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Everything posted by UNDMOORHEAD

  1. I would think that Reiger has earned some ice time.
  2. I know nothing about this league either. Is it a step above high school? Maybe he went there to get ready for the USHL next year. Anyone with knowledge please let us know.
  3. Didn't say that's why they lost. Responding to another post about why Simo was playing.
  4. Already had a D-man playing forward. Everyone else is hurt or sick.
  5. First goal was a tip and the puck should of been out of our zone prior to the goal. Obviously can't defend his decision on the second goal, but it was thanks to Simo that he was even allowed to make it. Third goal was a blown coverage. He could have come up with a huge save in that spot, but again he shouldn't have been in that position. All that being said I'm ready for Cam to come back as well. I think Thome has played well and could also get much better in his time here.
  6. Poor showing vs a poor team at home. The black Friday curse continues.
  7. Even the first goal was the result of two failed attempts to clear our zone.
  8. A PP goal could potentially salvage a bad period.
  9. 30 turnovers for the game and still win. I'm not a basketball guy, but I'm assuming that doesn't happen very often. You got to be impressed with the comeback after a bad first half though.
  10. Miami must of been looking ahead to Clemson.
  11. How about Robbie Bina, he was a threat to score from literally everywhere on the ice.
  12. 3x3 isn't really the strength of those two.
  13. The best coaches are able to maximize strengths and cover up weaknesses.
  14. Holy s&*t, I wasn't aware of that.
  15. Watching the Wild play NJ and still can't believe a team as bad as COL let Butcher go for nothing.
  16. It can be hard to convey tone via text at times.
  17. I'm aware, it's just a hard sell currently.
  18. I understood why you brought it up earlier I didn't mean it as anything against what you said. I wholeheartedly agree with your above statement about the 4x4 as well. As I had said previously they have to change the way they call the game in order to change the way it's played.
  19. I agree, but I assume the trick will be getting them over the other schools.
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