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Posts posted by SiouxPride0303

  1. Al Pearson gave us a tour in August (special request...thanks Sioux-cia once again...the CanadiEns are still talking about it) and we saw the locker rooms, weight rooms, players lounge and basically everthing below the rink. We were also in the organ bar and Ralphs suite. He briefly showed us the Betty as well. It was a great tour.

  2. What was that, SiouxPride0303? I kind of drifted off after the first seven words of your paragraph...

    The interlocking ND logo is noted around the country as Notre Dame. Only in North Dakota is it associated with UND. Similarly, everyone in Minnesota refers to the U of Minnesota as the "M" or the "U of M." I get a kick out of that, too, because everywhere else in the country, whenever anyone hears "U of M," they're thinking the one and only Michigan.

    Cue "Hail to the Victors," DaveK. Sing it with me!

    Haha, lack of funds forced me to be creative with what I have at home....I have pictures...maybe I'll put one up in my profile. I'm not a "hot" puck bunny though (well I think I'm hot but I'm no match for the real puck bunnies)...which is why it was very funny. I really wish I would have had a short skirt, but I did have the 4 inch heels I've seen those girls wear. I even made a sign to go along with my costume. But the blonde wig...hahaaa....

  3. Its one thing to be vocal and have an opinion and stand for it. I respect him for that, just as I respect other members that have posted their opinions on here regarding this issue. I completely disrespect his approach, especially in the manner that he displayed it here on SS.com. undsportsfan, I respectfully suggest that you read some of the archives regarding grahamkracker before you jump on the other posters here. And the illegal act he did here on SS.com is completely assinine and uncalled for and his departure from UND is NOT newsworthy. Good old GF media. ;)

  4. I had a green Sioux pullover on a flight this fall with the interlocking ND on the sleeves and the guy sitting next to me asked if Notre Dame was going to win on Saturday.......

    I was a Puck Bunny for Halloween and most people thought it was Notre Dame jersey, just because they saw the ND on my sleeves. The bigger idiots thought it was a Blackhawks jersey even though Sioux is plain as day. Though I did get a few "Fiiiighting Siouuuuuuuux" yells when I was riding the El train...

    I always clarify..."North Dakota, not Notre Dame"....

  5. Wow! That is really cool! I havent met YaneA (who looks like a great Sioux fan in photos posted on here) but I did meet Sioux-Cia in August when she helped set up a Ralph tour for me and my CanadiEn's. Wonderful woman and I know one of her sons from high school days which is a coincidence as well :glare:. I know a few others posters on here too and I hope to meet more Sioux fans in the future.

  6. It's funny, I went to college in Grand Forks but I hated the town itself. I would pick pretty much anywhere over Grand Forks for the best town in ND.

    I hated Grand Forks and lived there for 11 years. Hated every thing about it, except my 4 years at the U. I would argue that it is more ridiculous than Fargo when it comes to snooty attitudes.

    This thread makes me happy to be "coming home" tomorrow, even though i'm not coming home for happy reasons.

  7. Minot ND....its beautiful there at night with the city lights twinkling on the hills. Best sledding hills in the state too.

    Medina ND...my great-grandmother, all 86 years, lives there and is a wonderful peaceful area. The family farm is still there and my great-uncle farms it. Yeah there is NOTHING in between Bismarck and Jamestown and Medina only has about 350 people ...but I appreciate the beauty of a wheat field and wide open spaces and having many many great memories with my great-grandmother.

  8. Just did a Google search; heads up Mike'

    October is also

    German American Month

    Italian American Month

    Polish American Month.

    So, Mike, your house, saurkraut and sausages, spaghetti and meatballs, golabki and kielbasa??

    Hey, at least it was October. :silly: November is the nationally recognized Native American Heritage and Awareness Month.

  9. Wow....I'm surprised. Content with the verdict but still surprised.

    I cant take pleasure in a man's death no matter how terrible his life and this doesnt change things for Dru and her family...

    But justice has been served. Today proved our system does work and that the death penalty is warranted.

    Your spirit has been hanging around this courtroom too long Dru...go in Peace.

  10. When I ride the commuter train around here, I always manage to have the same train guys in my car. One of the trainmen and I started chatting yesterday and he asked if I was a "cheesehead." I said no, I'm from North Dakota and he started talking about the Sioux and the nickname stuff. He talked about how his old high school was named the Redmen but had to be changed to Red Hawks because of the controversy. And he explained it to be because they had bright shiny red jackets and the crowd started chanting Red Men over and over so it just stuck. We also talked about the Illini. It was interesting.

    Long story short, he knew about the Sioux even though he didnt seem to have any ties to the U. Oh and he doesnt like Wisco or their student section...which is never a bad thing. :D

  11. I will be at LOTS of Blackhawks games because I can get a ticket for 8 bucks...hooraay for student discounts. I usually wear my Sioux hat and/or my Sudbury Wolves jersey (OHL) which was a gift from my CanadiEn boyfriend (Sudbury Ontario is his hometown). I get funky looks for that jersey but I love it.

    And Sioux-Cia, I luurrrvve :hypocrite: the "Georgios" (the suits walking around) in the Loop. Most of them are 15-25 years older than me, but I dont care...

  12. And I remember a Bison mom with her toddler child charging the band and splitting us straight down the middle. She held her son under her arm like a football and just ran right through with the child screaming his head off..I couldnt believe it. Worst smell/feeling ever...cheap Bison fan beer and pregame sweat mixed with polyester. Some jerkoff tried taking my instrument, but I gave him the evil eye. Dont mess with me man!! :hypocrite::p

  13. I've been in Chicago since last August working on my Masters degree. As far as I know, I am the only person from NoDak to be currently attending the school and when people (new profs, bartenders, bouncers, waiters, train people) find out I'm a born and raised NoDak, I get a whole slew of comments. Geez thats so far away, man what do you people do there, are you from FARGO?, is there a lot of drugs there because that must be the only thing for people to do so they dont go crazy......Sigh..it gets old..and while I dont hate Chicago as much as I did last year, I really cant wait to get away from here. So for a long time I felt completely out of my element as I didnt know a soul in this area and basically had to start from scratch in many ways. I know, I know, a lot of people from NoDak live here and not everybody is ignorant, but there are 9 million people in the metro...anyways....

    Anyhow, long ramble to get what happened today. It was raining today so I threw on my Sioux hat and fleece before leaving for the City. I was walking in the Loop to get lunch and there was a line of business men with umbrellas walking down the street. I noticed them because they were so unusual looking in the manner that they were lined up and they were pretty good looking men as well. :hypocrite: Well one of them noticed ME and he was really looking at my hat..he stopped in his tracks to take a look. I thought it was a bit weird at first (anything is weird in this town) and kept going but he stopped me and asked if I was from North Dakota.

    So yes, I was ecstatic that people arent totally ridiculous here and we started talking for about 2 minutes about the Sioux and UND. Come to find out, he played football for UND in the 70's (74-79 I believe) and he is originally from Wahpeton. He was about 50 years old I suppose if my math is correct. But unfortunately I never got his name before he high fived me and shouted Go Sioux! At any rate, I was excited because City people ignore each other around here and it was completely random chance this guy and I met up.

    I really am proud to be a UND alum and Sioux fan community when I get the chance to meet fellow alumni and have that common bond even though 25 years seperated he and I.

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