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Posts posted by SiouxPride0303

  1. Did anybody just see the singing of the 2 National Anthems? A Canadian opera singer sang the American Natinal Anthem first. They showed the crowd and there were people in Oiler jerseys singing along. He sang O Canada second and held the mic up after singing just a few sentences andthe crown took over. They sang LOUD and with PASSION. Too bad that doesnt happen at the Ralph. I'd rather see the crowd singing than somebody with a mic.

    WOW! Oilers scored at 2:31 of the 1st.

    He "passes the mic" to the fans quite often. I saw a video from earlier in the playoffs with the same thing....gives me chills. I was in Canada last weekend and at a graduation. The entire audience sang O Canada in French without a lead singer to kick it off. It was really neat.

    GO OILERS!!!

  2. I'm going for Matt and the Oilers (been for the Oilers since Montreal was booted out) and I hate Carolina but I'll be happy for either of them. I'm hoping for 7 games too.

    And I dont believe the US Anthem was booed recently in these playoffs. In fact, there is a video going around the 'net of the CanadiEn's cheering and singing the US anthem before singing O Canada.

  3. Wow. The arrogance of this statement is shocking.

    Agreed. That statement and the one I am citing stood out most for me, the rest was just more spin from what we already know about their position :

    Correct. Official members of the University Party -- students, cheerleaders, bands can't have those symbols. We have no rules about fans because of freedom of speech.

    I thought that Freedom of Speech applied to all? Civics 101 anybody?? ;)

  4. Habs?

    Montreal CanadiEns. Habs is a nickname



    Habitants is the name used to referred to both the French settlers and the America-born inhabitants of French origin who farmed the land along the two shores of the St. Lawrence waterway in what is the present-day Province of Quebec in Canada.

    In 1924, Madison Square Garden owner Tex Rickard was falsely told by someone that the "H" in the logo of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team stood for "habitant", a French word that in those days was used to denote the farmers of Quebec. Rickard was told that the French players on the team came from the farms and that they were therefore "habitants" or "habs". At the time, the Canadiens were recognized as the French Canadian team of Montreal as opposed to the Montreal Maroons, the English Canadian team. In reality, the team logo of the "C" wrapped around the "H" stands for Club de Hockey Canadien. In 1917, at the founding of the NHL, the team changed its name to that from the previous Club Athl

  5. Sorry, my dog got me up too early this morning. That dog is so getting a electric shock barking collar. Also I understand like 3 words in the second paragraph. In order for me to get into a pissing match with you, you have to bring it down to my level... ???

    Its always the dog around here...somebody else's dog got them into trouble earlier this season.... ;)


  6. Just a little anecdote. A co-workers son wanted ZPar and Hales autograph when they were here for the Regionals. ZPar left without signing it so Hale took the kid's NJ jersey back to Jersey to get Zach's autograph for him. He mailed it back. The entire team had signed it!! That made one six year old very happy.

    Nice guy!! :D

    Thats awesome! How cool for a 6 year old!! ;)

  7. I think we can only agree to disagree on this.

    I refuse to hand over money to millionaires (Wild ownership), who take our money, and in effect, give NOTHING back in return. Professional sports should be a 2 way street.....not the same deal with college sports.

    I agree that college (and most amateur) sports should, and for the most part are, supported for the love of the game. That's why I always have, and always will, support the Gopher hockey progam (even afer the HC fiasco !! :D )), but would never give a dime to the Wild organization as it operates today.

    I would have to agree with you. I live in Chicago and go the Hawks games just because I love the game and I get my hockey fix. But I pay 8 bucks (for a $15 top-of the arena seat) for my seat as a student. If I had to pay much more for the Hawks, I wouldnt. I also think its sad that I can attend an NHL game for 8 bucks. But hey, I wont complain

    The nights I've went, there have been a lot of fans there. Granted I've been to games against the Wings, Flames and Ducks but even the Blues games had butts in the seats. It surprises me actually since the Hawks are clearly a bottom of the league team.

  8. Is that what you call that? That fight between Vanelli and McMahon was nothing more than McMahon being a giant baby because his Sioux were losing at home to the Gophers (again) 6-0 in the 3rd period at the time. I can certainly understand the frustration that comes from your arch rival owning a .666 win % in your own building, including TWO sweeps, not to mention winning the grand opening of the arena in front of Ralph himself and all his cronies. But starting that fight showed the true class of UND. The only thing that made it worth it was the fact that I was sitting in the front row right in front of the fight so I got an up close view of McMahon getting the snot beat out of him by a Gopher Freshman defenseman.

    Where's AZSIOUX with his Tool of the Month Award. I nominate this guy... :)

  9. Brandon with only 5 minutes in last night's game. Is he on their 4th line or something?

    Yes I believe so. Going to watch him and the Hawks tomorrow against the Red Wings. The other games I've been to, he hasnt played much at all, about 10 minutes a game.

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