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Posts posted by iramurphy

  1. My thoughts are simpler than Belmore vs. Manke or whomever.

    I want a QB who can throw down the field and is willing to do so.  HOWEVER, there's nothing saying Belmore isn't that QB.  So, I modify this to say, I wanta QB with an OCord who is willing and able to throw down the field more than 10 yards.

    I'm tired of short pass, run, screen as the three plays on offense.


    Isn't that the plays sent in from the bench though? The vertical passing game is often there and we are pretty conservative. I would like to see the Sioux take advantage of it but what they do does seem to work.

  2. Well said! You have to believe that the coaching staff has the best interest of the team at heart. That means they feel Belmore is their starter. That certainly doesn't mean they don't appreciate Manke's talent, etc.


    Has nothing to do with who the starter is. Belmore is doing a great job and has had two very good games and there is no question as to who the starter is and should be . Both Dale and Roger have neglected their number two QB's over time and it has hurt them. Rislov left because he got very little PT as a backup. He was good enough to start at SanDiego and thus we lost a quality backup. We aren't going to lose Manke but I think he deserves better. Doesn't mean Dale doesn't have the best interest of the team, just a difference in philosophy. One of the reasons a lot of kids go to UND is that they will get PT as a one or a two. Doesn't happen at QB and I think it is a mistake. Mopping up in the fourth quarter with the 2's and 3's isn't the same as PT with the 1's when it still means something. It drove me nuts when Roger did it and it bothers me now whether it be Manke, Carney or whomever they ahve earned more PT beyond mop up duty.

  3. Would you have been fired if you had directly contacted the NCAA on the nickname issue?

    Just wondering, I think some members of the faculty should be for doing it.


    Hi Mom,

    I would not have been fired. I am part time and get only a stipend for mostly volunteer work but do hold a faculty position and do get a check. ( I donate it to UND athletics). I would not have spoken on behalf of the University.

    I did contact the NCAA web site when they first came out with their ruling. I asked for similar clarification that UND is asking for and also asked why they wouldn't give a grace period before enforcing the new ruling. Budgets for new uniforms etc. are already approved for the year and even if they were going to enforce the ban, another year to comply with the time to budget for change would have been less heavy handed. I got the canned response and when I asked for futher clarification, I got the same canned response.

    I do not agree the other faculty members should be in trouble for stating their position. I have a problem with how they misrepresent the truth. I also have a problem when they introduce the subject in their classes and the kids who support the use of the name seem to struggle to get the grades the had been getting. That may be a separate topic. If Grahamkracker wants to study with me, he will get an A if he earns it and maybe some extra credit for the entertainment value. His stance on the Sioux name wouldn't be an issue. I have read one of the papers graded by a marketing instructor and she was rude and inappropriate to the kid who documented some of the hostory and took a pro name stance.

    By the way, cute kid. Has she signed with Coke yet to do commercials?

  4. I haven't been very impressed with Belmore today.


    Even if he is playing well how can they not let Manke play? He has played well this year. He has earned it and there is no excuse not to get him time with the "ones" in the first half. They left Belmore in last year when he didn't play well against St. Cloud and Augie and it cost them one game and almost both games.

    I can't believe Dale is that thougthless that he doesn't understand what he is doing to the kid and the program when other QB's don't get in. Thomas did the same thing, then when he need the #2 guy they never had experience.

    Coaches don't send their HS kids to UND to sit on the bench during a blowout!

  5. lol....the beloved "council" is comprised of many UND Alumni, go figure. And which council are you referring to on campus? The last one I participated in did anything but endorse the FS name.


    Hey Kracker,

    Welcome back. How was Bismarck? The board wasn't as much fun without you. We missed you.

    You guys did a good job of "politicing" and pressuring everyone to fall in line with the hardliners. I would have taken you up on your offer to ride to Bismarck but I had to work. We could have had a good time debating. You forgot Hockey Mom, she wanted a ride.

    Would the tribal council people have let me speak? I am a UND faculty member among other things and work with Native American kids on a weekly basis. (most of them are "rabbit chokers").

    Didn't seem like it was a good atmosphere for any open discussion. I was disappointed Kuppy didn't address the group on the logo issue but I don't think he was up to standing up and listening to the bull$%!# part of the argument. He got that the next day anyway. The comments about the parade floats in the 1960's and trying to make people think American Indians are getting beat up on a regular basis at UND is crap. The police blotters over the years do not support that claim. I wonder if the attacks on American Indians was down in GF while you folks were in Bismarck? There was no one here to get after the half Indians or hang around the fort Indians while you and Leigh were in Bismarck arm twisting the others to become "real Sioux".

    I see Jeonotte thinks the NCAA will cave in. I am not so sure. Kuppy was meeting with one of the other UND alumni (net worth well over $500,000,000) and told him he thought the NCAA would give UND an exemption. I guess we will see. Jeonotte also seems to think the UND response is full of mistruths. The "minority report he was part of had very little truth so I am not sure he would be a good judge of what the truth really is.

    Rob Bollinger had planned to set up a committee to work with the states American Indians on the name issue had he been selected AD. He may try to get Buning to do the same thing. Do you know reasonable people who would be willing to work together to either make the name acceptable to more AI folks or change the name if that is going to happen or are we stuck now with the abrasive I can holler louder than you folks (on both sides). Who is the go to person on campus and do they have any authority to communicate on behalf of the tribal officials?

    Anyway, have a good weekend and get your homework done. You don't want to break Quilly's record for years spent at UND as an undergraduate.

  6. If the only way to get an exemption is for all namesake tribal councils to support the use, then obviously UND is not going to get the exemption.  This standard certainly leaves open the question of what happens if one tribal council pulls support after the exemption is granted ?  Is the exemption pulled immediately ?

    What happens to respecting the wishes of the tribal councils that want the name used ?  That gets shoved out the door as soon as one council opposes.

    IMHO, UND will not get the exemption.  The NC$$ ruled very quickly on FSU, then used that ruling to OK Utah and CMU fairly quickly.  The NC$$  may be waiting on Spirit Lake if one tribal council support is enough for an exemption, otherwise it doesn't matter.  My guess is they already have ruled against UND and are having the language in the press release reviewed by their lawyers in anticipation of a lawsuit.


    Was Kracker going to call anyone of you folks with the good news that he talked the tribal chairs into supporting the name or do we have to wait until he gets back?

  7. If it is a torn ACL, he will be lucky to be back to full strength by next year. He is certainly done for this year.


    If he has it reconstucted properly and most importantly, rehabbed properly, he should be working out in 4-5 months and able to play next fall. He won't be ready anymore this year and hopefully can still get a medical redshirt.

  8. I was never apart of the cavalry, and if it was up to me, they should have ended the use of the cavalry when we annihilated them in 1876 (at least the 7th, anyways).



    As a vet you should be more respectful. Most of our soldiers in the Cav units aren't even sure where North Dakota is much less care about the Fighting Sioux name. The Cav. units tend to be fast and deadly.

    Anohter thing would be I don't think you are old enough to have served under Crazy Horse (who happened to be one of the greatest cavalry leaders in the history of warfare) so your term "we annihilated them", is not accurate. I wouldn't think kicking some narcisstic, egotistical jerk like Custer who put his troops in harms way, against the orders of his superiors and the advice of his subordinate staff, when he was outnumbered about 10 to 1, is such a great feat. Nor was he a hero when he killed women and children or outnumbered and overmatched American Indian forces.

    Let's stick to the Fighting Sioux name and whether or not it is worth keeping for either UND or the Sioux nation. In your recent posts you have intermittently raised some decent points. It is hard to separate the proverbial wheat from the crap however. Same goes for the rest of us, I guess.

    What do you think our chances are against Winona St. Saturday??

  9. As long as we're on the subject of the military, you should ask these people if they want the nickname changed.


    Great Photo. Who are they and what unit are they with? Are they still there? If so, we should arrange for game tapes etc. to be sent. They should blow that up and put it in the locker rooms. Nice way of keeping sports in perspective. If one of you who works for the university Athletic Dept sees this, send it to the new AD and the coaches.

  10. I've been very critical of Jeff Glas, so I'll be the first to say that the kid had a pretty darn good game yesterday.  The kickoffs were great, and his field goals were no doubters.  When he is consistent its nice to have a guy that can be good from 50 yards. 

    Big game at Winona next week. :D


    I thought Belmore had one of his better games. He had 3 passes dropped by receivers and other than the fumbles and two missed deep balls did a great job. UND's staff is so conservative it has to hard to get into any rythm with the passing game at times. The vertical passing game is there if they are willing to go to it. Maybe didn't have to because they got the run going and the spread short stuff was there.

  11. I was told by someone I work with this morning that they knew one of the persons that was on the construction companies  (one of the Foremen) that built the Ralph. Apparently there was dynamite on site to blow up the new REA if they changed the Fighting Sioux name.

    Also, another thing I heard today is there is apparently something in the will that says they could actually destroy the Ralph if the name is changed. I doubt this one and believe it to be a urban myth but, you never know.  Does anyone know about this?


    I hope you know that someone will accept this as fact and use it to send to the NCAA or bring it up to any tribal council as proof of how dangerous it is around ol' Grand Forks. . It can be fun to jerk someone's chain once in a while but if you really believe that you are having too many Bloody Marys for breakfast.

  12. Wow, who's the racist here, I didn't even think of dragging our children into this, but you obviously have. As for KupCake, I know him personally, and I can care less how he feels for me. AGAIN, DO YOUR HISTORY. Never once did our tribal leaders give UND the right to use this name. And even if a Tribe did, does that make it okay for the entire Sioux Nation? That would be like ND making a pact with France for an issue that would affect the entire USA.

    You know, don't go to the casinos. I don't. Don't buy NA products, I don't (I make all my stuff). Don't even look at NA's, especially with your attitude. We don't need your help (we'll just take your parent's and your grandparents $$$$)....ha...that was pretty funny....

    I didn't come here to make friends. I came here to discuss this name, but it has become attack after attack, and now that I bite back, I'm the racist. That's fine, if fighting for equality for my people makes me a racist, I'm a damn racist.


    You are the racist here Kracker. You are the one who has called an artist a "rabbit choker" because he is Chippewa. You are the one who frequently has made derogatory remarks about others because of their heritage. You are the one who makes reference to who the "real Sioux" or the "hang around the Fort" Indians are. You have made insulting remarks to the Hispanic American poster. My comments are not based on on your race but your ignorance. Your ignorant remarks are what has earned you the distain of most of the posters here. That is likely what causes your sufferings, not your American Indian heritage but because you act like such a jerk. When you first posted, a number of people on this board wished to understand something that most of us don't. You had an opportunity for an intelligent discourse and to could have shared the feelings of those who oppose the name. You never answered most of the questions asked and you frequently insulted anyone who didn't understand or agree with your racist rantings.

    No, I didn't bring children into the issue, that was done previously by the opponents of the name who continually talk about the shame their children have when they see the Fighting Sioux logo and name used with UND ahtletic teams. They were brought into the issue by the picketers who drag their children wherever they go. Read some of Doreen Yellowbird's columns about the remarks Native American children suffer from because of the Fighting Sioux name. I don't expect you to remember that because I think that would be beyond your capability. You are too filled with hate to have room in your head for other thoughts.

    Your people already got some of my family's money. My Mom helped Native American kids with their reading skills and my Dad employed Native Americans in the 1960's from the Job Corps training program. He took them groceries when they didn't have enough to feed the kids because there was no father around and the relatives who overpopulated the apartment used the money from their jobs to drink. They did it because when they were young, someone helped them. They did it because someone had a need, not because they were Native American. They saw people as human beings not Native Americans. You didn't and couldn't take their money. It was given willingly.

    You seem to be too damn dumb to see how many people on this board care about the real issues facing your people and many of the people on this board are in a position to help others including Native Americans. Your rantings won't keep people from helping, but the insults from the Tribal leaders and other Native American leaders will affect how people feel and how they will act. I too have met President Kupchella and I doubt he is losing sleep over what you or any of us think of him. You seem to get some perverse pleasure in being able to insult him.

    You claim "never once did your tribal leaders give UND permission to use the name". In the next sentence you waffle and say "even if they did, does that make it OK for an entire Sioux Nation". Well Kracker, it did at that time. What happened to the respect for your elders? You have never once answered that. Without their permission this never would have occured.

    You are too wrapped up in this issue of beating ol' whitey that you won't even entertain the thought of using the issue as a bridge between cultures. Some day you can sit with your grandkids and say "I spent a lot of time insulting those F---ing white guys, while some other white guys (the NCAA) got the name changed for us". Your hatred seems to have blinded you to opportunities.

    You could be able to sit and say "kids these are the programs that Grandpa helped bring to the reservation to expand our technology and improve our education and our economy. Good choice Kracker, what a legacy you have chosen for yourself. You didn't "bite back" you didn't do much of anything but entertain most of us with your little bark. You are not fighting for equality, you are whining about a logo that some of your elders said was OK for UND to use. There is a big difference.

  13. Poor Kupcake,

    I almost feel for for that invertebrate.....he pissed off the people for change, with this flip-flopping ways, now FS lovers will dis-own him after he loses this battle..



    Your recent postings show evidence of your ignorance and racism. I could care less if UND changes the name to the Fighting Irish or leaves it the Fighting Sioux. Your crude remarks about Kuppy go beyond what a self proclaimed tough guy like yourself should be doing. I have never been a big Kupchella fan but to call him names on a board like this shows what you are made of and what you lack. Your previous remarks about the Chippewa artist, Bennet Brien, being a "rabbit choker" is a good example of your racist attitude and inability to process thoughts that might exist other than your own. Your thinly veiled threats to those who disagree with you should they dare come over to the NA cultural center show your propensity for violence (especially if you have the advantage).

    If you want the name changed, you and the tribal leaders step up and address the true issues of what your elders and ancestors did years ago. They gave UND permission to use the name. You may disagree with their decision, but to simply ignore that fact is why many people will be angry. If you and the tribal leaders wish it changed, then offer to participate in the change process and assume some of the substantial cost required to make the change. Stop the whining about how you think the UND issue is going to confuse your children about their heritage and raise them with enough pride in their culture to know the difference between racism and an athletic team name that their ancestors thought was a good idea. Raise those kids with a Mom and Dad who are commited to the family and getting those kids a good education. Be an example of what an adult should be so your kids have someone to look up to other than Russell Means, the Bellecourts, Banks etc. If you think this type of reference to Native Americans with athletic teams is derogatory, then change the reservation school names and logos first to show you really are affected and hurt by the use of these names. Quit blaming every wrongdoing and tough break you get in life on others and step up to the plate with something positive and productive. Be grateful to those people both NA and other cultures who have made the sacrifices necessary for you to get an education and increase your chance of success.

    You may find that, if in fact, the Native American people are no longer willing to understand our culture and the diversity inherent in our culture, that we will no longer interact with your culture the same. Many will stop going to NA casinos and buying NA products. People like me may stop tutoring NA kids or supporting Native American language progams in our schools. Not because of the Fighting Sioux issue, but because of the hateful and racist way you and others interact with our culture. Not because of any NCAA verdict or ruling but because of the insulting way these tribal leaders and officials have treated our state and University. If in fact these tribal leaders are speaking for the majority of NA, many people will simply avoid the reservations when we can. How is that gong to help your kids? We already face a crisis in the Middle East because of the hate taught children toward those who are different.

    You have done your best to convince me and others that we are not welcome to interact with your culture unless it is on your terms and in your time. That is not a healthy relationship in any culture. Does this mean you no longer want us to spend money in your casinos and on the NA products? Do we need to lobby our state officials to allow all of our citizens to be able to open and operate cosinos instead of only the Native Americans? Those are only a couple of the questions I would have asked the group gathered at Spirit Lake gathering.

  14. You know in the grand scheme of things, riding in the back of a bus probably wasn't that big of deal. After all, black folks had lots of other more pressing things to worry about - poverty and illiteracy for example. Now, when blacks first started whining (to re-use Fight Sioux supporter's verb of choice) about that, I'm sure that upstanding white folks muttered about retribution and whatnot. I'm sure they claimed that no good black person they knew cared about riding in the back of the bus. I'm sure there were many who preferred it that way. Heck, I bet it was a bunch of pointy-headed liberals from Yankee-land causing problems. I bet some people who didn't want to change the status quo even said that many of their best friends were black people and that they didn't personally know any black people who wanted to make waves. I mean, if riding in the back of the bus was such a big deal, why weren't black people complaining about it decades before they did?

    Maybe, just maybe, the Sioux tribal councils view this as a symbolic deal. Maybe they viewed the whole "old boys network" that worked behind the scenes with the Board of Higher Ed to block any changes to the precious nickname as a slap in the face, considering that finally UND had looked like they were interested in their input.

    There is a lot of anger - and I'd even go so far to say hate - from some folks on this issue. If you want to come up with a lasting solution, it's time for UND to go to the Sioux tribes and treat them with some respect and actually listen to them rather then just calling them names.

    Sometimes it's hard to listen to anybody else when you've gotten all worked up. Maybe it's time that UND folks step back, take a breath, and start reaching out to the Sioux tribes.


    To compare the racism of the South with racism against Native Americans has some validity. To compare either, to the use of the Fighting Sioux name by UND is an insult to anyone who has had to face the real issues of racism. Stick to the subject at hand. I don't think anyone has been hanged because of the Fighting Sioux name. You may want it changed and I respect that difference of opinion. but to compare it to the racism of the South (with the KKK), get real.

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