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Everything posted by OgieOgilthorpe

  1. EWU with a tougher schedule QB Gubrud- 4,807 yards, 45 TD's RB Gubrud- 749 yards, 5 TD's WR 3 guys with over 1,000 yards and 2 with 15+ TD's.
  2. I don't think NDSU's was a 70 yard TD called back though. Also after EWU's, they came back and threw a pick which turned into a 7 point swing (14 point difference). Later comment is about how the team can respond, but still.
  3. I agree. High school sports have a bigger effect on kids than people may think. I am not saying one game will make the difference, but they will definitely remember that game for years and years and some of them may not be very proud of it. I f a coach seems to be successful and consistently shows disrespect some may think that is the way to his success and may take after him more than you think. Getting pretty deep here, but stuff like that sticks with you and can even rub off on you.
  4. What about EWU? They torched NDSU in the dome for 500+ yards. They didn't even have Kupp after the 1st quarter and also had a 80 yard TD called back early in the 4th that turned into a turnover and 7 points for NDSU. If I was NDSU I would be a lot more nervous to play EWU than JMU. EWU is good at something that NDSU is not. They have too much firepower for the NDSU dbacks to control. On the flip side, NDSU has too much run game power for EWU d to handle. It would be a shoot out again, but with Kupp healthy and on a neutral playing field I have EWU winning over NDSU even in their playoff mode. Maybe NDSU would/will decide not to run that ugly 3-3-5 defense that got them torched. And knowing how things go for NDSU it'll probably be pouring rain the entire game and 40 mph wind so they will destroy EWU on the ground.
  5. I completely agree with your 3, and wouldn't add anymore due to the fact that I expected more from these 3 this season. I really thought Wilkie would have a break out season, but MAN was I wrong. For the defensemen: I have been disappointed with Ausmus' play. He seems stuck in one place forgetting to move his feet. He has had poor passing, poor shooting , and has been making bad reads on pinching over and over. He seems to be cutting corners with his skating and looks flat out lazy. Rounding corners and coasting around cross checking guys with his skates flat on the ice is not a good look for him. He has been a ghost on offensive production, which doesn't come as a huge surprise. He has produced on being an enforcer here and there but his unnecessary penalties has more than compensated for that. The one player I am overall mostly disappointed with is...Wolanin. Last season I was very impressed with his composure and decision making and was very excited to see him play this year. Last year he knew his roll and played it, and showed to be a very consistent d man. He showed some offensive ability late in the season and showed to be a top dog this year as a returner IMO. But THIS season it seems like someone whispered in his ear that he needs to be the man, that he needs to do everything this season. I am willing to bet he has solely been responsible for over 50% of the odd man breaks. He has also been our worst D-man at finding shooting lanes and knowing when he has them or not. He needs to take a step back and simplify his game. He needs to cut his loses and realize that he doesn't need to be the shooter on every play. He is taking shots that are not there and he is stepping up when the play isn't there. All in all, his game is showing he is trying to do too much. He is taking "stepping up" the wrong way.
  6. Peluso is? I could see a North vs South system working better than a 2 class system. Traveling distance is the only bugger there. Although I do see the need for a two class system and understand where that argument comes from, I just don't see it happening. If all of the JR. Gold teams jumped in to join the lower class, I could see it being a little more realistic but that probably will never happen because of school funding. Not to compare to the crappy state of MN, but they have a two class system for what 200-250 teams? Doesn't it seem a little over kill to change to a two class system when we only have 17 teams to go around? Splitting it up would lead to doing a 4 team state tourney? Speaking of 17 teams, I am curious to how Shanley/South get away with co-oping? Look at Grafton/PR, Bott, HB and DL producing enough for teams but they're saying Shanley and South can no longer produce enough to make teams? Pretty sure Oak Grove contributes some players to them as well. Will the new WF school have a hockey program some day, and same for a new school in Bismarck? How does Valley City not produce enough kids for a HS hockey team, or even a JR. GOLD team? Do those kids go to Jamestown to play?
  7. It's unacceptable. They need to step up, their opportunities are there.
  8. It has been discussed ^^^ . I vividly remember the the 18-0 RR game being talk about around the state as being unsportsmanlike. I remember the sports anchor on WDAZ even commenting on it. As word spread, rumors came back explaining that Whap made a few cheap shots on some of the top dog RR players so RR started to light the lamp rapidly.
  9. I bet he will play at WJC, and that is probably a big reason why he isn't playing this weekend.
  10. Does anyone know exactly what happened to his wrist? I am just curious, because it must be pretty serious to miss this much time. He probably would have been better off breaking his wrist initially. Sometimes those serious sprains can nag and drag on for much longer. With him being out this long, I am also assuming it must be his top hand as he could probably get by if it was his bottom hand other than slap shots.
  11. Although, if you push Gardner and Poganski up to be needed as the offensive leaders of the team by having them on the first line and PP, I am guessing they would put up better numbers than these two WMU players are. Almost certain better physicality as well. But again, I shouldn't judge too deeply because I have never heard of either and don't remember them from last season. I will watch closer this year to make further comments I suppose.
  12. Don't get me wrong, they both seem like very legitimate players putting up decent numbers in a tough conference. But "NHL scouts lining up in the hall way after every game to get to this kid" ? He is well below 1.0 ppg 2 seasons and counting and I don't even remember him when we played last season to be honest? A comment like that seems to be a little over exaggerated. Does he bring something to his game to make up for his play making and goal scoring abilities to attract all of this attention? Are scouts accidentally lining up in the wrong hallway when other teams come to play? Also- An NHL team basing their signing or not signing of a kid based off a very specific amount of goals to get in a season also seems a little...how do I say this...wrong. There are many many many more things that go into wanting a certain player in your club. Promising him a contract completely based on hitting a specific goal mark (mediocre goal mark) seems so unrealistic it's embarrassing to hear that is thought to be anything more than a silly rumor.
  13. Yeah that is a tough situation, but I would agree to just let that type of kid do his thing and see what happens. With that said, your story isn't a typical situation and is kind of an outlier to normal blow out games.
  14. My point exactly. There are things that can be done, and respectable coaches know when to show mercy. Some people have bad things to say about Tony, so it's good to hear something like this about him. I played for him on some off season teams and always thought he was a great guy and a great coach.
  15. I see where you are coming from with this, and I agree with you to a point. But let me ask you this: As a player, would you rather be embarrassed by getting caught up in a game of keep away in front of 150 people at the rink in HB and end up with a score more like 12-0 that doesn't really attract too much attention to anyone else? Or be embarrassed by getting lit up 24-1 that attracts the attention from everyone in the entire state? In a game where they most likely got caught up in a game of keep away anyways...but BHS just decided to score at the end of it every time? I have been on both sides of this as well. I have seen 2 teams playing that were so ungodly mismatched it should have been cancelled, but yet things were done to keep it from getting completely out of control like this. I definitely don't discredit Peluso for not wanting to risk using his JV, but there are other things that can be done as other people listed above. Skate it back into your zone and kill some time, let some D men play forward, sit your top line and let some JV kids play. I wasn't at the game either, and I don't know the particulars either, but just knowing they scored 24 times, one of his first line kids scored 10 of them AND that they peppered the goalie with over 100 shots on goal...that tells me all I need to know. He poured the coals and kept it coming when it was completely unnecessary. So I feel pretty confident in casting the first stone on this one.
  16. I suppose a lot of them are from different parts of the country that have never seen weather like this so it seems completely unnatural to them.
  17. HA! Pretty scary how many mentally ill and brain washed people there are this day and age. You'll have to read the dozens of comments below the article that are all agreeing with this and even go into further detail. I had no idea people actually thought all of this. I'd really like to point out some of the ridiculous points made in the article, but it's not even worth going into or talking about. We all know they are insane, and everything in that article is crazy. Actually pretty comical!
  18. All the more reason for me to hope for them to get annihilated by some teams this season. I'm not sure what teams will be able to do that other than GFC and RR, but that'll be good enough for me. Maybe WF, a Fargo team or DL will send them to the consolation round at State. #4 DL from the east beat #1 BHS from the west in 2007. Grafton did it to them in 2010 and Davies did it to them in 2011...just to name a few. All in all, I would really enjoy seeing Century taking it to them one of these years.
  19. Well I hope the numbers stay strong as they pass through each stage of the hockey levels. For a town/towns of that size, it is hard to juggle kids between the 3 main winter sports. There just aren't enough to go around to have 3 strong programs usually. I remember HB having some solid teams in the past, so it would be nice to see that again sometime in the future. Same goes for Bott.
  20. What towns could HB co-op with out there? Mandan would be an hour drive, but could be a possibility (Rugby is 50 miles from Bott and Cando is 40 miles from DL). Which team do Bismarck St. Mary kids go to play hockey? Are there any other small towns around HB that have Jr. Gold hockey or anything? I would hate to lose HB, or any other hockey program in the state for that matter.
  21. You're not serious...are you?! This is getting weirder and weirder.
  22. Never mind, I took a look for myself. Dain Sardelli and Jakob Parisien. Where did Mikey Morris end up? Looking back, I know I wouldn't have ever done that to my home town, or my life long teammates. I remember that Tyrell McBain (RIP) from HB who had an outstanding Sophmore season left afterwards as well. I think he had somewhere in the ball park of 30-35 goals that season. Then he tried to move to Devils Lake to join a solid group in his class that he was familiar with, but his mom was unable to find a job in time so he ended up at Fargo South. I think he played JV and 4th line varsity his JR. year and had a very moderate Sr. season there as well.
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