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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Major F..K UP. Took a while to fix. Now it's ok.
  2. I would have paid money to see those visuals!!!! Anyone have the Porter interview on tape?!? Hey, I'm not kidding. Anyone?
  3. Yeah, GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Damn, your hockey sounds like the WWF
  5. I predict a fight after the win.......
  6. Porter was just not going to move that stick!!! That AA player sure had a lot of self control!!
  7. Corrin and VandeVelde almost go at it
  8. Two minutes in the 3rd 4-0 Sioux
  9. Damn, now it's just getting stupid!
  10. Holy crap, did that guy just go up to Zajac with a baseball swing to the head!?!
  11. He's new to WCHA but I think he was refing in another league
  12. Damn, another penalty on Sioux
  13. 10 min left in the 3rd, 4-0 Sioux
  14. AW man, TJ just couldn't get it in!!!
  15. Nah, he was proud. I think he was giving Kaip pointers early on.
  16. Holy $hit, I hope not! We have a lot of hockey yet to play!!
  17. Fighting isn't always a good thing but you can't let guys keep on sniping and sniping. The next team you meet will think they can get away with it too.
  18. Did you see what preceded the fight?
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