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D-I move worth it


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An interesting piece from the Grand Forks Herald telling the story of moving to D-I from the Sudent Ahlete's prospective:



NDSU, SDSU athletes: UND athletes will like the move

By Bob Bergland

Herald Staff Writer

North Dakota State and South Dakota State athletes have a simple message to give their counterparts at UND who will be experiencing the transition to NCAA Division I: Don't worry, be happy.

Because UND's first official season in Division I won't start until the fall of 2008, this year's juniors and seniors will get a reprieve from having to make the transition. But the rest of the UND athletes will need to adjust to new regulations and a different level of competition.

Megan Vogel, a senior basketball player at SDSU who went through the transition, said the positives have outweighed any negatives.

"The experiences I've had, the things I've been able to do, are second to none," said Vogel, who was recruited as a Division II player before SDSU made the transition. "I would never have experienced what I've experienced as a Division II player at a Division II school.

"You can't explain the feeling of our first Division I win against the University of Kentucky. There's nothing that replicates that."

NDSU baskeball player Lisa Bue, a junior who was on the Bison's first Division I recruiting class, also felt the move was positive for her team, school and the Dakotas.

"From an athlete's perspective, it's totally worth it," Bue said. "It's great for North Dakota and South Dakota to have these D-I programs, since there weren't any D-I programs or professional teams in either state.

"And these programs have always been run like D-I programs, so it's good now that they're getting more credit for being a D-I program. I think when they were D-II they worked just as hard, but now it's just a new level of competition." . . . (read more)

Go State! :lol:

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I'm confused. I've been reading on this board for a couple years that student athletes only want to play for schools that are eligible to win national championships. :ohmy::lol::lol:

Are you telling me that some athletes would rather have a chance to beat a big D1 school (like Kentucky) than win a D2 title? :lol: I'll be darned. Who would've guessed it? :huh:

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I find that hard to believe. You? Confused? Shocking!

Oh man, nice shot! Nothing like taking the obvious insult to somebody's comment almost certainly made in jest. God, I've got to go clean my pants out now that was such a good zinger. I hope after you typed that you yelled "zing" too. Because that was a good one. Really, not lacking any form of originality at all.

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Oh man, nice shot! Nothing like taking the obvious insult to somebody's comment almost certainly made in jest. God, I've got to go clean my pants out now that was such a good zinger. I hope after you typed that you yelled "zing" too. Because that was a good one. Really, not lacking any form of originality at all.

Glad you took that comment seriously, as neither beersong nor I did.

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Glad you took that comment seriously, as neither beersong nor I did.

My fault, it turns out I'm an a$$, and I apologize. I over-reacted to something that drives me crazy when it is intentionally done.

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Our dear friend, 89rabbit, has mysteriously morphed back into an AFF-like personality:

The folks up in Grand Forks crack me up. Their hatred of NDSU knows no bounds.

Are persons with dual personalities allowed post with two names?

Seriously Starcity IPcheck. If you want I'll PM you the program to read my IP. All you have to do is say so, and you can read any IP, and immediately determine the location of the computer. I'm not joking about this, its a real thing, easily downloadable. Do you want it? I'll give it to you if you promise to never tell me I'm 89rabbit again. Me and 89rabbit even PMed each other about you thinking that we were the same person, and neither of us were surprised.

Even if you don't want to check my IP, I know that the administrator of this site has my IP from whenever I post. Ask him where my IP currently is. Refer him to this post, where:

I explicitly give permission for Star2city to view my IP and location

I don't know what else you want me to do to prove myself to you, and I think I've done enough that you should stop making accusations until you have some factual information.

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Our dear friend, 89rabbit, has mysteriously morphed back into an AFF-like personality:

The folks up in Grand Forks crack me up. Their hatred of NDSU knows no bounds.

Are persons with dual personalities allowed post with two names?


Mr. Fee's article from the GF Herald was brought up on the "Any Given Saturday" board and I responded. Don't know what else to tell you. I didn't post anything about it here because this is a Sioux site and you guys are entitled to be a little bias on your board (just like I am over on the Jackrabbit board). I try very hard not to be disrespectful over here because I am a guest, so I self moderate my posts on your board. However, now that it is here I stand by what I posted.

Does my approach indicate a personality disorder? I don't think so. Am I AFF? No. Oh and by the way AFF are not my initials as I am told you asserted in the past. Only one of the letters would be correct. :ohmy:

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Strange how a topic that gets AFF so ornery on this board turns '89' into a crazed rabbit on another board. As examples, when Wyobisonman trashed the MidContinent conference on this board, AFF responded quickly here, and within fifteen minutes 89rabbit started a thread on bisonville about Bison fans needing to be respectful of his dearly beloved MidCOn conference. Or how 89rabbit was in a tirade on bisonville about unfair perceptions of the SDSU athletes charged with rape were echoed by AFF by equal feracity on this board. Aff has already shown a propensity to hide from truth (First denying any connection to South Dakota or SDSU, then when confronted with evidence from years ago, admits he 'attended' USDSU. :ohmy: )

You are 'both' placed on ignore, as your cheerleading and defense of SDSU and the denouncements of UND are absolutely not worth the time reading.

BTW, I take heart that UND is being blasted on boards by the likes of anti-prophets 89rabbit and AFF. There's some blessings coming UND's way and 89rabbit and AFF can sense it through their jealosy. :lol:

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This is really getting afield of the topic "D-I move worth it" and becoming about the people posting. Let's move back toward the former.

To hopefully help aid in such, I will note that because aff specifically requested it -- I see no indication that aff and 89rabbit are the same poster. A technically savvy person's ability to obfuscate such does exceed my ability to detect it, but usually such obfuscation attempts are themselves detectable. It wouldn't be particularly shocking for two individuals with similar outlooks (SDSU boosters, predisposed to question UND) and primary sources of information (the message boards cited above) to frequently produce similar posts.

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Why the venom? I have been on this board less then a month and can think of only one time and that was on a differnt board, (there could be more, but I only remember one) on a Valpo board, that you and I even exchanged posts. As I recall that exchange was passionate, but didn't get nasty. So I have to ask . . .


Hey bud, what's your problem?

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