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Everything posted by NewUndFan

  1. Did you even watch it ? Doesn't even talk about southern Utah or Utah tech. It said possibly Utah valley. Sorry nothing about Auggie. I think he maybe talking about the Texas schools. Supposedly Utah tech already applied for the big sky
  2. Just found this video on YouTube. Not sure if this guy knows anything, but says there could be big news coming from the summit league. Called it massive news
  3. I've totally changed my outlook on the portal. Not about what we are losing but what we could possibly get! Only wish we had a coach i felt confident in that could nail it.... Sather has had alot of misses in his recruiting. I wouldn't mind adding a few power 4 players that are dropping down to add some experience with high level high school players
  4. At the rate Chaves is continuing we will have a arena full @iramurphy white haired people happily clapping and cheering at our team down 30. Just happy they gave it the good old college try. Talking how nice our coaches are in the community. If this is the draw our administration wants it will slowly kill sports at the university. I have already seen a decline at the basketball games since I moved here. I use to love going to them. It was loud, maybe a little rowdy and alot of fun. This year was the least amount of games I have ever went to. That being said I am pumped again about und football and that started by making one change ! Let's do it for basketball.
  5. Do you think then that we need to expand? If so who do we have a chance of bringing over that can elevate the Summit League? I am not overly excited about the Utah schools, but I also feel that we need to add some stronger D1 schools. Absolutely no more D2 teams from the Dakota's or Minnesota though.
  6. Anyone have a guess how long we will have to wait for Chaves to make a decision about our coaches ?
  7. Honestly don't see many Asian or Mexican players on any college team. Still don't know why it matters. Guessing recruiting to Brookings SD rural farm area isn't a draw for everyone.
  8. Thats a weird question. Would you ask that if a team didn't have a coach or player that wasn't black ? I don't believe USD or ndsu do either.
  9. Thanks for letting me know you are special. I'll try to dumb down it next time for you
  10. Solid A as in good ? He is averaging 11 minutes less per game . Shooting 13% from 3. Averaging 3 points a game down 12 from und. Not sure that gets a A. Unless you mean A for getting a bag. Then yes he gets a A. And if you were trying to be funny with sewing that was a miss.
  11. Maybe I missed your point ? What do you mean by am I sure about that? That if hockey was at the bottom of a bottom league that people wouldn't stand for it ? When they aren't happy now with a team that is #18 in the whole country ?
  12. What do you mean ? Our hockey team is #18 in the country and people are calling for Barry's head.
  13. North Carolina State just fired their coach after making the final four last year. We give our coach an extension when he can win a first round game in the summit league tournament every 5 years. Blows my mind. If this was the hockey team this wouldn't happen
  14. Thats your philosophy on coaching ? He put it in Treysons hands and said go? I agree we lost when we were up, st Thomas was missing shots. Our defense was on lock down and then we fell in love with the 3 from players who shouldn't be shooting them. That's when a coach should have stepped in. He has no leadership over that team. I guess treyson loves him but only because there is no structure and they can do what they want.
  15. Good enough for an extension at und ! How many were D1 wins ?
  16. I thought about going to sioux falls today. Thank god I didn't. As long as sather is in charge I will never go down.
  17. How many plays has sather run for treyson tonight ? Try to get him going ? Arms crossed it will all work out until it doesn't. Same thing he did last night only difference treyson went off. No thanks to sather
  18. Yeah thats for sure a UND Chaves thing. But I think fans have not said that about our women's team. Mal should have been let go years ago
  19. Please tell me you are joking. I can't take a pathetic game like this and a extension for sather in one night
  20. I blame it on coaching ! What does he do during practice? They don't run any offense ? This team looks so unprepared. Coachs big talk is we got this
  21. Sather subs Woodson and Kraft same time every game!!! We lose all defensive presence ! No rebounder! Stands there with his arms crossed wondering what the players will do next ! Because he has nothing!!!
  22. I have never said that before. Actually the opposite. I still say they need a new coach to take it to the next level though
  23. That would require coaching !
  24. They can't keep settling for 3s! We are not a 3 point shooting team! Take it to the bucket. I'm sure Sather will tell them right !?!? Oh wait he hasn't coached all year
  25. Good offensive plan by coach tonight ! Thank god for our defense ! St Thomas won't miss like this all night we need to take it to the basket !
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