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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. It appears that XXL (56) is the largest size available on Siouxshop, but there may be larger available somewhere else. I'll check around when I'm in GF this weekend.
  2. Are we sure this thread-starter is even a UND fan?
  3. The United Tribal council consists of two members from each tribe, correct? How can those two members from Spirit Lake speak for the entire Spirit Lake Tribe? I would think an official tribal resolution by Spirit Lake would carry more weight. The last tribal resolution by Spirit Lake currently of record does not object to the nickname.
  4. Less piped in music. More band. GREAT move to bring the band down from the nosebleeds. The atmosphere will never reach its potentail until the students are moved to one of the ends and are allowed to let loose. But that horse has been beaten to death already.
  5. Why is UND/REA so afraid of having students line up outside before the big games? I know some people "can't," but such is life. The hard-core students who schedule their life around hockey and are willing to stand outside for a long period of time should be rewarded with the best seats. I've heard that people cutting in line has been an issue, but can't that issue be largely handled by a self-patrolling line and peer pressure? That's how it worked when I was at UND. Are they worried about fights, having to hire security?
  6. And a lot of times "annonymous hate crimes" such as sidewalk chalking, writing on doors, hate mail, etc. are perpetrated by the "victims" themselves for political gain (i.e. convincing everyone that the school is a racist institution), or for mere publicity/sympathy, etc.
  7. I think you will still be able to get tickets through UMD's box office if you act quickly (there's usually a strong Sioux contingent in Duluth). http://www.umdbulldogs.com/ticketing/ And yes, Grandma's is a strong pre-game place to tip a few.
  8. Regardless of the governing structure and whether there was a vote or not, there has been enough "noise" out of Bismarck this week, that I can't envision the NCAA taking UND off the list.
  9. You know, it may not be the appropriate response, but this is a common reaction when you turn democracy on its head and allow the minority to dictate to the majority.
  10. Sicatoka, please join us in the "Grounds for a Lawsuit" thread because I don't think the First Amendment applies here. I'm interested in your perspective.
  11. The NCAA may have tailored its policy around First Amendment concepts, but I still don't think the First Amendment truly applies. I don't think the court would rule that the NCAA is a state actor. I think the NCAA unnecessarily used the words "hostile and abusive" when it could have simply used the word "offensive" while enacting the same policy. It's kind of like Kanye West's idiotic comments the other day. Everyone was quick to shout "First Amendment" and "Freedom of Speech" when defending him, but it had nothing to do with the First Amendment because the government wasn't censoring him in any way. NBC edited the "George Bush doesn't care about black people" comment from airing on the west coast. That's NOT an infringement of the First Amendment because NBC is not the government. If NBC finds it offensive, they can cut it. On the other hand, if the FCC had fined NBC for airing it, then First Amendment concepts probably would have applied. Similary, when the Dixie Chicks made those comments about Bush, the First Amendment did not prevent the public outcry and did not prevent private organizations from refusing to sell their records or refusing to book their concerts. That's similar to how I view the NCAA's decision. If the NCAA finds it offensive (whether they're right or wrong), the First Amendment will not prevent the NCAA from banning it from its tournaments.
  12. I've read the stories about the "discussion" but I've yet to read anything about a 3-2 vote.
  13. I'm not really sure how the First Amendment applies here. I've heard many on our side of the argument make that claim. But to show that the first amendment is applicable, don't you need to somehow show "state action"? The NCAA may be a monopoly, but it will be tough argument to convince the court that they are a state actor. I can think of a couple arguments I guess, but it would be like pushing water uphill. I'm not claiming to be an expert in constitutional law (but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night). Don't get me wrong, I think there are other legal avenues to pursue in court beyond that of the first amendment. Many of them are subtly referenced in UND's appeal and many others have been raised on this board and others.
  14. The Herald's coverage I would argue that's primarily the fault of people like Jeanotte. The only time I hear any resentment towards Indians whatsoever is when they act like GK. This statement is utter nonsense. How can Engelstad being holding North Dakotans hostage when the vast majority of North Dakotans see nothing wrong with the nickname? With comments like that, is it surprising there is resentment and no common ground?
  15. Big surprise. Prone to violence? What a crock of <you know what>. This doesn't even dignify a serious response. That almost sounds like GK verbatim, completely ignoring the fact that the Irish are real people. Would Taken Alive be happier if UND used a caricature of an Indian for its logo instead? That means nothing to me. Jeonotte is probably just a pessimist.
  16. Not sure where to post this. If it's been posted elsewhere, I apologize in advance. Summit of tribes to debate mascots It doesn't state what position the student is going to take.
  17. mksioux


    What do you care? You will be long gone...off as far away from UND as possible, telling everyone who will listen how homogenous and racist UND is. And why are you using the term "we"? As if you care one bit about UND's athletic teams or being a part of the UND community in general. All I've heard from you is how much you hate UND and how racist everyone is. You stuck one finger up at common ground a long time ago.
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