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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. DNC * Barack Obama: What mattered most about Obama's speech on Wednesday was that he did what lots of Democrats have been begging him to do for the last three-ish years: He delivered a stunning takedown of the man who followed him into the White House. "Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't, and the consequences of that failure are severe." Consider what Obama is saying there: As someone who did the job -- for eight years -- he not only believes Trump cannot rise to the demands of the presidency, but also that there are very real effects of Trump's deficiency. "This isn't just the sharpest criticism Obama has made of Trump," tweeted Politico's Tim Alberta. "This is the sharpest criticism a former president has *ever made* of a sitting president." * Kamala Harris: The vice presidential nominee started slowly -- almost certainly the result of nerves -- as she delivered the single most important speech of her political life. Even as she recounted her personal story, you could tell that she was still struggling somewhat to find her sea legs. And then she hit this line, when talking about her background as a prosecutor: "I know a predator when I see one." Harris paused, purposely, after dropping that hammer of a line -- and everyone watching knew who she was talking about. From that moment on, Harris was like a different person -- confident, powerful and fully aware of the history she was making as the first Black and South Asian woman to be on a national ticket for a major party. Her best line? "There is no vaccine for racism. We have got to put in the work." If Harris' speech was a tryout for 2024 (or 2028), she passed it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/analysis-hits-and-misses-from-day-3-of-the-democratic-national-convention/ar-BB18aCOe?ocid=msedgdhp
  2. CNN South Dakota Department of Transportation officials tracked over 462,000 vehicles entering Sturgis during the rally, according to CNN affiliate KDLT/KSFY. That total is a 7.5% decline from the previous year but still represents one of the largest gatherings since the coronavirus pandemic began.
  3. The problem with the Jo without the e is she can't beat Trump.
  4. Reminds me of an old one I heard when Trump started politicalling.
  5. I have concerns with some of the policies (always had with all P's), but I can't cast that same vote again this time.
  6. Trump has strayed. He hasn't started any wars or destruction of countries like most of his recent predicessors have. Give him an A for that.
  7. That would of been sad. Hopefully UND's in person classes make it throught the semister.
  8. The office of the Presedentcy will be back to normal?
  9. The $500 bookstore credit is genuine. The second pararph is a streach.
  10. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a fierce ally of President Trump, praised Jill Biden's speech about her husband, presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden, Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, calling her an "outstanding person." "Tonight, Jill Biden did a very good job representing herself and Joe in the causes they believe in," Graham wrote on Twitter.
  11. I'm fairly confident he is at least aware of his surroundings for the most part, oh how about foreign policy? Miles ahead of Trump. Right now the offie of the Presidency needs a respecrtful leader for the people, not a lawyered up clown for himself.
  12. You bring up a very important point, one which should get a lot more publicity. Now as President, he seems to be giving warnings on the next assult. Sure seems to be dropping lots of hits on mail in ballots and the Post Office. Sore loser mentality.
  13. Trump's hush money. Remember that stuff? Trump in over his head. You've heard that? Trump lies more than his buddy Putin, You still a believer bud?
  14. high-profile Republicans backing Biden https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/here-are-the-high-profile-republicans-backing-biden/ar-BB187CZa?ocid=msedgdhp
  15. "At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center." Clinton will say in a couple of hours. "There’s only chaos. Just one thing never changes — his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.” You do understand citizens concerns?
  16. A true Lemming with blinders on. Still believing in all the lies? Listen to Joe on Thursday, get reprogramed.
  17. Notre Dame suspending in person classes for 2 weeks after spike in Covid cases.
  18. I've had enough of all the lies and the joke the office of the Presidency has become. Time to bring back some respect. Many R have similar taughts.
  19. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced Tuesday that he was suspending "longstanding operational initiatives" at the United States Postal Service, amid fears that the changes could delay election mail this fall in the middle of the pandemic. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/dejoy-suspends-postal-service-changes-amid-election-fears/ar-BB1875Uw?ocid=msedgdhp Trump now sh$t n bullets.
  20. Some may find the long haul interesting, it's not like it's been on here a lot, if at all??? You are not required to read these posts.
  21. Trump is the problem. I was not fond of Obama. Biden can get us back to normal, if there is such a thing now.
  22. Some Coronavirus Patients Are Reporting Symptoms That Last Months. Nobody Knows Exactly How to Treat Them Jamie Ducharme 1 hr ago https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/some-coronavirus-patients-are-reporting-symptoms-that-last-months-nobody-knows-exactly-how-to-treat-them/ar-BB186gs0?ocid=msedgdhp This is “long-haul” COVID-19. Even young, healthy people can become long-haulers (as many call themselves), left unable to work, lead a normal life or, some days, get out of bed. The consequences for each individual can be devastating—and at scale, they’re staggering.
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