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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. that is exactly how i feel about all of the sports i love. I could care less about the individuals on the team, I still know who they are and their numbers but as far as stats and things like that, couldn't care less. I just love the sport in itself, the individuals make for conversation and things of that nature, but the sport is truly what most of here love. Also, in my earlier post, i had nothing bad to say about zajac, I think he is going to be a rockstar in this league and hope that he sticks it out for all four years, but to compare him to someone like zach who gets mentioned in the same sentences as a sydney crosby, and the like, it's just silly to compare them.
  2. there already is not allowing them to stand and cheer and be rowdy like students are supposed to be. i agree with the cheers not needing swearing, but you are correct, it is going to be one f'd up mess if they start messing with the students seating.
  3. I think, that maybe, he was making a dig towards the lack of atmosphere at the new ralph and the bomb ass atmosphere of old.
  4. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. I too am a huge zajac fan, i hope he sticks out all four years and brings us to the house three more times, but he did not recieve the same kind of attention from other teams that zach did. For one, there was a rule "change" after zach's sophomore year because of the attention he got. You too woulda wore down towards the end of the year trying to skate with someone draped all over you every time you stepped on the ice. I don't mean to be an ass about this, but zach was just as good on the PK and in the defensive zone, and showed off more offensive skills than zajac as a freshman even with a defensman wrapped around his waste trying to tackle him. Give Zajac his just due, but don't slam Parise in doing so.... end rant
  5. I back up my statement 100%, albeit in a positive light.
  6. I would like to thank Jim and his admin for running this board. It is my primary source for a good hockey debate. I also want to thank everyone on here that post with great insight to the hockey team. PCM and Federov for making this site what it is, PCM for the great everything you do, and Federov for all the stupid polls that I check even when it is just for a new vote. I also want to thank everyone else, obviously not as personally, but thanks for all your info and all the research that other people do on here so my fat ass doesn't have too. I appreciate the opportunity to share some of my knowledge with you all too. thanks for the great season of sioux hockey.
  7. i'm one of the four (as of right now) that is on the negative side, only because i am of the mindset that with the recruits we get and the program that we are privelaged to be a part of as fans that we are a national championship caliber team every year. I am by no means crapping on the season that the sioux had, they had an excellent season, by most people accounts, did better than they were supposed to. I don't think that by losing bo and zach that our chances deminished greatly. Obviously losing them hurts, but as a team sport goes, someone else has to step up and take their place in the lineup. I think that zajac and sparky stepped up huge and played better than freshman (as expected). I also think that brady being hurt most of the season and being a non factor is something that happens in sports, you deal with it, and keep on trucking. He was expected to be a huge part of this offense, and when he went down, it was on someone else's shoulders to step up and perhaps change his roll, move up a line, work a little harder to fill in and contribute a little differently than was expected. I think that the way this team is built, year in and year out, that anyone can play any role they are put into. I'm even willing to bet that if Smaby or Greene was asked to be less physical and jump into the play and help offensively, that they would be able to step up and do it. I was hard on Hak in the beginning of the year, not calling for his head, but saying if the first half of the year continued through the end of the year and next year, he would be gone......not for his system, not for what he is trying to get accomplished, but because this team and these players are expected to play with heart, with class, and balls to the walls for 40 games plus and even though it us up to the players to execute, it is on the head coach and HIS staff to motivate them to do so. As much as i hated doing it when i played, the "bag skate" was probably the best thing for this years team and look what happened. They started to play the way they were supposed to, the way Fighting Sioux hockey is played and got themselves to the championship game in the Frozen Four, giving themselves a chance to accomplish their ultimate team goal set at the beginning of their freshman seasons, or perhaps the minute they make their decision to sign the dotted line on the nat'l letter of intent. These kids finished this season the way we all expected and the way the entire program expected these kids to play. I as a fan, and i know they as players are all disappointed in the way the final game ended, but nobody is ashamed or disapointed in this team. They only finished the season the way that they all expect themselves to finish. They all expect to be the best, that is why they come here to play. That is why they play in the first place. I am disappointed that they did not win a national championship, but i am more than pleased that this team gave themselves the opportunity to win it by not cheating themselves and playing the way they expect themselves to play. Congrats to the Fighting Sioux on a hell of a season and here's expecting a chance to play for number 8 come next april. GO SIOUX!!!
  8. show this out east and prove to them that the WCHA is the bomb. We have housed the last 4 best players in the country, and had many other nominees, as in 04 having all three finalist, two from the same team.
  9. peter sejna just won it a couple of years ago, 03 i believe.
  10. Sertich from CC wins hobey baker award. Congrats to him for an outstanding season and proving the depth in the WCHA.story
  11. This might be a little childish of me, but i would love to see the Sioux beat Denver for #8 and after the game handshakes, everyone on the sioux pass by Paukovich without shaking his hand, and then during the skate around with the trophy let him have a whirl around the rink with it and thank him (not for the cheapshit play and injury for Bina) for giving them the little extra incentive to get them over the hump to kick their asses!!
  12. I am thinking that we are going to have to get through mannino on sat and that worries me. he is playing very good hockey the last couple of months and i don't think that the gwoz is stupid enough to not go with his hot goalie. He had 40 some saves today on a very good CC offense. Is anyone else a little worried about cracking him open?? with denvers offensive pop we are going to need Parise to step up big time on the biggest stage he's ever seen. I am certain that this is not going to be a high scoring afair or a battle of brawn vs speed as much as it is going to be about which goalie is going to keep their team in the game and who gets the lucky bounces. Parise vs. Maninno- the two hottest goalies in NCAA Div 1 hockey. Can't wait.
  13. Not to be that guy, but how many trolls do we think there is going to be on here now.
  14. well, I wanna be the one who gets to start the thread that us fans will live through to the National Championship on Saturday night.
  15. SIOUX WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4-2!!!!! CAN'T BELIEVE VIRG WAS RIGHT, BUT WHO CARES, THEY WON!! Hell of a game, got a little hairy there for a little bit after the gophers got those 2 goals, but way to come back and dominate the last 5 minutes and keep the rodents off the board. Congrats go out to the Fighting Sioux hockey team.
  16. 221 left, gophers empty net. put the 5th on the board and ice it boys
  17. finally zajac buries his chance!!!!! 3--0!!! let's keep it up boyz
  18. i think if it had more of the gopher sioux emotion, the power plays wouldn't be 5-5. they woulda been 5-5 in the first ten minutes of the first period
  19. they are both washed up athletes now anyways. plus, eddie won a national championship on the hockey team that is playing.
  20. they like the smell of warm apple pie..... is the homemade or like mcdonalds??
  21. that was a very good period of hockey. the sioux need to keep their heads in the third period here or it could be an ugly 20 minutes. Let's keep up the big physical play and get one here on the power play and shut the door.
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