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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. SDSU had a baseball game against the gophers in Sioux Falls. NDSU beat the gophers and badgers in softball. Nationally there isn't too much of a difference in those in my opinion. If you go south, baseball is much more important than hockey is, but their both relatively minor compared to basketball and football in college sports in the country. I don't really see the difference between any of them.

    The difference is that UND plays and beats Minnesota and Wisconsin in GF, Minneapolis, Madison and on neutral ice in a sport in which the Gophers and Badgers are considered to be in the top 10 in the country every year. These games are televised and sold-out.

    Minnesota and Wisconsin baseball and softball are not top teams. There is no way that the baseball or softball games against Minn or Wisc will be televised and sold-out.

  2. I agree with you about baseball not getting many fans, but I'm not sure of just cutting the program either. It is definitely going to be a tough decision.

    The decision gets harder.

    I read recently in Sioux Illustrated that the baseball alumni have put together the Pinky Kraft Endowment.

    In the article Greg Cascades says "Our goal is to raise enough money to ensure the program is endowed for it's future ...." and "As the Division I issue continues to linger at UND, the baseball program will need an increased level of support from its alumni to ensure the transition is successful if/when we make that jump."

    Looks like baseball will be around for awhile.

  3. I think the board should be taking the lions share of the heat for this fiasco. The lack of oversight and a fair and equitable funding formula for all schools is what led to this. I believe if the funding issues are not resolved the next chancellor will have an uphill battle and its not fair to him or her nor is it to all the universities in the system.

    I've been reading in a number of places that the board is responsible due to inequitable funding. I don't live in ND, so don't know the whole funding battle situation, but it would seem to me that there would have to be more than one school that feels that it was underfunded, but Potts claimed that his fight was with Chapman. Are the remainder of the schools funded above where they need to be and NDSU is the only school underfunded? The would be the only situation that I can see where the funding being "the issue". It seems to me it has to be deeper than funding, as Potts has said on more than one occasion that Chapman refuses to accept Potts' authority. I agree with you, insofar as oversight. This shouldn't have gotten this far, where the chancellor resigns.

  4. I'd say this would qualify the issue as 'core'.

    2.6 The Principle of Nondiscrimination

    The Association shall promote an atmosphere of respect for and sensitivity to the dignity of every person.

    Okay, I'll bite on this one.

    The word promote.

    Once again Webster's: "to contribute to the growth or prosperity of"

    Does this say require?

    The words "every person" jump out at me, also. How in the world can an organization of any sort protect every person from being offended?

    I'm sure that you have been to a few Sioux/Bison events where fans have gotten out of hand and respect and dignity were thrown out the window. Should the fans then also be banned for being "hostile and abusive"? Is the NCAA supposed to create an atmosphere where the sports events are held with each side just watching. No cheering, no emotion. Just sit there and watch. Welcome to the Fargodome. Sorry, I had to throw that one in.

  5. The NCAA reserves the power within its constitution to act as it did:

    4.1.2. Duties and responsibilities (of the Executive Committee)

    (d) Identify core issues that affect the Association as a whole-check

    (e) Act on behalf of the Association to resolve core issues and other Association-wide matters-check

    I couldn't find "core issue" in Webster's but here is the definition of "core" from Webster's

    "a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature".

    Does the executive committee also get to define what core issues means? How is this part of the foundation of the association?

    How the NCAA could identify mascots, nicknames and imagery as a core issue for association as a whole is beyond me.

  6. At this point I don't care what happens up there. I only pointed it out because of what your university president said. Your right and I already said it in my original post that no one knows whats going to happen, but given the current situation and events I don't see Centenary or Oral Roberts doing anything. When asked about the conference Oral Roberts officials said they were not concerened about the auto bid or the conference disappearing. In fact they are not looking as that question was asked and they confirmed their committment to the conference and have no plans of leaving the conference. Those are not my words they are from the officials at ORU. Yes I am happy that it looks like we are well on our way to conference affilliation and I only said I saw your situation as a "precarious one" which I think is an accurate comment. Not once did I wish any ill will or anything negative to UND. I'm not gloating either about the news just happy which any Bison fan has a right to be. Its a major hurdle (the conference affilitaion issue) and to get to this point by most peoples definition its a matter of crossing the T's and dotting the I's. So you can take it how you want but its only my opinion but I think its pretty much on the mark. :lol:

    I think you're mistaken as to whom I was responding. I referenced Bison Dan's post.

    I do agree that the campus visit is probably a formality and that an invitation will be forthcoming.

  7. Very wishful thinking on your part. Unless something happens to some of the members in the BSC, there not coming East for any member (specially only 1). If anything it's a bad day for DI UND. If the Mid-Con is content with 10 members and BSC doesn't feel the need to expand (specially east) will UND really make the move? Hell if the Mid Con didn't lose 2 of their members do you really think they'd be making this move?

    I'll change my post to congratulations to "some" Bison fans and also the Jacks. There always has to be one wise guy who when he gets good news will tell you how bad his good news is for you.

    There have been many trials and tribulations for NDSU over the past couple of years over conference affiliation. Do you really think that "if" NDSU, SDSU and IPFW all get into the Mid-Con that there will be no conference openings for the foreseeable future. The only reason that I say "if" is because no invitations have been handed out yet. I sure wouldn't start gloating over things that you can't control.

    The Big Sky may decide to expand in their fall meeting. Centenary or Oral Roberts may decide that the Mid-Con is not for them anymore. Who knows what could happen in the next couple of years.

    As for whether UND is going to go through with the move to Division I, I don't think there is any question. The only ones I have seen question it, are a handful of Bison fans who don't UND to move to Division I.

  8. What's the tizzy here about coming up with a facilities plan?

    Having a plan on what you'd build where and in what order (when funds come available) is far different from moving dirt and pouring foundations.

    And if you aren't a UND supporter, wouldn't UND doing unwise things be better for your cause? Couldn't another school (in a recruiting war) come back with, "You'll be paying for their mistakes with your fees"?

    Me-thinks some of this protestation is fear that UND may just have the funds available (from yet defined donors) to put some of this plan in action and thus take yet another significant step forward in a facilities "arms race."

    Hear, hear.

    Very well put.

  9. Listen close once and for all, the move to D1 will be fianced by:

    UND is continuing to develop the Bronson Property and that will soon bring in $1 Million/year to the university, which will only increase in the future

    Increased student fees

    Increased ticket prices

    Increased Alumni contributions / Endowment

    Frozen Four money not currently available as a D2 member

    other. Your school has run an athletic deficit before and will also sometime in the future.

    If I may add to your list...

    Corporate giving. I keep hearing that it tapped out, but with a change to Division I, I believe there is room to grow.

  10. I believe that all NDSU had was some concept work done by some students.

    I agree completely with your post GeauxSioux.

    :sad: That's the first time all day, someone has agreed with something that I've said. Ahh the life of a contractor.

  11. Hiring an architect before funding is in place does seem to be putting the cart in front of the horse if you ask me.

    Not to slice and dice this more than it already has been, but if you refering to what UND announced this week Yes UND did hire some A/E firms to perform master planning.

    UND athletics selects prominent architectural firms to develop facilities master plan


    Firms to develop athletics plan for 10-year vision

    That's a whole different animal than having an architect to design a new building or the renovation of an existing building. While I'm not up on the CPM schedule for the BSA renovation, I do know that NDSU hired an architect recently for the BSA renovation project, but didn't they already have some concept drawings or plans prior to that? A plan of this type would be almost required for fundraising. It appears that is what UND is doing at this time

  12. To qualify for a basketball autobid a conference needs:

    So, a new D-I conference (such as a new NCC) could get an autobid after 8 years of 7 members being fully D-I, assuming you managed to convince 6 of those teams to play together for the preceding 5 years. Intentionally punitive. The only way we're seeing new conference autobids is if a mega-conference (12 stable teams for 5 years) split in half and then each half took on a new member.

    Random thoughts on the potential expansion... Due to the incestuous strength-of-schedule component of RPI, an expansion of the field (more likely to 80 than 128) would mostly ensure that ACC, Big Ten, and the like sent over half their conference; bottom-tier conferences would, for the most part, still just send their one autobid. Interestingly, some of the mid-majors are starting to refuse the bodybag "guarantee" games that have pumped up the big conferences' RPIs, eroding the definitive two tiers that basketball has had for so long. Big conferences may see this as a defense against that, but it could actually shift the balance of at-large invites even more toward mid-majors if they successfully claim large amounts of the 30-50 RPI rankings through a combination of increasing parity and more insular schedules.

    The only way that my "could" would work is if they had a rule change. I neglected to put that in my post. I agree that the current rule does seem punitive and the increase in teams would probably just allow more teams from the power conferences to get into the tournament.

  13. Does everyone realize that under this new NCAA (warm jell-o) stance that United Center in Chicago can not bid on hosting NCAA (hockey, hoop) events because the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks logo is all over that building?

    I'd guess FedEx Field is in the same situation (home of NFL's Washington Redskins) if they ever wanted to bid on hosting soccer or lacrosse tournaments.

    I wonder if the management groups of those facilities have "asked" Myles Brand about this yet.

    Haven't there been college games played at Arrowhead in the past? The name of the stadium alone should send the NCAA into a tizzie.

  14. Long term or short term is doesn't matter one dam bit what conference they are in as long as the west coast bias still has the influence they do it won't matter. As far as the whioux, well who cares???

    I agree with Wyo.

    DI in Fargo. If you don't care, why are you here. This is Siouxsports.com.

  15. Men's and Women's and swimming and diving would be my choice to move up first. Since the Big Sky does not include it anyway, why not find a home at the Horizon or Mid Continent. Not all of the Horizon member have S&D teams, so they may be open to new members and UND has been competing with some of these teams in recent years anyway.

  16. I think that IPFW is a lock. Douple's recent comments and commitment to the Great West lead me to believe that he is pushing hard for NDSU and SDSU, but he doesn't get to vote. He needs to convince the presidents. I still voted that all three get in. I wouldn't be suprised to see NDSU try to put in an escape clause in the event that something else transpires in the next year.

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