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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Whoa big hit by Matt. Good to see.
  2. FIX! FIX! That's the only way The Oshie could lose!
  3. Damn, bald or not that Messier is one good looking hockey player!!
  4. Oooo, looks like the analogy has hit home for you. All to familiar, is it?! ( )
  5. Whew, Oilers got lucky with the whistle ending the period!!
  6. Holy Friggin' Cross!!! The speed, the passing, the goalies!!!!
  7. Here's a nice article about Joey who is the Locker Room Attendant. (Had it wrong the first time.) http://www.cp.org/premium/ONLINE/member/Sp...8/s012825A.html Found the following on another forum http://chat.mapleleafs.com/forums/lofivers...php/t24902.html
  8. Ok, I'll wait to put you on the list until you know. Remember it's not until Thanksgiving weekend. You can save 10 bucks a week and that should get you in. So, no take out once a week, no extra beer, or no new shoes that you are in desperate need of... Prioritize, man, prioritize!!!
  9. Nope, you're wrong. You may 'get over it' but for the rest of us this historical lose will always make us smile. I only have to look at my Holy Cross jerseys to get happy all over. Much as Gopher fans and others may trivialize it, what happened on March 24, 2006 at the Ralph Engelstad Arena was "one for the history books". No we're not going to get over it. You can ignore it but we certainly are not.
  10. You just can't get past that brick wall can you? As Flatland has stated, Dr. Kupchella is not the cause of this situation. He is protecting us from the opinions of Myles and like minded University Presidents. The NCAA has yet to present any facts/evidence that the use of the Sioux name and logo is hostile and abusive to Native Americans. No actions of hostility or abuse, some Native Americans just don't like it. I don't like what your saying in this forum so you be banned from it, you should be banned from using any internet service, you should be banned from using any computer. That way I won't run across and be offended by what you think. You could still get your information from television, newspaper, and/or radio. You could write letters to the editor by hand or typewriter stating your opinion in that media form. I will be protected from your opinion. I'm only one person but I am one person who you are offending.
  11. We cool. You're entitled to your opposing opinions; just be prepared for an immediate response from a strong, quick Sioux defense.
  12. Thank goodness your not on the "We Decide What Is Important" UND Board!! Are you really so naive' that you believe that the path the University takes regarding the name issue is President Kupchella's decision? He's not alone in this. Also, I wouldn't worry about 'the other stuff going on'; nothing is being neglected. You obviously do not believe that this is an important issue. Thank goodness there are enough fans and alumni that recognize it for what it is and are going to support and fund any legal action the University takes to right this wrong. Thanks anyway, I want to keep my hair!
  13. That banging you hear is my head against my laptop screen! Since you can't win with facts, your intent is clearly to drive me mad!! *Sylvia, is that you Sylvia?*
  14. Not agreeing with you, pointing out the flaws in your dissenting view point is necessary when someone is as clueless as you about the issue at hand. You keep bringing up 'some of the people' who disagree with UND's use of the Sioux name and logo and I point out more persons than don't want UND to keep the name and logo. You've insulted Dr. Kupchella, you insult people such as myself who don't agree with you and you've been insulted. All seems pretty democratic to me. Keep posting ridiculous statements, keep showing your lack of knowledge and I'll keep pointing it out.
  15. I sincerely hope the NC$$ ties the name, logo and the move to DI together, it will guarantee a sure win in our lawsuit against the NC$$. But I don't think they're that stupid. Maybe they'll prove me wrong. Here's hoping! As stated previously, more people than not do not believe our name and logo is 'hostile, abusive or classless'. Your point is valid only if the minority rules and the last time I checked, the majority rules in this country.
  16. 1. College grad, huh? 2. UND does not have a half naked white, black, brown, yellow or red guy with war paint on chanting and drumming at the games. (UND grad? Must have taken only correspondence classes if you don't know UND has no mascot, fans do not do tomahawk chops, use Indian drums, or chant Indian anything.) FSU has a white guy dressed in Plains Indian costume (he's not half naked), dancing, riding horseback, and throwing a flaming Indian war spear onto their football field. But don't go on a rampage about that... the NC$$ has said that's ok. 3. It's 'buffoon'. I bolded the correct spelling for you in my last post. 4. You still haven't checked the facts, have you? President Kupchella has been very respectful to the NC$$ in all his correspondence to them. This last letter is in response to their disrespectful actions to our appeals and request for evidence that the University is 'hostile or abusive' in it's use of the Sioux name and logo. Oh, and I was born and raised in Chicago. I moved to North Dakot and have stayed here by choice not necessity. I have traveled in three continents and plan on visiting a fourth in a few months. So keep you condescending rhetoric for the mirror. 5. The DI issue is not tied to the name and logo. If you want to discuss that go to the appropriate thread.
  17. You don't know where it is? When you find it put it somewhere safe.
  18. We're talking about an institiution whose mission is to protect student athletes from harm. It's mission is not to dictate social norms to it's members. Check the NC$$'s mission statement and bylaws, if you find they do, I will post a sign on my lawn asking the University to change it's name and logo. WE DO NOT HAVE A MASCOT! More people are on record in support of the use of the name and logo than those that do not. Since when/where does the minority rule? Orygun? Fighting against the label given our University as being 'hostile or abusive' may be trivial to you, it's not for the majority. If you bothered to read more than Sylvia Plath poems, you would know that the 'rest of the country' is watching our refusal to bend over for the NC$$ and are cheering us on. Your lack of knowledge, 'bend over and take me' attitude, is embarassing to the rest of us UND grads. I'm seriously doubting you are a UND grad. Calling you a 'hick' would definitely be a compliment.
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