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Everything posted by siouxnami

  1. Sigh... I'm old...
  2. I don't post that much any more, but RIP and I am glad he got to live #8. Thank you for posting.
  3. https://www.eliteprospects.com/draft-center/2019/hockeyprospect.com I was a little surprised to see Ryder Donovan (C) shown as a 1st round pick here. Sorry if this was posted prior. Other notables: Harrison Blaisdell (F) Judd Caulfield (F) Michael Mancinelli (C) Massimo Rizzo (C/LW)
  4. I think this is insulting to these athletes and condescending to the University of North Dakota. I fully support these women.
  5. Most important stat: National Championships: 1
  6. Gothberg: Winning a game while giving up 1 goal, likely in the last 90 seconds.
  7. How about we just drop Sterns County? :-D
  8. Keeping Schmaltz is looking more and more important. That said, it is easier to accept early departures when those players delivered a national title!
  9. http://westernelitehockeyprospects.com/wehp-release-off-season-provincial-top-5-lists/ Good get, hopefully not a MJ positioning ploy. Traditionally Sioux territory.
  10. The differentiator is that we have un-drafted players like Troy Stecher, Drake Caguila, Rhett Gardner, and Cam Johnson and they are OK...
  11. This is YUGE... We have at least 4 rock solid (Ausmus, Poolman, Wolanan sp?, Shaw) experienced D-men coming back with LaDue still to decide. Get Schmaltz back and we have to be the favorite for #9 though BU will be incredible. Hope the younger Poolman develops like his brother, and Evers is also NHL legit.
  12. If LJ does go I think Mattson steps right in on that line with Gardner a solid center. Most years I think Mattson walks in as a top 6 forward.
  13. So the attached images are who can be on the team next year. I suspect we lose a few players. Any thoughts on how I can improve the list? Insert OCD comments here. Yellow indicates NHL draft pick. Obviously we will have neither 21 forwards nor 13 defensemen.
  14. Don't discount Mitchell Mattson potentially coming in and a potential high round NHL draft pick.
  15. I wish I could do a homer & non homer version... Really like Denver right now.
  16. Stop it these are getting sequentially worse...
  17. So Hypothetically what if I did this? **************** Guidelines Posting Guidelines Each member bears the sole responsibility for the content of his or her posts, including but not limited to legal liability for posts that are libelous, threatening, or that infringe on another's copyright. Submitted posts are displayed without moderation and are not the opinions of this site or its affiliates. Posts may be removed at the sole discretion of the moderators. Do Think about if you would say it to the subject's face. Players, friends, families, media, and staff do read the forum. Use descriptive thread titles. Make your thread title descriptive of the content of the post so readers can choose those threads that interest them. Welcome newcomers. Newcomers may need help acclimating to the culture of the forum or may not be aware that certain discussions have become nearly cliche. Be helpful. Welcome differing point of view. While Sioux fans may disagree on many topics, one also need not even be a Sioux fan to be interested in the Sioux and able to discuss them within the confines described. Help maintain community standards. Actively participate in keeping the community standards high by guiding other posters toward polite discourse; ignoring trolls or flamebait; and, as a last resort, reporting trouble posts. Selectively quote copyrighted material within "fair use" guidelines. Also be sure to cite, and link if possible, the original source. Reward other sites for their quality material by sending them traffic (as opposed to stealing and reproducing their content). Post relevant items for sale. If an item is specifically relevant to the forum, you can make a post offering it for sale in a dedicated "for sale" thread or forum. Ask for clarification. Feel free to ask questions about and discuss these rules and the moderating policy in the SiouxSports.com administrative forum. Don't No personal attacks, defamation, or libel No profanity or obscenity No racial, ethnic, or sexual slurs No threats or harassment No illegal activities No politics or religion No copyright violations. Do not reproduce entire articles, forum posts, or other content you do not own. No thread hijacking or killing. Do not flood threads with repeated or unrelated posts that interfere with the community's ability to have a discussion. No "Troll" posts. Posts whose sole purpose is to taunt or generate anger are not allowed. Such judgments will be made at the sole discretion of the moderating staff. No posing as someone else (e.g. a player, coach, other forum member, or other known person) No revealing private information about others (without their consent or their having already revealed it) No bandwidth hijacking (e.g. do not directly link to external images) No repetitive posts with links to third-party sites (particularly those for which you are employed or have an ownership interest). Advertising pays the bills, so it would harm our advertisers to allow you to reach the community for free. No private, personal, or off-topic conversations. Messages should be of general interest and about the stated forum topic. Use PM or email for messages intended for a single person or small group of people. No circumventing suspensions (for example, by using alternate accounts or attempting to register for a new account) No misuse or overuse of large images, text styles, emoticons, capitalization, or misspelling. Judgment as to whether the use of elements other than standard text is excessive or with the intent to annoy will be made at the sole discretion of the moderating staff. No deceptive use of multiple usernames. No bumping threads. Do not post in threads for the sole purpose of making them rise to the top of the display. Avoid posting in old threads or responding to old posts without compelling reason. About freedom of speech This is a privately owned forum on which you may be permitted to post messages at the sole discretion of its owners. About rule enforcement Violation of any of the posted rules may result in post deletion, user suspension, or user banning. Other, similar violations of a rule will not be considered as a defense, it is up to you to be familiar with and follow the rules. About reporting a post Pressing the "Report" button on a post will bring it to the attention of the moderators. Such a notification does not guarantee any particular action, and may not elicit any further response as the moderators may choose to evaluate the post and conduct any appropriate response privately. About license By posting a message to this forum, you grant SiouxSports.com unrestricted license to reproduce it in any medium without notification or compensation. SiouxSports.com has no obligation to remove or edit any submitted post. Unread Content Mark site read
  18. So is Christian Cakebread officially no longer a recruit?
  19. Well, when he wasn't sitting in the penelty box...
  20. Wow did Johnson ever light up Conrad in the 2nd.
  21. Granted it is early (and the bchl), but Cakebread is a point per game with his new team. Also he got big. Now listed at 6'1" 205.
  22. 6-2 with Carl Goehring picking up his first college win in 15 years...
  23. No one has brought this up yet, but I am just glad he is going the college route.
  24. No Ben Blood...
  25. The "quote" was a good indicator...
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