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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. But the choice between staying home indefinitely and returning to business as usual now is a false one. Risk is not binary.
  2. I see folks saying ‘restart’ being told to “lick a doorknob” aka practice what you preach, take the risk. Should folks saying ‘stay locked down’ be told to quit their jobs and then jailed for stepping foot outside?
  3. “ ... find a cure.” It’s right over there by the cure for the common cold.
  4. The second round of Covid-19 problems won’t be the virus. It will be an economic, social, and mental health based pandemic that will make the first round look like the sniffles.
  5. A vastly under appreciated bass riff I must say (and I do, speaking as a guy who’s held a long neck for a few minutes or so).
  6. I need antibodies Antibodies not flu Everybody needs antibodies, oh yeah I need antibodies Hey what about you We all need antibodies, hey Another report, another two weeks burned It's the distance keeps us insane But when the data leads to wallow We do it all again, all again, yah I need antibodies Antibodies not flu Everybody needs antibodies, oh yeah I need antibodies Hey what about you We all need antibodies, hey Apologies to Bryan Adams and his song “Somebody”.
  7. If X says open up they are just doing it for stock market and wealthy. If Y says open up they are looking out for the ultra poor. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-05-11/more-than-a-billion-people-escaped-poverty-in-the-last-20-years-the-coronavirus-could-erase-those-gains?_amp=true&__twitter_impression=true
  8. He needs somebody, somebody like you. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/may/12/bryan-adams-attacks-china-coronavirus
  9. But believe it or not, the legal authority exists, and has been used in the past (by James Earl Carter). https://www.reuters.com/article/us-united-states-china-debt-breakingview/breakingviews-america-could-actually-shirk-its-debts-to-china-idUSKBN22G05Q
  10. I did not say default. I said void US debt held by China. And there's a difference: one is can't pay; one is won't pay. Keep paying the rest. The world would see the difference. Heck, the world would probably follow suit.
  11. No. When I say make them pay I mean make them pay. China holds about $1.3 trillion (with a T) of US sovereign debt. I say void all that paper: Void all US debt held by China. Tell them they can use it for toilet paper, because that's all it's worth now. If they don't like it, well, they've already de facto started an economic war. If China wants to go next level, let them start that also. We'll finish that too. (Let the first Trident D-5 "party favor" land on Wuhan.)
  12. It's been that way for over a decade.
  13. “The news comes amid rising sentiment that China should be held financially responsible for the pandemic.“ Blame the arsonists. And make them pay.
  14. German magazine Der Spiegel is reporting the China government conspired with WHO to delay reporting the problem by four to six weeks. https://dailycaller.com/2020/05/09/china-who-coronavirus-coverup-germany/ “The BND’s verdict is harsh: At least four, if not six, weeks have been lost in Beijing’s information policy in the fight against the virus,” Der Spiegel reported. (BND is German intelligence.)
  15. Why are we blaming the firefighters? Blame the arsonists. (Yeah, I’m looking at you and your policies Beijing.)
  16. I see maybe three 50+ in that video. What I see is a bunch of potential asymptomatic carriers (who’ll never go symptomatic) that’ll build herd immunity.
  17. I had realistic expectations. Zero deaths? Never going to happen. Economic impact? The minute the word “pandemic” was rolled out the impact was real if only just psychological. We did the best we could with the immediate information when this hit. We’re doing the best we can with what we have in hand now. If you can do better, run for office. I’m not a Walz guy, but his “adjusting the knobs” to get back to normal mindset is good. (I may or may not agree with his settings. And that’s OK.)
  18. They have. You and I may or may not agree with the decisions. To claim they didn’t is to claim you are a mind reader and know their thoughts.
  19. If the concern was overwhelming the health system, why weren’t the societal triggers tied to ... (wait for it) ... loading on the health system.
  20. Which failed us? Noam in SD? Bergum? Newsom in CA? The Michigan governor? Cuomo? The NJ governor? MN governor? I’d say the elected official who haven’t ended “wet markets” in China failed us. Those are the main suspect for MERS, SARS, swine flu, and now Ol’-19. Elect me and those markets will no longer be a problem* *And I’ll fix the China bio-weapons program too.
  21. Did we or anyone have the gear to implement it.
  22. I keep hearing we needed mass testing. But did we know what to test for until it was rolling? And how would we have gear to test for what we didn’t know to test for?
  23. Life is managing risk. We are past the risk of overwhelming ND hospitals. We now must manage the risk of losing some of them.
  24. < hand in air > What exactly was that?
  25. Strength of the Herd?
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