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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. My comment was a little humorous!! Sniffles and all. Not getting better. Over 83,000 new coronavirus cases recorded in US for 2nd straight day. Anyone still thinking this will disappear on Nov 4th?
  2. As CoVid surges across this country, more people are realizing this is no sniffle. By election day we could have a pandemic. 9 days.
  3. You have no idea how sleazy a campaign T is running.
  4. I'd suggest to start on the sports threads, this one is an anomaly.
  5. Correct. He'll be working with congress while not worrying about his personal business.
  6. They probably wouldn't contact you again and mark you down as non responsive, surely a CoVid death.
  7. I'm pretty much on the same page, voted for the T circle jerk 4 years ago. I've voted for B earlier this week. Till they prove B was wrong on this mid October Giuliani fire cracker, I'm comfortable with my vote. To me if this story had some horsepower, it would of been brought out way earlier - and then been proven. This is a political ultimate of worst tactics, somewhat sinilar to 4 years ago. This has to stop; these lies, false accusations, repeating false stories knowing that aren't true, and etc. There's that gourp of the electorate on each end of the voting spectrum that never crosses the line , but there's getting to be a bigger group in the middle that will vote either way or for an I. Just look back in our life time how the party of the P is bouncing back and forth? It has somewhat been going on for a while, but now at a more intense level.
  8. I don't buy the tickets, but a lot of people believe in these odds?
  9. M daughter works at the Med School, there is some Corona chatter. Heard something like this, migh be a rumor? The state dropped contact tracing, article in the Heraldo. Pressure from CDC (or something Federal, can't remember) made it's presence and the State modified contact tracing and continued with it. Like mentioned a few days ago, with grandson's 2nd Q - unlike the 1st one, contact tracing was left to my daughter. Just a GF County Health letter from the school as a guide.
  10. To way to shorten that up is get the kid tested +, now you have 10 day Q to get the kid back to school.
  11. Daughter's explanation. Grandson is on a 10 day Q. Contact with grandson for people out of household is 14 day Q for them since that contact date, as long as they do not come into contact again. Household is on Q for entire time grandson is on 10 day Q and then 14 additional days. If another household member tests + at a later date, then that person moves to a 10 day Q. That senario may extend time frame even more for rest of household.
  12. That's what I questioned. It's 24 days, for residents in home outside of the grandson. Something like 10 days plus 2 weeks. I'll try get a better explanation today.
  13. My grandson's test results came back + yesterday, test taken Tuesday. Apparently 5th person in class + so far. Daughter received call from GF County Healty and State Health also yesterday, they did ask about contacts and claim they are back to to doing contact tracing. Her hosehold is on 24 day quarantine.
  14. Melania rips her hand away at the end of the debate. Apparently Stand By Your Man wasn't a big hit in Slovenia. pic.twitter.com/73q5DzdSVE
  15. Giuliani got taken for a ride. Call it a little pushback. He put his own reputation in the mud, and will get blow-back for the rest of his life. No respect for this attorney, and who in the WH hired him?
  16. Couple comments at the debate I am the least racist person in this room He pours fuel on every single racist fire
  17. Sacha Baron Cohen Slaps Back At Rudolph Giuliani Denial: “He Did What He Did” https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/sacha-baron-cohen-slaps-back-at-rudolph-giuliani-denial-he-did-what-he-did/ar-BB1al69j?ocid=msedgdhp
  18. You might be onto something, maybe soon it will only be death rate, too many numbers to keep up with all. Oxbow noted a change. Is ND getting ready to throw the towel in? Are we getting tired of topping the headlines accross the country.
  19. Not reaching at all, showing the majic circle of friends. WH laced with friends (has beens) in trouble with the law. Jared Kushner friend, Giuliani associate Ken Kurson charged with cyber stalking https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jared-kushner-friend-giuliani-associate-ken-kurson-charged-with-cyber-stalking/ar-BB1akQQg?ocid=msedgdhp
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