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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. Bad line change by the Blues and Toews made em pay for it. Looking like the Blues are going to fail in the playoffs once again.
  2. The Avs had basically the last 2 minutes of 6 on 4 and managed 1 shot on net. 1. Of course it helped that Granlund blocked 3 shots during that time. The kid is going to be a star in this league.
  3. Granlund is becoming a man right before our eyes.
  4. And Marchand gets the last laugh as the Bruins win in overtime 3-2..
  5. Marchand has missed 2 wide open nets tonight. I mean wide open.
  6. You can add me too. I was 16 in 77' so close enough.
  7. Marchand misses a WIDE open net. Couldn't happen to a better weasel.
  8. Come on Dave. If you can't see him sticking his knee out then obviously you are blind and for the life of me I don't know why players would do this. You are risking damage to your own knee the same as the player you are hitting. Dumb.
  9. Cooke will probably miss a game or 2. Barrie has a torn MCL and is out 4-6 weeks.
  10. Granlund with the goal of the year in overtime to get the Wild back in the series. Wow.
  11. Haha. That only happens when you try to de-nut a guy.
  12. Seabrook's intent was to injure. He knew who he was about to destroy. Not only did he target his head but in the process could care less where the puck was. Suspension worthy of at least 3 games in my book.
  13. And the Hawks are now officially behind the 8 ball as the Blues win 4-3 in ot.
  14. Seabrook should get suspended on the hit to Backes. Ugly. Targeted head. Backes was on rubber legs.
  15. He said broken junk not jaw. And yes 2 handed slashes occur all the time to a stick or hands not ones family jewels. It happened to Spurgeon Thursday night that caused a turnover that caused the winning goal. It was a penalty. Not called in overtime.
  16. I agree. Creating space? That's funny. And since when is a shot to the junk a hockey play. Please.
  17. Hell of an angle and I'm with ya. Go Hawks.
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