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Sioux/Minnesota St Friday game Thread


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Sooooo. Would you rather root for wisconsin or denver??? I just went , yeah! when wisconsin scored but really i cant see who id rather face, if we'd have to, in the near future?

more worried to see Elliot than any goalie in the nation, on the other hand uw needs to win the final 5 to get in the ncaa's

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Agree, even though school is out can't believe that only 9900 were there

3-2 UW Wins up 1-0 in the series

I think it couldve made a difference if we wouldve been playing one of the top three or four teams. Who wants to watch landcows? :silly: Students help sellout the crowd, what can ya say....now they are all out showing boobies arses and drinking beer somewhere ;)

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