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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sioux-cia


    I'm pretty sure we're gonna lose Jonny this year as well. BUT a little part of me thinks, maybe, just maybe, he'll stay another year. If money and old rivalries were a factor in his leaving UND, he would have been gone last year. This is one mature young man who has a lot of respect for UND and his teammates. Maybe he'll stay another year, not likely, but a fan can dream, can't she?!?
  2. After last night's game, I don't think I have enough nitro tabs to get me through an OT!!!
  3. Not yet. But I'm praying real hard that there will be!!
  4. There was a pretty good thunder storm up here in the north desert last night. I swear that everything is 50% greener today than it was yesterday. What a wonderful omen!!!! GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I guess I don't pay that much attention to other fans. The only time I get pissed off is when the seats by me are given to friends or relatives who are there to 1) make out with their blind date, 2) get as drunk as possible, or 3) have me or another person explain the game to them. I don't mind #3 as much as #'s 1 & 2 but, please, not during the game!!
  6. SWEET!! One of the few times, I saw Sparky smile!!
  7. Wearing same clothes, didn't fold them, just threw them on the chair. I'm gonna go for a long drive before the game because I did that yesterday. *Mmm, I did change underwear. I might have to rethink that!!*
  8. That night was still one of the best nights of hockey at the REA (did I say it was THE best hockey game at the REA?) for me and thousands of other Sioux fans. Two great games that night. Two well deserved wins. I still listen to that game mix in my car. I have NEVER worn any jersey other than a Sioux jersey when the FIGHTING SIOUX hockey team is on the ice. I even wore my 2004-2005 NC$$ Frozen Four Prpich jersey to a New Mexico Scorpion (Prpich Fighting Sioux) vs Lubbock Cotton Kings (Bianchi Crusader) game. You have your opinion which I disagree with. I have my opinion which you disagree with. Your choice and my choice are to disagree. I'll keep posting on this thread as long as it's open and so can you..... or not.
  9. NO!!!!!!!!!! Get the tape from someone else!!
  10. Change Michigan to UND and you could be talking about the first half of our season.
  11. I just noticed the crowd noise!!! WOW!! It sounds like the REA!!!! Yep, Sioux fans travel well!
  12. Red certainly didn't give our PP any credit! It was all about the puck. "Somehow the puck just went in, Sauer didn't see it, he was too far back, one went in from behind the net......." Uhm, who does he think was controlling the puck? I have to agree with him regarding the reffing. Everyone should know what the standard is. You can't go changing the 'level' of a penalty on a whim or whatever.
  13. I think we need to take up a collection and get TJ a new armor shirt!!!
  14. That site is Gopher Puck Live.com Bye
  15. Yeah. I wanted to know what it was before Chris broke it. So he's two over and three to go!!!!
  16. I'm fighting to last place myself.
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