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Everything posted by FIRE HELMET GUY #26

  1. I still say they should have kept Puffy and got rid of Mazocco. Could you imagine Dougy and Doobers doing play by play......never a dull moment there. Who would throw who over the ledge first. I think most people are taking it so hard because of the circumstances he was let go for. It is kind of candy-ass'ish of FSN to do that the way they did. Unless they were not happy with his work and this gave them an out......which very well could be, who knows.
  2. Oh thats right! I was dissapointed he could not at least find a maroon and gold neck brace. Cheap "U"!
  3. Because I don't want to get banned. It does not make much sense to go over to an opposing board to make trouble....because it's obvious what is going to happen. I like to get into the occasional argument over here but nothing too over the top.....I haven't even made "Skippy" status over here yet. I'm kind of proud of that. Is it Friday yet!?!?
  4. Yeah, that didn't take long. Jup drops the hammer pretty quick nowdays. The funny thing is more Gopher fans have gotten the permanent boot then other fans. See ya next week I guess. I really think you were stretching with your Lucia whining argument though. For the record there were not supposed to be any WCHA games scheduled during the WJ's, I think that was his one argument, even though I never did hear him actually complain about it.
  5. How does the last part of this sentence go? How much did YOU pay for your education?
  6. Yeah, the student section needs a lot of work. It makes me mad that they only show up mid-way through the first. And the people that leave early....dont' get me started......steam starts coming out of my ears when I see that crap. The spelling cheer being made fun of by every other school......thats probably half the fun of it.
  7. EPIC! My favorite word! No offense taken, just did not want to get in troube for something Didn't say. I get in trouble for stuff I say on my own enough the way it is!
  8. Careful, you are going to be treading on "Skippy" status with a comment like that.
  9. If standing 4 deep jumping to try to see the action is good viewing, then heck yes!!!
  10. Who makes you laugh, me or the guy who wrote the majority of that thread, because you clumped them all together?
  11. Geez, a person gets ripped on for talking nice about another teams arena? It MUST be Sioux-Gopher week!
  12. Good point. The Ralph has GOT to be a great recruiting tool. If I was a recruit and rolled up to that place.......I would probably sign the dotted line before even stepping inside. I think the outside of the arena is nicer then the inside damn near.
  13. Cool, thanks. May have to check it out next season when we make the trek up there for the series.
  14. Geez, who pissed in your wheaties this morning? Yeah, I know I can't compare to a man like Ray Borque, and I never said the arena wasn't nice. I would probably agree with what he said even. Don't get so bent out of shape, like I said in my original post, I wasn't trying to stir the pot I was just asking a question.
  15. I have heard that they give tours of the Ralph, is that true or not? Or do you have to know someone there that can get you in? I have heard that the facilities there are very nice.
  16. The only one I have seen on there is the before and after pic. The one with the Ralph on the left side and then the explosion of the Ralph on the right....is that the one you are talking about?
  17. That is true. I remember the first time going up there and waiting to see it and all of the sudden BOOM, there it is. Almost overpowers the city to see a facility like that there, nothing against Grand Forks but it just seems kind of out of place.
  18. Deal with what? It was a simple question, and I guess I got my answers. No reason to get rude. Thanks for the input folks.
  19. No, my post was dead honest. Like I said, nothing against the arena at all, it is a BEAUTIFUL facility but it is more of a pro arena atmostphere then college. Thats why I was asking for an opinion because like I said when I have been up there and have had chats with a few Sioux fans they said the same thing, not all but some. It was just a question though, I'm not trying to stir the pot.
  20. I know I'm gonna be called a "Skippy" for this but when did this become about arena envy? ABSOLUTELY nothing against the Ralph but I would take Mariucci over the Ralph! The Ralph is a top-notch arena, no denying that, but it just does not seem like a college arena to me......way too fancy. Too me is loses college cred when it's an upper deck arena (just one dopes opinion though ). Serious question here, because I have been up there and have casually asked some Sioux fans and they have agreed, do any of you folks think the Ralph is a little over the top as a college arena?
  21. Isn't that what this weekend is all about!
  22. Well you guys are obsessed about complaining about the refs, you can't really deny that. And yes it's a Sioux board and you can talk about what you want but come on!
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