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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. *I'm just getting to slow in my posts. * The more I learn about our Philippe the more I understand how the black eye incident may have come about!
  2. I think we scared her away.
  3. This is SiouxSports.com, since when were we suppose to be 'appropriate'!? *please refer to previous post*
  4. DAMN!!!!! I've never seen a magnum before!!!!!
  5. Hey now!!!!! I'm not a dork!!! But I do want to know what happened.
  6. OOPS, I'm too slow my last post was suppose to be after RW77's.
  7. Okey, dokey, NOW, can we talk about why AZSIOUX's magnum box is still full!?!
  8. Are these your empties? or your new stock?
  9. If the pipes were 1/2 inch smaller, the net 1/2 inch higher and 1/2 inch wider we would have won this game and all the others we lost.
  10. I guess it was the refs that pissed him off. I'm only watching on a lap top, so I did not see what could have pissed him off about the refing. Any insight?
  11. No. But it couldn't have been the ref'ing that pissed him off. They reminded me of the refs of old...... I guess I'm an old fart too if I can remember back to the old days when the refs let the boys play hockey.
  12. I totally agree. We blew it. But.... Aw $hit, I guess I just want to look at a glass as half full....... If only TJ could get them in, it would have been a 6-2 win.
  13. Bull $hit!! One point is a hell of a lot better than a big fat ZERO!!!!!!!!! Better to win, hell yeah. But we did not lose. MNtc did lose.
  14. WHOA, did you see Robbie hank that guy off!!!
  15. Oh, man, one of those has got to go in!!!!!!!!
  16. save by Lawson, save by Lawson, arrrrgh
  17. No goal.........., Gonna fill on fast on some beer and go again during overtime!!!!!!!!!
  18. Last Saturday, when I went to pee, Finley put in the winning goal. Excuse me..................
  19. I like these refs. They're letting the boys play hockey!!
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