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Posts posted by Snake

  1. WHile our style can often be frustrating, I do not believe that it is incongruous with a national championship.

    We play race horse hockey when other teams do too. We do very well when we carry the puck into the offensive zone with numbers and speed. THe key to the teams you are describing is not the overall philosophy, but the ability to put passes cleanly on the tape. This affects the PP, the ability to transition, the breakout...passes have got to be short, fast and on the tape. THis time of year it is huge. The key to those teams you are taling about is a defenseman or two who could really move the puck...Chay and Marto can skate, but Carle, Ballard, Martin, Leopold...those guys could really move that puck.

    Dump and chase to cycle is stupid unless you are working on grinding down some dmen. The idea is that your forwards forecheck the defensemen religiously, 3 d pairs, 4 forward lines, forwards wear 'em down and win the third period. I don't agree with it, but it has worked.

    I have stated that our chink in the armor is at the blueline; bad passes and hesitation leads to shorties. I attribute the abundance of shorties against us to poor play on the offensive blue line. As stated by me a million times, you live by the Chay, you die by the Chay...Genoway is gifted and I am glad he is on our team, that being said he will cough up the puck on occassion looking to make something happen, and that will result in odd mans and breakaways the other direction.

    I don't think it's just the D-men on the PP, but the forwards have to get the puck back to them with authority. Case in point was I think the 2nd shortie (the rebound goal by Stepan) where Trupp, near the half-wall, lazily tried to flip the puck back to Genoway and Stepan was right there to pick it off and go in. This goes back to your point about crisp, quick passing without hesitation - especially on the PP.

  2. This stupid "goof troop" rule is more proof of how the WCHA is run by a bunch of spineless goofer lovers. UND has been screwed by this rule before. i want to say it was 2005 when UND beat the BADgers in the 4-5 game and then had to turn around and play DU in the infamous Bina hit game in the afternoon because the goof troop was in it and had to play the night game. For there to be any sence of equality in this the 1 seed should play the 4/5 winner in the night game and the 2 vs 3 game should be in the afternoon so that the 4/5 winner dosent have an unfair turnaround.

    UND was the beneficiary of this rule in 2001 and 2004 when they were the #1 seed and got the 4/5 play-in winner in a short turnaround on Friday afternoon.

  3. I'm not sure Kane is as much overrated as somewhat overhyped for aspects of his game that just aren't a part of it.

    I don't see Kane as anything but a scorer really. He's less of a defensive liability than Ovechkin or Malkin but not quite as gifted a scorer.

    In my opinion, I think Kane is a Vanek type player.

    Looking now at him, is he a #1 overall pick? Well.... certainly still a top 5.

    He's not going to wow people like Ovechkin nor is he going to have the media drooling over him like Crosby.

    The two guys you mentioned only come around once in a generation.

    Now, out of curiousity, I don't follow the NHL very closely, but if Kane wasn't the #1 pick on 2007 who do you think should have been now that we've had a season and a half to evaluate the 2007 crop?

  4. didn't the 97 team have an all American by the name Jason Blake on it?

    Yes, they had Jason Blake, but they also had Matt Henderson.

    The more important question may be "who is going to be this team's 'Matt Henderson?'" I'm looking for someone to step up from under the radar so to speak for the playoffs. There are plenty of upper-classmen on this team that could fit that bill.

  5. It is going to depend totally upon the MN goaltending. If Kangas gives up a soft goal right off the bat on Friday, look for STC to have some confidence, and Kangas to do a Frazee mind meld. Should that happen, STC could pull the upset, and it wouldn't be that big of an upset. Yes they lost at MSUM this weekend, but that is a tough rat hole in which to play. Ask MN and WI and UND. But, if Kangas plays like he did Saturday night, nothing spectacular but just basic goaltending, UM will win. Remember, STC hung a 6-spot on UM last time they played. Westlostsky (Spelling intentional) just happened to give up an 8-spot that night.

    That 8-spot was one of the three times they've given up five or more since the weekend of Jan 9/10 (UND/Gophers series). The gophers have given up five or more seven times since then. What sucks is that two of the three times SCSU has given up five or more in that stretch were against the Gophers! :sad: They might be better off agreeing to strap shooter-tudors in the nets.

  6. That was my buddy that made that prediction, I stopped doing predictions after I started Jinxing teams

    to include the Sioux.

    I hear ya. I don't care for making predictions much, either. That's why I'm not going to be quick to say SCSU is done for even though the smart money is on the Gophers this weekend.

  7. As much as I would love to see the Golden Rodents do down to defeat, I don't think SCSU can beat them twice.

    Were you humbled by the result of the Duluth series? :sad:

    Whether or not SCSU takes advantage of their opportunity is up to them. They do tend to play scared against the Gophers, much like the Bulldogs. I just don't think a 2-0 win against the last place team after a 6-5 sieve fest the night before exactly rights the Gopher ship. Of course SCSU didn't do much this past weekend, either, but the Gophers haven't exactly oozed consistency the past few weeks to the point where I'm ready to say they are a lock to sweep. They're capable of losing 2 of 3, but who knows if SCSU is capable of winning 2 of three...sounds confusing. :sad:

    I'm going to say "toss up."

  8. MN in 2 over SCSU. As others have said it's about as good a matchup as MN could have asked for. With the friendly PWR bump after winning one game against Tech and getting SCSU I think somewhere the hockey gods are smiling on Lucia. SCSU has not been a big game team for a few years, are 0-4 against MN, and as others have pointed out are the perfect team for MN to exploit. SCSU does have a chance against MN's porous D. The key may come down to goaltending. Weslosky can be a world beater and he can be a sieve. Same with the gopher goalies. I just lack too much confidence in SCSU to give them a game. I'm wrong about a lot of hockey stuff, and I hope this is one of those times.

    I pretty much agree, but the Hockey Gods seem to be smiling on Lucia in spite of his team's play. This is the playoffs, and they actually have to win this series to advance, not let other teams take care of business for them. SCSU has a real opportunity here.

  9. Everyone on the SCSU train after they got swept by the Gophers twice this year?

    Splitting @ Tech to finish the regular season isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for Minnesota. The Gophers got an awful lot of help from other teams' losses this weekend. Bottom line is at the time the game was played they needed a win Friday and didn't get it done. It was not until they knew everyone else lost Friday night that they got a second chance at a must-win game. Kudos to them for winning Saturday, but it's not like SCSU won't be capable of giving the Gophers a run for their money.

  10. I have a traxis.

    I think I'm looking at everything correctly? I'm on the "Congratulations ..." screen, says I'm pointed at 121 W and when I go to TP scan the signal intensity is 90% and the signal quality is 55%. Says the frequency is 12016 and sr is 20000.

    If I recall correctly, signal QUALITY is the one that matters. I get 70% on the dish channel with my Traxis, but I was not able to scan in the feed yesterday.

  11. How many times has Kevin Gorg and a few others on the broadcast, and gopher players and coaches used the term "The gophers need to Draw a line in the sand"?

    I am not sure where the beach is that they are doing all this line drawing, but it's gotta look like a legal pad by now. :D

    Or, that darn tide keeps washing the line away!

  12. I've read that book and understand the concept of this so-called code. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. It's so full of inconsistencies and contradictions that only a person who craves gratuitous violence would allow themselves to become brainwashed into considering it as gospel in an attempt to justify the thuggery.

    If I was a hockey player and somebody accidentally jabbed me with a stick in the heat of battle I would be quick to forgive and forget. $hit happens, nothing personal. However, if some goon punched me in the face I would feel violated. To punch a person in the face is to rob them of their dignity and self-worth as a human being. It's one of the most degrading things that one human being can do to another.

    You're not making a consistent argument yourself. Your fist sentence implies an accident. Most people understand that accidents happen. Fights don't just happen by "accident." These guys can tell when stick work is intentional or not, and thus deal with it accordingly. For the most part when players engage in fights they are sticking up for their teammates' self-worth after they've been victimized by a cheap shot.

  13. It used to really bother me that no matter what seed Minnesota was they played the night game, but someone pointed out to me (and I found it very smart) - if UND ends up playing the afternoon game on Friday that gives them an extra few hours of rest before that Championship game on Saturday night. (this is of course on the condition that the Sioux win the league and their 1st round playoff series - which of course they are going to do both :lol: )

    In those years where MN finishes #2 or #3 it becomes an advantage for the #1 seed to get the play-in winner on Friday afternoon. The MN rule probably hurts the play-in winner the most.

  14. Just got my tickets to the Final 5 and rooms! Anyone have any info on the Embassy suites? Good, bad?

    We've been staying there since it started in St. Paul - it's a great place to stay. It's a little far from the X, but you can pay $10 per person for a weekend shuttle pass to get to and from the X. They run shuttles between games, too, which makes it handy for getting back in time for the free drinks during the manager's reception!

  15. Well we can agree to disagree. I've watched to much NHL hockey and I just don't think he would be ready for it and if I was him I would stay and develop and get a degree at the same time. I think that the value that that education provides a player is better than the year they play in the AHL, but that's just my opinion. Who knows, I could be wrong and maybe he will step right into Edmonton next year (a team that I will admit that I don't watch as much).

    If VV is only a year away from the NHL it might suit him better to develop that year in the AHL rather than the WCHA. Now, if he's more than a year away it might make more sense for him to stay in school...

  16. True enough.

    Just seemed like we eked out the win today by getting lucky.

    The depth of this team showed this weekend - certainly when you compare it to CC who got the bulk of their scoring from their top line. That was the main positive I took away.

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