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Everything posted by SDSIOUX

  1. If Blood had an issue with Hansen / Ambroz, why did he go after Rau? Just shake hands and do paybacks during games. Makes Blood look silly.
  2. USA Today's Kevin Allen is reporting that JT MIller has decided to play for Plymouth in the OHL this year.
  3. As mentioned above, EVERY fanbase it's share of a holes. I've seen some pretty bad behavior by some of us Sioux Fans. I just look at it as 2 teams, states, players etc that really hate each other. Both sides have so much passion for their teams, that oil and water NEVER mix. I am surrounded by Gopher Fans. The couple next to me are respectful and we have great conversations. I cheered for UMD on Thursday, and they cheered for UMD on Friday. No hard feelings. But others around us yelled %^% the Gophers on Thursday, and others yelled %^% the Sioux on Friday.
  4. I thought Lucia was clapping at Ref Anderson after the second CFB. That's the way he was looking. I could be wrong.
  5. I watched the game on tape delay. The checking from behind needs to stop..now !!! Hansen had one ( they called a 5 mn boarding) but did not get dq'd. Buress elbowed Lucia to the boards. Schack came in and threw many punches but was called for 2 minutes. Boe CFB Bariball. Schack goes crazy and all heck breaks out. If the refs would have called Schack the 1st time, #2 fight would not have happened. Boe hurt his knee/leg, mostly from the hog pile on the boards. Kind of a football scrum. Funny, Ref Anderson was involved. Typical WCHA officials, call everything in the 1st month, and lose their whistles the rest of the year. BTW, Schack should be gone for the rest of the year.
  6. I normally enjoy Woog and hair hat call a game. They are usually as fair as homers can be. Woog is not afraid to call out the Gophers. I just think that since the Goofs were getting their butts handed to them, they had to somehow keep the Goofs fans watching by being more homerish than normal.
  7. Thanks for that. Makes me proud to be a sioux fan...
  8. As much as I hate to say it, I don't blame the Gophers on this one. This has WCHA $$$$ all over it. They are trying to use them to get a bigger pay day. If there were teams closer to GF, the WCHA would try the same thing. Having read stuff in the Star Tribune, sounds like Minny doesn't want to give up a home game for this ( again the $$$ ). The idea is good, but I think it should be a 2 game, 2 day tourney of some sort. I know Mankato likes the payoff, but it causes a lot of ill will with their fans. They pay for season tix, and why should they give 1 up? Sometimes it's best to leave things they way they are, and not try to copy the Bean Pot.
  9. This whole jersey thing makes me shake my head. If a Sioux fan decides to spend his money on a HC jersey so be it. If a Goofer fan does the same who cares? I spend my jersey money only on the team I love and follow. I wear it with pride to any event, if they are playing or not. I would much rather have a new Sioux jersey than one of another team, but to each their own.
  10. I would like to apolgize for causing alot of anger on this topic. I'm been called newbee, band wagon jumper, and old lady . When I posted, I was angry about the season ending loss. I wish i would have been more eliquite with my words. Although I don't post often, I read this site daily. I just wish the team would have gotten together quietly and reflected on the year that was, and the future. Sorry again...
  11. Here's an idea. After getting your &*&^ handed to you 12 hours before, go home and get some sleep and reflect on the game. Life's a big party for TJ. I think there is a pattern developing here. GROW UP TJ. Life won't get an easier in St Louis.
  12. So will SIOUX FALLS
  13. The UNH v Dame is on DTV # 644 Altitude. This is one of the many reasons I love DTV and the sports package.
  14. Tony Lucia actually said after the game he was happy he scored to cover his OT penalty. He said he took the penalty( cross checking behind the goal) defending Kangas after he thought MSU-M ran him. That was the only time I believe and retaliation was done.
  15. The whole Tyler Hirsch thing is getting old. For whatever reason he snapped. The reason we don't know more is the privacy act that is in play now. A couple of years ago, Universities were told not to talk about the medical condition of players unless the player spoke about it first. When the police are involved, it becomes public record ( Greene, Techs Scott, BaDger players, etc). Here's hoping he gets well, and a great Sioux victory on Thursday.

    Final Five

    Being a Sioux fan I wish we could play it in Grand Forks, but since that will never happen, the Xcel Center is the next best choice. Does it give the Gophers an advantage? Yes. But my feeling is that if you are a good team, you should be able to go into any building and beat any team. It also allows me to drive to St Paul from South Dakota in a few hours, rather than not being able to go to the games if they were in Colorado or Milwaukee. It also puts more money back to the WCHA and fellow schools by having huge crowds. The last time the final 5 was in Milwaukee, the total attendance was 38,707. The champ game only drew 10,166 in which Wisc won the game. ( It holds 17,800 ) Last years final 5 drew 82,000 ( ave of 16,400) Like it or not, the WCHA will follow the money.
  17. Mr hockey is .... Mr Lee. Congrats
  18. UMDDOGZ-- I can appreciate your passion for your team. You are a huge fan, and good for you. BUT, this is a Sioux board, and most of us are as passionate as you are for our team. You should not be surprised when we go after other teams on this board. There is no free pass. We loved Sandy, but he has moved on now, and UMD is our enemy. It seems that you and Running... want UMD and UND to go hand and hand together, sorry it ain't happening. Coach Blais played at UMN and do you think they ever gave him a break? You need to take the good with the bad on this board.
  19. Complete schedule on Mn Wild website...wild.com
  20. Sorry to cause an uproar. I have been a Sioux fan for years, and living in rural SD now it's hard to follow the games. I really enjoy the Sioux fans play by play, it just annoys me that I have to sift through the UMD stuff every weekend thread for my updates. The Western Mich thing was to make a point, but I did not want to keep it going to disrupt the thread. I know I'm a newbie here, I just felt it should have been brought up, as UMD is still the enemy.
  21. Thanks for the update on the WSU game.
  22. Anybody have the Western Mich score?
  23. I thought this thread was about UND vs Fighting Griffins fridays game. It seems that over half of the thread is about UMD vs DU. Although I like to see the other WCHA scores, and UMD thinks of themselves as our little brother, do we really need the play by play of the UMD game in this thread? I read this board daily, and I want to read about the Sioux game, and not the running dialog of other teams fans. So feel free to start your own thread of UMD vs DENVER, so those who want to know about the score can go there. End of rant....
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