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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. A good one on one fight is fine.It's the cheap crap like the Bertuzzi incident that obviously does the game no good.
  2. I thought it was a clean hit so why retaliate.Retaliate with a win instead.
  3. sioux rube


    Chay is day to day and we all know what that means.He could be ready friday or he could be ready 2 months from now.
  4. sioux rube


    Wasn't it Finley last year who took so long to comeback because of a concussion?
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing that.
  6. sioux rube


    I talked to a guy who is very close to the team and Chay suffered a concussion and a bruised sternum.Sounds like he is still messed up in the head.This could linger on for some time I'm afraid.
  7. I met one of the guys who runs this site last nite before the game last nite.He really does have some cool stuff and he handed me and my buddy a couple of hooded sweatshirts and tshirts this morning before we left town.He didn't charge us anything for them but just wanted us to get the word out about his site.Really a nice guy who is just trying to get his site to get some more views.
  8. Anything less than 3 points will be unacceptable in my book. The Sioux need to take advantage of their average defense and with all 4 lines capable of scoring I see the Sioux getting their 4 goals or more each nite.That should be plenty for Eids and the Sioux D.If Eids has an off nite then I can see the Huskies escaping with a tie and a point.
  9. A buddy of mine and I will be up there for the game saturday and we may have to check that out.Do they have buses there to take you to the game?
  10. The Plaza Motel in East Grand.60 bucks a nite.
  11. St.Clair is at the World Junior A challenge in Summerside,Prince Edward Island until Nov.8.
  12. From a rooftop in Jamestown,ND.
  13. That was a good clean hit.The kind you are coached to do.BS of a penalty.It was a de-blader.
  14. Hopefully Hak is chewing some ass right now.Night and day from last nite.Fugly hockey in that period.
  15. That and Zajac didn't have his stick.
  16. Totally different game tonite.Somebody needs to get that goose egg off the board and get some momentum going our way.
  17. One player who has been a bit under the radar is Rowney.I like his play except for saturday nite against the goofs where he turned the puck over to many times.He reminds me of a young Porter who works hard and does the small things that go unnoticed at times. SIOUX win this one going away again.
  18. That would be the ultimate of insults but I am sure he would take it.If that happened the rodents would no longer be the little finesse team that they have been over the years.
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