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  1. Roku KSTP app has it as well.
  2. For any of you contrary types, 2 tix available over in the ticket forum for Sat night. Your team needs you!! 😁 And if the rest of y'all could quit scaring off potential buyers, I'd appreciate it 🧐😁
  3. Yes on Roku and both links on onhockey.
  4. 12? The most recent a SHG.
  5. You can see the layout here: https://scsuhuskies.com/sports/2012/6/8/GEN_0608121032 These tickets are close to the blue line.
  6. Section 203 row 3. $131 for both which is what I paid.
  7. Harrison Blaisdell with 2 tonight, so far for UNH
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