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Everything posted by junior24

  1. This years Junior class was down. There were very few juniors on the all EDC and all State. The Sopomore class was very strong though.
  2. Team ND lost 3-2 in OT, nest finish ever by a ND team.
  3. Greciar adn Dittus with four points (2g 2a) each from what hear, and the Krinkysatd player very well.
  4. junior24


    Anyone know how long the waiting list is for the Sioux Club charter?
  5. Not True, i believe it was 1996 when Michigan Tech accomplished that.
  6. Any one have any info on Staffords condition? What happend when hell play?
  7. Good Prediction DD603DD, shows hot knowledgable you are when it comes to high school sports.
  8. If you are who everone thinks, you are a cocky person. You are trying to make it look like you are the mature one really it looks like quite the opposite. maybe your dad is doing this and if it is him im sorry.
  9. I dont kow if anyone has seen this but i thought it was rather ineresting. My Webpage
  10. Rosendahl and Spies are not trying becuase neither have any intentions of playing anywhere next season and there are also conflicting events over tryout and tournament weekends. Leads to your next question, no Rosendahl does not have any plans or intentions of playing juniors anywhere. I think Malml would have a hard time picking Kringstad for his team after seeing his tactics and him flipping out.
  11. No, Eli Rosendahl will not being trying out. I also heard that the Cambells will not be playing. Can you imagine if all these kids tried out? Weisgarber, Galt, Cambells, Mihulka, Larson, Rosendahl, Spies, Dittus, Monson, Jundt, this would be one hell of a team.
  12. All tournament team as i remember. P. Cambell T. Camebll A. Peterson E.Galt P. Weisgarber I think G. Larson S. Deichart M. Mihulka MVP: Mark Mihulka All EDC, All State, All Tournament, Tournament MVP, and not even a Mr. Hockey finalist?? They need to get rid of the automatic bids thing, particularly from the west.
  13. One hell of game that was. Props to both teams and congrats to south and a championship. Hard fought games both ways, coulda gone either way like alll there games this year. Ending the year 2-2 against eachother with a total score of 9-9, cant get a better match up then this. Look forward to next year, i expect to see that same two teams fighting for the championship again.
  14. Go to the community board and look under the 2005-2006 ND Highschool hockey thread.
  15. After watching all of the games yesterday i have no idea how jundt won that award. He was a mediocre player at best. He would be a number 3or4 defensemen on most eastern teams. You put someone like Galbreath, Ladoucer, Swanason and they will put up at least double his numbers. People say he is so good defensively but a player that good playing in the west should put up more than sixteen points. Bottomline is this new thing with auto-bids is ridicuous. Mihulka, is 10x the player he is. Thomas Cambell, Andy Peterson, Larson, you name it are all much better than him and he doesnt deserve to be a fianlist for this.
  16. Refer to post #138 on this thread.
  17. Arent the Mr. Hockey Finalists always announced by this time?
  18. Anyone know when they actually announce the finalists for Mr. Hockey?
  19. Which player is your son?
  20. It was during hand shakes?
  21. Who two handed who?
  22. Agree with all that. Mihulka also has 2 less games than the 3 seniors ahead of him in scoring. He could have easily put 3 points up in two more games agaisnt most teams as he proved this weekend. If there was an MVP awarded he would definately win that. Obviously Weisgarber, Galt, Cambells are important to their team but you take away weisgarber or galt and you still got a top team in the state, RR minus Mihulka would still be good but not the caliber they are with him.
  23. No, It wasnt.
  24. Congrats to Paul on winning the Mr Hockey Runner Up award tonigth! Mihulka is truely an amazing player. No other way to put it. All EDC is as Follows: G-Sean Diechart G-Eli Rosendahl RR D-Eric Galt FS D-Andy Peterson GPR D-Ryan LaDoucer RR D-Jarret Galbreath RR D-Marc Harrie Shanley D- Tyler Swanson WF F-Mark "Ten Bears" Mihulka RR F-Adam Cambell FS F-Grant Larson FS F-Paul Wisegarber FS F-Paul Cambell GPR F-Thomas Cambell GPR F- Alex Simonson GFC
  25. Agree to an extent but id have to say Grafton out played them for the most part so i wouldnt say they didnt want it. Also, anyone have any idea what the hell those North Players were doing before they took the ice as a so called "warm-up" Idk who came up with it but it worked
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