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Posts posted by SiouxPride0303

  1. Is this a generational thing? I see no sense in it.

    Its all part of the internet boom. Leet is a slang term used among gamers for elite but its become part of the IM/AIM world and now is leaking into spoken language...shame really

  2. Did anyone catch the part where TH said that Drew Stafford gets altitude sickness when he goes to Denver and C.C. man that is not good.

    Yeah I heard TH mention that as well...he didnt play the first night of the series last year and stayed in the room all night.

  3. If those prices are correct, I guess that is one restaurant I will not be frequenting. I am glad that some people in GF must be making some good money, but part of me wonders where they are making that good money. There are only so many doctors and professors, where are the rest of these high paying jobs?

    Beets and Taters

  4. Slappy, you just don't get it do you. We don't want to hear about your classless dirty program anymore from Don Lucifer down to the one move wonder. Your team has a total disrespect for rules, regulations and fair play. Its anything goes as long as you don't get caught and sweep it under the carpet if you do. Since you don't believe you are finding fair play here why not do us all a favor and move to another teams site. Try out the UNH site and find out how an honorable coach correctly deals with a player behaviour problem.


    Amen brother, amen.

  5. Sic- Maybe so, but I'll tell you what:

    When I think of country music, I think of outragous and outlandish wardrobes, 50 pound belt buckles, NASCAR, and livestock doing various different things (from farm behaviors to rodeos and so on).

    "I like it, I love it" by Tim McGraw is a song I NEVER want to hear again. EVER. The NFL played the song to death and then, as it laid dead, kicked it repeatedly. It would be something if the song didn't suck in the first place.

    No country music even if there is a lot more rock influence than there used to be.

    And when people think of 80's rock music, its long hair, Aquanet and neon spandex. Whats your point? :p

    I'd rather have a 50 lb belt buckle thanks...

    Seriously, I hardly think Sic is promoting the use of Dolly Parton or Charlie Pride and the like...THAT would be a yawn fest. The up-beat country style he mentioned gets played at bars and such and it gets people to the floor.

    My biggest beef with the music is not so much selection as it is timing as mentioned before...most of the good stuff doesnt happen til the chorus or later in the tune.

  6. Hak was not impressed with the passing and overall intensity of the players. Felt they tried to make too many long passes and didn't have very good puck control because of it. He didn't think they came out to play at the drop of the puck. Inconsistency was the problem according to Taylor Chorney.

    It was just a bizarre game overall. I'm not too upset with the outcome because I did think they played well, despite the bad luck, but I expect that they'll come out to play tomorrow night for the split.

    Go Sioux!

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