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Kevin G

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Everything posted by Kevin G

  1. But I do. I do dwell. I know I shouldn’t, but I do.
  2. Hang on. CBSSPORTS, the hockey game isn’t over yet. At least give us as much respect as lacrosse!
  3. Let’s channel our last third period, right now.
  4. Merrimack team promise: At least one blocked shot for every busload of students at the game. Promise kept.
  5. Season on the line. One period to go. Win the third period. LFG.
  6. Not smart. And not as bad as Behren’s boarding penalty that got two minutes.
  7. There's GREEN in the air tonight! And there's already green in the stands at the X!
  8. Shireen reported that Chrona said that it was something with his foot.
  9. See, once again just solid info from this place. SS.com is like Wikipedia with a quirky yet lovable personality.
  10. You guys are easily 10x better than Wikipedia.
  11. If any of the boys were thinking about coming out flat tonight against the Huskies, take some advice from George:
  12. @Clark17, is there a reason they're not just going with a regulation 85' rink width? (It seems weird that universities can just pick an arbitrary width, like Wisco's 97'.)
  13. Correct. From UW website, Kohl Center rink size is 200' x 97.' A little unorthodox, but not a regulation NHL sheet.
  14. Yes, that's a good point. Recency cuts both ways.
  15. I neglected to include our PP% over the last 10 games (it's...not good). I suspect that the boys are working on some new PP looks this week. The PP worked until teams adjusted (especially to Gaber); now it's time to adjust to our opponents' adjustments. Thankfully UND has some excellent PP personnel.
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