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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. I believe the only option on appealing a DQ is in the offending player's identity. That is to say, if they called it on the wrong player and can prove it, then the player originally called for the penalty does not have to serve it, but the player identified as the offending player in the appeal does i.e. somebody gets the DQ no matter what. I did not see the penalty on the telecast, they didn't replay it, so I assume it was not caught on tape, making an appeal unlikely if not impossible. Also, Tim and Greg said they both saw it, said that it was a spear, and said it was done with intent to injure, and they both very much agreed with the call. These types of penalties are NOT Sioux hockey. They should NEVER be done by any of our players (even for a retaliation in kind). I hope Hak throws the book at him. This is certainly not what you expect from one of our seniors. I know emotions can run high, and that things happen in the heat of the moment, but there are just certain lines you never cross, and this is one of them.
  2. Yes, they do in the pairwise, but as explained earlier, NO LEAGUE GAME, NO POINTS!!!! Look I don't mean to be insulting, but are you really this obtuse?
  3. BINGO!!!!!!!!! We have a WINNER!!!! (I'm the whiner).
  4. I almost have a picture again on satellite!!
  5. Satellite picture totally gone now, so I'm relying on you bastids to keep me updated. So do it, dammit!!!!
  6. 2 measly goals, ARE YOU *&$%&^ KIDDING ME!!!!!
  7. Giving up 3 to the likes of BSU is bad, but you can't win if you can't SCORE!!!!!!! 1 measly goal, ARE YOU *&$%&^ KIDDING ME!!!!!
  8. There's a first *&*($# time for everything.
  9. Yeah, looks like Hak really had 'em ready to play. I know it'd be different if our boys were winning, but this crap signal from FSSN satellite and no TH on internet audio is really getting ^&#^&#$^ old. If ^%^(*%^ BSU can get their internet audio to be reliable why the )^#& can't UND. It's just ^#$*&^ embarassing.
  10. NOt sure whether it was on the PP or not. Watching on satellite and it is breaking up badly right now. No idea who scored. Now BSU PP, penalty on Porter.
  11. Comes and goes. Barely watchable, and what I see, I don't &##@& like.
  12. I'm thinking a pre-emptive plea to REA for more power may be in order.
  13. Or will Vanek use his stick to try to remove Parise's head again?
  14. Bismarck is one of the cleanest towns of its size anywhere. Virtually all homes are really kept up well. Fargo and GF are not bad in this respect, but Bismarck is noticeably better. The Missouri River (one of the great, if not the greatest, waterways of the world). Hunting and fishing. The weather (typically 10-15 degrees warmer in the winter and less humid in the summer).
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