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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. On the Intentional grounding call, Radio guys said Caufiled was in the area. Very questionable call. Oh well....
  2. INterception in the end zone. Likely the ball game.
  3. Some sort of penalty with loss of down. 3rd down and 25. Ball on 40
  4. I think its at about the 23 yard line. 2nd down. 1:57 remaining.
  5. 2:35 remaining. Big passing play to Trenbeath. To SE LA 25 yard line.
  6. SE LA a yard and half shy of 1st down. Se LA going for it on 4th
  7. I basically agree with you, it's just not been the prevailing sentiment around here the past few years. I agree with you on the JUCO thing as well.
  8. Perhaps. But on the other hand, haven't we all been saying for that past few years that the top of DII could compete in FCS? UND is getting handled tonight by a team that was picked to finish second to last in their conference. I think it's possible that this UND team is just not as good as its been the last few years.
  9. It's just two extra days - it shouldn't matter.
  10. UND announcers - there's a definite speed disparity.
  11. Massive confusion amongst officials...eventaully get it right...UND with ball on own 25
  12. Or a classic case of "too little, too late..."
  13. I thought this one would be a lot closer.
  14. As others have said, for pre-game, find a bar with a shuttle to the game. As a 21 year-old who intends to have a few drinks, I think your best bet is to pre-game at one of the downtown East Grand Forks bars like Whiteys. The bus will take you back downtown after the game and you will be in walking distance to all of the college-age bars in downtown Grand Forks. And if you stay downtown at the Guest House (f/k/a Best Western Town House) then you won't have to take any cabs during your drinking/hockey excursion. Cabs are not always the easiest to get in Grand Forks, especially around bar close. As others have said, you must hit the Red Pepper at some point during your stay. You should go to the older one close to downtown. It has more history and better atmosphere than the newer one. GuestHouse Int'l (formerly Best Western Town House) 710 1st Avenue North Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone: (701) 746-5411 FAX: (701) 746-1407
  15. I was just trying to get a USD fan's perspective to see if the disparity between SLU and USD was as great as you seem to claim. I didn't even disagree with your primary assertion. But it doesn't really matter at this point...we'll find out tomorrow.
  16. Sorry, it was Lionsrking that was making excuses on AGS. You SLU guys all look the same.
  17. What if the Executive Committee decides that upon further reflection, not only can offending institutions no longer host NCAA playoff games, they can't participate in NCAA playoff games? Who is going to stop them?
  18. From an immediate standpoint, UND would go back on the NCAA's sh!tlist and be subject to the same sanctions that were under the original policy, which would basically mean UND would never host a playoff game ever again in any sport, and would have to alter their uniforms in all post-season events. However, there is nothing prohibiting the NCAA from strengthening its sanctions in the future and making them more severe. As long as UND is on the NCAA's sh!tlist, UND will be at the mercy of whatever sanctions the NCAA deems fit.
  19. The Bullets/Wizards analogy is the only one you've cited that can be compared with what will happen to UND. The other ones involved the team actually moving to a different city, region, and state. UND, on the other hand, is not going anywhere. I understand your frustration. It will be awfully difficult for me to have the same affection toward UND's sports teams for a while, particularly if they replace one of the best college nicknames in the country with some new-age generic nickname. But to stop supporting UND athletics altogether is a little extreme IMO. It will probably take me a long time to buy anything with the new nickname on it, but I'm sure I'll continue to watch and follow the teams. But it's a personal choice and to each their own.
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