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Posts posted by SiouxPride0303

  1. The students don't know the songs, especially "Fight on Sioux"... we need to figure out how to get the words on the screen... but I have heard that it has been shot down in the past...

    There is a link on UND's website with all of the Fight Songs, their lyrics and musical samples courtesy of the Varsity Bards. Tell a friend...


    Fight on Sioux was always my favorite. By the time the teams came on, it felt like my lungs would burst.

    Maybe its worth tackling the REA screen again. If at first you don't succeed, right?

    Glad to hear the students were trying and being appropriate. And it will take awhile to get everybody in it but that doesn't mean they should give up.

  2. Actually, your argument does not work. If you are a student, and working, chances are you are not making much money and hence not paying much money in state tax. However, many of the season ticket holders have steady salaries and many are even business owners. This means that they are paying considerably more in state tax than the students are.

    On a side note, many of the students that I have come in contact with pay for part of their college with loans, loans that are subsidized by the Federal taxpayer (which includes season ticket holders).

    Students are needed at games. If they would only stand during a goal or a big hit (and not the whole game) there would be no problem.

    I was agreeing that the argument that students pay more does not work, no matter how you spin it.

    And Goon, I agree. It is a very strong sense of entitlement for anything. Its unfortunate.

  3. I have also attended many classes here at UND the last few years, and it seems no matter what level of class I am in (short of some 400 level classes) there are always immature students who complain about everything. Whether it's taking notes, doing homework, or just coming to class, they constantly complain as if they are being asked to do something unreasonable.

    When you are in college, you should realize before hand that you will be needing to attend class and have to do homework for your classes.

    As for immature classroom behavior, I don't think it matters what level class you are in, there will always be people fooling around in class, not paying attention, talking to friends, and whatever else they can do to not pay attention, including playing games on their laptops.

    I sometimes think everybody should get thrown into "the real world" before coming to college so they mature a bit.

    Believe it or not, it still occurs at the graduate level as well.

  4. In order to make these comparisons, you have to tell us how a logo is keeping you from getting a job, preventing achievement, etc. Last I checked, I didn't think that native american's are being locked up anywhere.

    Yes...I would like enlightenment on this specific question as well.

    I'm certain it won't be answered though.

  5. North Dakota Pride...I have some problems with a statement that several non-students have made here on this board. You say that North Dakota taxpayers keep UND in business and not the students. Well in the last legislative session, $309,158,467 was earmarked towards our university. That may seem like a lot, but if it was spread out over 2/3 of North Dakota's population, it comes out to exactly $772.90 per tax payer (assuming only 2/3 of ND's citizens pay taxes). That is a whole lot less than the $20,000 a UND student pays for two years of tuition (ND is on a biennial budget cycle). I agree that students should not have a total free reign on what goes on at games, but I believe that students should have the biggest say in these matters. Alumni might give a lot to the University now, but who is going to be giving large sums of money in the future. The answer to that is current and future students.

    I do agree with you on the immaturity of students. I would hope that my fellow students would choose to conduct themselves with some class like most do in class and other public settings. However, I feel that students should be allowed to stand, and I find it very unfortunate that the non-students contribute so little to the atmosphere at the Ralph. Maybe if we moved back to a less comfortable venue (the old REA) people would remember that they were at a sporting event and not at some formal event.

    And tax-paying North Dakota residents that are also students pay not only tuition but the taxes AND the student ticket...so whats your point? That I should have gotten even more special treatment because I qualified as a tax-paying, school attending North Dakota citizen? :huh:

    The argument doesn't work.

  6. Looking a little more closely at that list I say we go for an "All cowbell, all the time!" weekend of tunes, or more, at REA:

    ACDC - Thunderstruck

    ACDC - Hell's Bells

    Aerosmith - Walk This Way

    B'52s - Love Shack

    Barry White - Can't Get enough of your love, Babe <--- In case of a "Prpich/Peluso" event

    Blues Brothers Band - Gimme' Some Lovin' <--- In case of a "Prpich/Peluso" event

    Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine

    Charlie Daniels Band - Devil Went Down To Georgia <-- if nothin' else for Brad Miller

    Cinderella - Shake Me <--- In case of a "Prpich/Peluso" event

    Commodores - Brickhouse <-- what else would you play in REA?

    Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl <--- for everybody's Wisconsin Badger buddy

    Joe Cocker - Leave Your Hat On <--- In case of a "Prpich/Peluso" event

    Kingsmen - Louie Louie <-- classic for the old folks, like PCM. ;)

    Lipps, Inc. - Funky Town <-- the cowbell disco funk classic! "Won't you take me to ... "

    Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps <--- by request from Bochenski to Ballard ;)

    Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood

    Nazareth - Hair of the Dog <--- 70s metal cowbell classic!

    Twisted Sister - We're Not Going to Take It <--- 80s metal cowbell classic!

    Van Halen - Dance the Night Away <--- In case of a "Prpich/Peluso" event

    WAR - Low Rider

    Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music <--- for the band :)

  7. ... protesting the University of Idaho and it's "Vandals" moniker.

    Van-dal (noun):

    2. A member of a Germanic people that overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. and sacked Rome in 455.

    (Definition from http://www.answers.com/topic/vandal )

    You're a mascot and should be offended. Here's a history of your people.

    You'll be able to protest locally in Fargo as NDSU plays Idaho in hoop this season.

    I'm booking the first flight home. What's this lying around sh**!!?? ;)

    Come to think of it, I'm going to start protesting the recording industry for the song "Bohemian Rhapsody." After all, Queen had no right use my family's heritage to promote his music. And that Mike Myers and Dana Carvey...I'm going after them too. How dare they? I ask you...how dare they head bang in unison?

    Galileo, figaro, magnifico...how insulting...what gibberish...what an outrage..what a scandal. I'm writing a strongly worded letter to my congressman. With big words...and...and...big words...


  8. The whole debate is so tiring. I've been reading on here for months about the same stuff.

    The logic that people should be held accountable and continually berated for their ancestors actions is ridiculous. As a German I should be responsible for all the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and others that the German population ostracized and executed 60 years ago?? As a gypsy I should be up in arms over how my people were treated 60 years ago by the Germans??

    I have other things to direct my passion and attention toward...educating my future children about hate and racism and acceptance of all people. The past is in the past for a reason...learn from it so its not repeated but dont use it as a crutch and move forward.

  9. To that one dude that is making ridiculous comments about the band and its members sexual preferences (which are assinine and out of line by the way)....

    I've lurked on here long before I became a member to know that "flame the band is not a new thing but also there are many supporters on SS.com for the band. Woo hoo for you guys!

    If I remember correctly, I believe the REA radioed to the band in the middle of a game and asked the director to tell the cowbell player to play when then the Blue Oyster Cult song was played and the cameras would zoom in on him during the song. The REA asked the cowbell dude to do it once to parody the SNL skit we all know and love and it caught on as a crowd pleaser after that. As BGAnt said, you are in the minority when it comes to criticism of this guy.

    As for the band going to Madison and taking ideas from them...then you would be complaining that they are copying their band and they are not original enough...cant have it both ways.

    Disclaimer: I'm speaking on my past experiences with the band and am not a current member of the band. I don't speak claiming to know how things are run now (I am only a year removed however). But in general, unless you've been in a band of any kind at any point or talked to their members, it may be hard for you to really understand how difficult it is to rotate music for the few seconds we have between whistles, the communication that is necessary and at times difficult with the REA to coordinate canned music with band music and how much those kids work their tails off to please ALL the fans. From a proud alum, Thanks to all that appreciate the band.

    Not everybody is gonna like us, but at least we like ourselves. :silly:

    Enough about the band. I really hope the students take the opportunity to at least listen to what the REA and other officials have to say instead of acting like 2 year olds who can't share. Hold on to the lower bowl seats like you really want them instead of dangling them like carrots, daring the REA to take them away and put you up top. Be a catalyst for positive changes. Throw around new cheer suggestions to each other, learn the school songs, make clever signs. Work together instead of picking sides. Take some of Engelbunny's and Sioux-Cia's and Taz and PCM's and other SS.com member's ideas and start to work it in. If you're afraid of what your other peers will think when you're not swearing and they are, be proud for having your own opinion and conviction and not following the sheep. Pretty soon, they'll be the only a$$ trying to start the F-bomb cheer. You're members of the adult community now, act like it.

  10. The people in the suites dont pay that businesses sponser them, and we are students so we deserve the reduced tickets as we are NOT guaranteed to get them as the season tickets holders are, its a lottery. If they are real fans they would stand up while drinking their free beer and food and cheer, instead of hassling us all the time.

    Having been a guest of my employer's suite at numerous Ralph events (not just hockey), I can assure you that the items in that suite are NOT free. The food, beer, wine and soda is ordered from the Ralph at an additional charge to the suite holders. That fridge was stocked top to bottom, front to back with beer and soda and I was blown away by the costs for the nights entertainment. And yes, my business did do "business" at the games but not in the manner that most folks think. It was a Thank you to the customers by giving tickets to them and their families. I don't recall any discussions about portfolios and numbers while I was there. But as one guest in the suite, I could have given a rat's behind about what the SR. VP was doing with his guests. I got myself a drink, had a bit of food, thanked my boss for the ticket, presented myself and my employer appropriately (its called social graces..something some people dont have) and went about my business as a fan. I was wearing my colors and cheering and sitting in front and making more noise than some folks but I was still invited back. They loved my enthusiasm. At times I got a few of my other co-workers in the act. Dont lump everybody in the suites as the same.

    I hope your sense of entitlement wears off. It will cripple you when you graduate from UND and get out into the real world. ???

  11. I like Taz's ideas.

    Maybe people should get some ideas together and get them published in the DS (oh the horror)...lots of students read that thing and will at least be exposed to new ideas. Maybe the Herald (oh the horror) can get in on the act so the entire public is aware.

    Students should take advantage of having the band closer to them as well...we always wanted to be closer and be a part of the students and not pushed away or in a different class just because we were in the band. I really wish I had the chance to be in the lower bowl but alas..I had to get old :D

  12. typical sioux fan, blame the refs. they accounted for 5 goals obviously. grow up.

    Go back and read the thread tool...there were not many complaints about the refs tonight...it was all about our team which came out and did nothing for themselves and everything for the Gophers...Enjoy your win over on GPL and leave us alone... :D

  13. Thank God that period is over......sigh...The shots on goal are pathetic, absolutely pathetic. 42-12 for two periods!!!! Phillipe is the only one playing out there. Penalties are killing us boys, stay outta the damn box!!!!

    I really hate the Gophers...and that stupid MINNESOTA song is gettin on my nerves...

    Light em up Hak, they're embarrassing you and themselves out there.

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