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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Good job. It continues to baffle me that newpapers don't get the concept of freedom of speech AND don't know that there is not a right to not be offended in the Bill of Rights.
  2. Ripple!!! UGH, one sip and I was back in my buddy Jose' Cuervo's embrace. He doesn't come around as often as he did when I was a sweet young thang but when he does we still manage to have a good time despite my decrepidness.
  3. I heard that the Uptown Bar in downtown GF's is a late night hot spot for UND students and 20 somethings.
  4. You're no pseudo reporter, PCM, you're the real deal. Well, said my friend!!
  5. I was looking for a picture of "Sammy Sioux" (didn't find one) and ran across this article. http://www.courttv.com/archive/trials/wahoo/mascotchart.html
  6. Hmmmm, the voters have surmised she was both a dirty, rotten, stinkin', skulking in the corner Gopher fan but a few have wondered if she also is the girlfriend who is a jersey chaser who isn't gettin' any, huh, jersey...................
  7. OK, I just quit believing you drink as much as you post that you do. Why? Because that's the only option I have on an anonymous sports forum. Up date on the voting for 'Who Was the Narc'. The neglected, jealous girlfriend has about 50% of the votes to date. Almost equally divided are votes for the jersey chaser who wasn't getting any, uh, jersey, the 88 yr old pool shark who's 'hustle' was being interrupted and the dirty, rotten, skulking in a corner Gopher fan (who most voters think was also the neglected girl friend.). Don't forget, vote early and vote often!!!
  8. Who are you going to be cheering for?
  9. I just wish there was more solid checking from this team. It's there in spurts but they need to hit consistently. I'm not talking retaliation checking either. I mean knock the guy on his assets when going for the puck instead of just shoving him to the side. I guess I'm old school Sioux hockey but I think the team would benefit from more physicality. It sure worked in the olden' days.
  10. You have to register here first http://all-access.cstv.com/cstv/player/pla...amp;media=22407 You have to be siged in to Windows Internet explorer, BUT I was able to sign in on to the site but got the message that the game had not been archived yet and to try back later.
  11. http://all-access.cstv.com/cstv/player/pla...amp;media=22407 Here ya go.
  12. I got some 'so,so' pictures of Prp at his game (I'm no Uncle Rico). I'll post the best one's when I figure out how to do it. Or I'll just ask PCM, pretty please, to post them for me.
  13. Didn't he drink it all already??
  14. They're finally healthy enough to 'carry' Duncan. Ryan would be NOTHING if it weren't for T.J. and Jonny............
  15. PCM has speculated in another thread that TJ and Jonny may be skating faster now because they're running from the law. Could Hak be the one who narced on the boys and enlisted Robbie's help? Perhaps this whole incident was just a special training maneuver to get them ready for the up coming playoffs?? Hmmmmm.............
  16. Whatever Hak told the boys last night after the game and today before the game stays with them and they bring home four points next week end. Good night and once again, thanks for the company!
  17. Hmmm, maybe he knows where Hextall is tonight?!?
  18. Speaking of skippies, where's Hextall? :D
  19. How do Ryan's goals compare to the others? I mean are the teams the others scored against 'real' hockey teams or cupcakes? That should count for something. We all know the WCHA is the toughest league in the country so Ryan's goals should be multiplied by 10 at the minimum.
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