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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Trump says his election challenges probably won't make it to the Supreme Court Tucker Higgins 6 hrs ago "Well, the problem is, it's hard to get into the Supreme Court," Trump said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," after host Maria Bartiromo asked him when he expected his challenges to make it to the justices.
  2. No, I wouldn't say exempt. Challenging couple months ahead.
  3. Beautiful late fall weather in GF for outside construction work.
  4. With the final weeks of T's campaign, he held rallies across the country. Many saw the rallies as a sign of big enthusiasm, but the visits did not produce the desired impact for T, except that they helped spread the virus.
  5. Milwaukee County completed its recount on Friday and Dane County on Sunday, there was little change in the more than 800,000 ballots that had been cast. Resulting in Biden’s lead over Trump in Wisconsin growing by 87 votes.
  6. You must still believe? You are in favor of the assassination? Then who blows up who next? When does your Russia Russia get in? There is another view to this.
  7. But they sure tried today against the Panthers. Maybe they start another winning streak.
  8. Similar to the flu vaccine, vaccinologists have projected that the rona vaccine will require annual shots or booster shots. Fauci said it's not even clear whether or not the vaccines will last that long.
  9. Use bigger print, it helps those with blinders on.
  10. Former CIA Director John Brennan has condemned a top Iranian nuclear scientist's reported assassination on Friday, calling it "criminal" and "highly reckless." "This was a criminal act & highly reckless," Brennan. "It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict." Brennan also said he did not know who was to blame for the killing but that it "would be a flagrant violation of international law." Former CIA Director John Brennan says the assassination of a top Iranian nuclear scientist was 'criminal' and risked inflaming conflict in the Middle East (msn.com)
  11. In Key States, Republicans Were Critical in Resisting Trump’s Election Narrative The telephone call would have been laugh-out-loud ridiculous if it had not been so serious. When Tina Barton picked up, she found someone from President Trump’s campaign asking her to sign a letter raising doubts about the results of the election. The election that Ms. Barton as the Republican clerk of the small Michigan city of Rochester Hills had helped oversee. The election that she knew to be fair and accurate because she had helped make it so. The election that she had publicly defended amid threats that made her upgrade her home security system. “Do you know who you’re talking to right now?” she asked the campaign official. Evidently not. If the president hoped Republicans across the country would fall in line behind his false and farcical claims that the election was somehow rigged on a mammoth scale by a nefarious multinational conspiracy, he was in for a surprise. In Key States, Republicans Were Critical in Resisting Trump’s Election Narrative (msn.com)
  12. Don't Speak That Way Sure there are some that like the rough edge, but there are some in the Cult that are so blind that they don’t see it. T’s lies, his inflammatory language, and his level of comfort with political violence cost him the election. Many top R walked away and supported Biden. Those that don't know better can't help themselves. Keep believing the lies? Ruddy tactics? Transition is well under way. Tomorrow Biden and Harris Get Full Intelligence Briefings!
  13. I think you and many do, just my opinion. You accept the deceit and lies of this P. Like the Bozo toys that shop here, T is just a little rough on the edges, but but but, he's such a nice guy - and on to a point, JUST LIKE YOU DID. What a joke, T is a lying loser. Oh Oh Oh other politicians lied. No P has lied like this Orange Clown. What a mockery of our election is being played out. necessarily ?
  14. One more: Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Saturday batted aside another lawsuit aimed at overturning President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory. The state’s highest court unanimously dismissed a suit filed by a congressman and other Republican supporters of President Trump that claimed that the state’s decision to allow absentee voting on demand was illegal. The justices noted that the lawsuit was filed only after Trump lost the election and more than a year after Pennsylvania first instituted a law allowing voting by mail. “They would now flip the table, scattering to the shadows the votes of millions of Pennsylvanians,” Justice David Wecht wrote in a concurring opinion.’ Pennsylvania Supreme Court swats away another long shot pro-Trump election lawsuit (msn.com)
  15. Dominion Voting Systems tore into Sidney Powell's lawsuit accusing it of a vast conspiracy, calling it 'baseless, senseless, physically impossible' © Drew Angerer/Getty Images Sidney Powell. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Dominion Voting Systems tore into Sidney Powell's lawsuit accusing it of a vast conspiracy, calling it 'baseless, senseless, physically impossible' (msn.com)
  16. Go to the link and find the author. Then take blinders off.
  17. speaking of sports NFL orders shutdown of team facilities Monday and Tuesday to slow spread of the Virus.
  18. Republicans are preparing to re-embrace their inner deficit hawk after greenlighting big spending bills under President Trump. GOP senators say they expect to refocus on curbing the nation's debt and reforming entitlement programs starting in 2021, as the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the debt has surpassed the size of the American economy. Republicans ready to become deficit hawks again under a President Biden (msn.com)
  19. Friday Milwaukee County's recount resulted with Biden adding 132 votes to his margin of victory.
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