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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. Sweeney said no TV. NCAA didn't reply to their bid soon enough. Said they have already bid on next weeks game and plan to air that one. I hope the Sioux win this weekend, otherwise will DAZ broadcast UNO vs. GVSU/USD?
  2. Ya, I'm starting to think WDAZ maybe dropping the ball now. In 2004 they broadcast from Houghton, Michigan which is the toughest place to get to in North America from Grand Forks. If they had a full week to prepare a broadcast from that high-school field in the middle of nowhere, I think they have plenty of time to take a drive down I-29 straight into Omaha. We'll see if Sweeney has anything to say about it on the 6:00 news.
  3. I'm not ready to just yet blame WDAZ for "choosing" not to televise this game. I'm not in the media industry so I don't know what all is involved. I tend to be thinking that the NCAA is screwing with UND. But teamsioux and sultan do have a point. UND & DAZ new with 99% certainty that we would playing in Omaha this weekend, the day that the NW Regional rankings came out. They aren't rookies, they know what is involved, they've been televising road games for decades. If they knew that they had the rights by noon today, and it were at all feasible to get the game on, then they should put it on. Again, I don't know how it all works, but advertising for instance shouldn't be a problem. It is the same five commercials for every FSSN broadcast all season. I don't care if it is a holdiay weekend, and somebody had plans, if one enters the TV industry, they know before hand that they're working hours change with different events. Lots and lots of jobs are that way. If they're not doing it because the crew wants to eat turkey at cousin Bob's this weekend, then that is inexcusable. But again, I prefer to blame the NCAA for this too.
  4. According to the athletic dept., they are still looking into all TV options for this game. Also, WDAZ put in a bid to televise both this weekend's game, and next weekend (should there be one) whether it is home or away.
  5. Just got an e-mail from WDAZ echoing what "Stack" said. This is a joke, and something does indeed smell funny. DAZ has an excellent track record for televising post-season road football games. They are not new at this, and I'm sure did everything they normally do this time of year to get these games on TV like they have every year. Remember 2004? We had 3 road games in the playoffs that year, and every one of them were on DAZ. I don't think that this is WDAZ's fault. Perhaps, more jerking-off from the NCAA? Like UND92,96 said, I can't remember the last time a road playoff game wasn't on TV.
  6. If UND can stipulate in their radio contracts that "all home women's hockey games must be aired", I'd think they could stipulate in a televesion contract that " all road post-season football games must be aired". I'd gladly trade regular season home games for playoff road games. Although I guess we won't have to worry about that for at least 5 years or so after we move DI. All the more reason for this weekend's game to be on TV.
  7. Can you think of a better vacation destination than Omaha, Nebraska?
  8. EMAIL WDAZ AND LET THEM KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS!! Pat Sweeney: psweeney@wdaz.com James Degelder: jdegelder@wdaz.com If they should drop the ball on this, which would be very disappointing, any other station can pick up UND events if WDAZ elects not to. Let them know it is important. KVLY Scott Peters: scottp@kvlytv11.com KX4 Rich Lodewyk: richl@kx4.com
  9. I know in the past when UND football made the playoffs I believe it was in 2004, that Sweeney went on the road to do an afternoon playoff game, and John Bernstrom did play-by-play the same night for hockey. I'd assume this part wouldn't be a problem, they'd probably have Degelder do the hockey, or maybe even have Bernstrom fill in (he does home hockey radio now), or perhaps even Tim O'Keefe who often does the high school state hockey tournament. I think it is just a matter of working something out with UNO, perhaps they want it on TV in Nebraska too. In 2004 for the game at Pitt St., it was a joint broadcast between WDAZ and a local Kansas station, with both Sweeney and Pitt St's local guy doing the broadcasting. IIRC I think last years game in Grand Valley also had Sweeney doing play-by-play with a local GVSU guy doing sideline reporting. When it comes to small college football these small affiliates seem to have a pretty good track record of working together, so it might take time to work things out. A couple years ago, I think Michigan Tech, they didn't announce that there would be TV until the Thursday or maybe even Friday before the game.
  10. I'll bet you wouldn't think it was so foolish if NDSU was at 100 and UND were at 300. Then it would be gospel.
  11. Just a few thoughts about our favorite basketball squad after getting to watch them last night rather than just hear them: The team is very very athletic and should be fun to watch once they develop more chemistry and learn the offensive scheme. Emanuel Little is especially fun to watch. Youmens seems to have alot of talent and flashiness too, but made a few dumb passes last night. They didn't move well on offense when they didn't have the ball last night. Lots of standing around. Also alot of flat-footedness on defense. The lack of a true point guard is really evident. Youmens appears to be trying, but tried to do too much at times last night. I would have liked to have seen Bledsoe play more. Someone needs to tell Doyle that the floor does not end at the 3-point arc. He is probably the best candidate to play the point full time if he could keep his appetite for shooting 25 footers in check. The team will be better when Gutter and Dryburg are healthy, right now Koenig is the only true post playing, and I don't think he is 100%. I thought with the injuries that perhaps the freshman Lenhertz would have gotten in some. I think while playing shorthanded, it looks like they might be better off with Boyce playing in the post than Kruse. He seems to be much stronger and more physical that Kruse, and Kruse appears to be the better outside shooter. Northern St. is a very good team, and honestly I thought this game would not be close. I think this team is headed in the right direction, and is already much better than last year's team.
  12. Well that would be pretty lame unless they already had an agreement with CSTV or ESPNU or something but I don't believe that is the case until the semi-finals.
  13. 3 point play for NSU NSU 81 UND 79 2 minutes
  14. They've been getting they're money's worth anyways. Sad to see it thin out so much after the women's game on the home opener.
  15. NSU 74 UND 72 24 seconds left Sioux have the Ball
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