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Everything posted by NewUndFan

  1. This is like the third time she hasnt started her. Might be more I am not going to go back and check. When it happened the first few times I figured it must be some sort of punishment for not following rules etc. Now again right after player of the month and the reason why we are winning games again we sit our best player on the bench to start. Your theory would be KB is some sort of destructive student athlete that continues to need punishment and breaks rules? I dont see that from her and maybe its in the locker room. But I guarantee good players that should be starting dont think its a positive to be benched to start the game. In my opinion you need to break some serious rules to take anyone out of a game. And yes ALL players should be held to the same standard. I just dont see KB as a player that is someone that is getting disciplined multiple times during the year.
  2. Agreed. This isnt the first time she has come off the bench. There is no reason for your best player and player of the month to come off the bench. The slow start most definitely was because of this. Do we want our best player transferring? She would start on any team in the summit.
  3. Does anyone know if Jeff Bochee had any interest in the position? 8 Seasons as a head coach and a North Dakota legend. Probably could recruit some players here. I heard rumors he was going to apply.
  4. Do you follow basketball at all? or a hockey fan chiming in for basketball when they are doing bad? Oral Roberts was a last second shot miss from making the elite eight in the NCAA tournament and they were the 3 seed in the league. The summit league is a good league. No it is obviously not the best and nor will UND ever be in the best conference. But it fits geographically and has alot of good schools in it. Unlike hockey we will never compete for a national championship. We will get our highs from winning the league and making a run in the tournament. On the womens side they got a at large bid and sent two teams to the tournament. SDSU made it to the sweet sixteen. So to say the Summit is on the worst I disagree. The summit is a good league and with a new commissioner I think we will only get better. As far as living in Grand Forks do you think living in Vermillion or Brookings is better? How do we recruit D1 hockey players to Grand Forks?
  5. You have to double team someone like Wilson and take your chances on knocking down 3's. Layups have a better percentage any day. We dont have big bodies to guard down low and we need to double team. The home game against South Dakota our point guard got switched many times and was guarding their 6'10 center. Easy points we are not in a position to give up that many easy points in the paint. I still wish he would try playing Matthews and T at the same. Cant be any worse and would give us two big bodies. At this point in the season I would be trying all different sorts of line ups. But we lack ALOT of size to every other team.
  6. I have been probably one the hardest critics of the coaching decision. With that being said I am taking it back. I was very skeptical of the hire because the previous season. In the off season I seen coach Bernards ability to recruit good players to UND, but I was still out on the coaching. Watching this years team is like night and day. The defense has improved significantly. The girls are all passing and looking for cutting open teammates. BUT the biggest thing I have seen is how much better Melissa Leet is playing. Its like I have said the last 4 years is someone needs to work with her and make her a dominant center. To many times I seen her thinking she was Shaq swatting balls out of play and ending up with fouls. Or standing outside the three point line. Finally her senior season I see her making herself big with hands in the area not trying to block every shot on defense. She makes herself available down and takes it to hoop. I can only say it has to be coaching because I didnt see any of that out of her the first 4 years. Much improved team and its showing on the court. I am excited for the future, especially for the recruits coming in next year.
  7. Cant Lane and Borowicz play two more seasons with covid? Any word on if they decided to play that extra year?
  8. SDSU beat these guys by 20. I think I'll stay home for that game
  9. I'm not talking crowd size I'm just talking the whole atmosphere. But I hear ya about covid, you are right there ! Just want a fun environment to get the players pumped up.
  10. At the game and don't know if it could be more dead. Very pathetic atmosphere. And yes I know the team isn't good but come on
  11. If any one is interested Treson's Bismarck team plays #5 Minot on the psp network. Packed house. On right now
  12. I'm really excited to see what he and Bruns can do in the future here. I hope everyone stays. Bring in a true point guard and a big we will contend!
  13. I watched the press conference for Coach Tupac. I am excited to see what he can do, impressed with what he had to say. He also mentioned that in 2018 when he was in Grand Forks coaching with Denver he called his wife and said you would love it here in Grand Forks. He said that North Dakota was a place on his radar to coach at. Seems like he is checking all the boxes, now to translate to the court.
  14. I am questioning how much Sather had in recruiting him. Sounds like he is coming here because his uncle was a star at UND.
  15. Yes definitely dont apologize! I really appreciate all your updates on the games! You do alot of work. I was just surprised not one person even commented on the 3 point record being broken. I dont care what kind of competition it was that is still a big deal. We have played lower level competition in the past and never broke a record.
  16. Bemidji State beat Mayville by almost 30. I think UND would be in the middle to lower part of the Northern Sun if we played in that conference.
  17. I came to check out the forum to see what people were talking about and find that there is no conversation at all on the game last night! I get it wasnt good competition but the team did break the 3 point record for the school last night and it was not even mentioned on here. I have been down about this team as anyone. I was at the game last night and Northland was clearly a much more weak team then UND, but it was encouraging to actually see UND hit some outside shots. I am hoping this game gives some confidence in the players to start knocking down some shots when competition gets tougher. I still dont have alot of hope for this team, but last night was a little more encouraging.
  18. I think if we beat 10 D1 Teams this year we have to consider that a success ! I dont think we will beat 10 D1 schools this year.
  19. What are the chances he stays here all 4 years? Especially if we cant improve this team.
  20. What part do you want me to explain to you ? I DONT care if he is in the community BUT I agree a coach SHOULD be involved in the community. But if we had a coach who was a hermit and never came out of their office but won championships. That's what I care about. I don't buy tickets when teams are losing and win 1 game game a year but the coach is out in the community. In the end that means nothing. Winning is all that counts in sports. And fans don't buy tickets to losing teams .
  21. So basically we want a homer coach that loves Grand Forks and goes out in the community and wins one game a year. That should bring alot fans to the games. I agree a coach should be out in the community, love Grand Forks and bleed Green. But if they dont win games none of that matters. To me the most important thing is a good coach and if he or she is a community great. I would take a Pryor that had a fun team to watch and won then someone who loves UND and loses. I am not from here and not a alumni. As a fan I dont care how much I see him around town. I come to games when they win not when they show up to fundraisers. If they lose and are terrible no one has interest. You can argue that all you want but fans dont want to see horrible teams no matter what sport. Also it wasnt Pryor's fault the team went 1-28. It was a unfortunate dismissal of two very good players and hiring a assistant coach that has no business being a head coach.
  22. We need a coach who can coach, win and recruit kids. I dont care if they buy into community, if this is a stepping stone for a coach let it be. We need someone to build the program to hand off to another coach that can keep it going. The days of coaches staying here their whole careers is probably gone. Division 1 athletics is different then Division 2.
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