more scores on the board. Convincing win for the Fighting Sioux tonight! Dressler 1 TD Chappel 2 TDs Brady 1 TD Hellavang, 23 yard FG, 56 yard FG (career best), 31 yard FG Rory Manke 1 INT Sioux will likely becoming #2 in the nation behind GVS... seeing something special both offensively and defensively this year. 314 yards rushing 236 yards passing 550 total 25 first downs 34 minutes TOP Central Washington brings lots of skill players back next week... QB looks good, we're gonna need to bring in the 12th fan at the Alerus and rattle him. Our defense has some twists that hopefully he hasn't seen... PS Doors Player of the Game Sioux Defense, including coaches
  16. Sioux win... congrats boys! Great win!!!! 2-0... Yay Potato Bowl!!!! (Gotta love the french fries)
  17. Lee gets the touchdown UND 37 SUU 10 with 4 seconds left... I guess that looks a little more respectable for them.... until you meantion that we're D2... gonna be a bummer of a season for them
  18. Suppose I can... nothing else to do. Stone keeps the ball and doesn't get the TD, clock stopped with 10 seconds left
  19. Some of the starting defense is back in the game wanting to prevent the touchdown...
  20. Who's typing the post game interviews? HAHA! Annoucners didn't know their microphones were on again....
  21. SUU at the UND 30 yard line after a (bad) penalty for roughing the passer (I would guess) Stone tackled at the 29 yard line :50 seconds and counting SUU to the 1 yard line
  22. Fumble Battle (I think), if so he had one last game as well at the end... 4th turnover in this game
  23. 1st and 10 Battle for 3 2nd and 7 Battle for 8, first down! 1st and 10, 3:45 left in the game Battle for 6 2nd and 3 Battle for no gain 3rd and 3, 2:24 left in the game OT: What's the deal with the country videos on channel 9? I think it's like a fundraiser or something....
  24. At that point in time you'd be happy for points too... besides, you never know... it could have been the UND fans cheering for the field goal...
  25. 2nd and 10 - 32 yard line Incomplete - receiver fell down at 19 yard line 3rd and 10 Incomplete 1st string defenders are cheering on the defenders on the field looking to keep the shut out! 4th and 10 48 yard field goal good UND 37 SUU 3
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