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Posts posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. 57 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    I'm not speaking about the ins and outs of the game as it's clear that Bucci isn't that guy, I'm talking exposure. Dude brings up college hockey on Twitter all the time and poo poo it all you want, that is incredibly helpful.

    Night clubs know to keep the hype men away from the other side of the bar. ESPN needs to figure that out and leave him in the studio. That could be an upside to their recent NHL contract, having better PxP guys in house.

  2. 14 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    so you think we should pick up some more ottawa draft picks?  hell , the others are pretty good

    If they dominated Atlantic it'd be interesting to see how they do in the NCHC. Miami poached a guy from Holy Cross and he disappeared in their lineup.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Mods, can you move the Cruikshank conversation here? There are going to be a lot of names to discuss this off season.  Brad having access or getting tips from someone who does helps. Next few years too, and potentially forever if the year off requirement for transferring goes away as expected.

    Others Brad has tweeted about:

    Grant Johnson

    Casey Staum

    Eric Dop

  4. With apologies to Michigan, CC is probably the best non-ivy school in college hockey academics-wise. Haviland never seemed suited to the recruiting part of the college game, and his assistants didn't pick up the slack. With the block scheduling, good academics and new arena, hopefully they get someone that can get over that hump.

    • Upvote 3
  5. 11 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    BSU doesn't have a superfan like @SiouxFanatic who streams games for their fanbase. Does BSU even have a message board we can try infiltrate and get a link to someone streaming?

    OnHockey.tv might have it. Just make sure your anti-virus and ad blocker are up to date, it's chock full of pop ups and who knows what.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, sioux24/7 said:

    If you guys ever need a good laugh, go read page 199 of this thread. Someone needs to get this to Freezing Cold Takes. 

    Neutral Zone had Pinto at 3.75? If they'd done their job right, none of us would look foolish.... <tongue in cheek emoji>

  7. 22 minutes ago, scpa0305 said:

    Kid plays a wagon wheel style of hockey (which I absolutely love by the way....think how Sanderson has been playing lately) and I know I've heard from good sources his pops controls where he plays based on systems/style ran. He's a super confident right handed D man that has to end up here. Can't lose that one.

    Has he signed his NLI?

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