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Houghton / Duluth


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Geez. Only me and my alleged Polish heritage can get myself in the most of trouble at the most inopportune of times.

I sincerely apologize to all of you who took offense to my off-handed remark about the SCSU President. I did not intend it as a slur of any sort. I now realize that it could have been interpreted that way. :D The guy, with his arrogance, just frustrates me from time to time, as do all people who live in glass houses and throw stones. The world was a better, and perhaps a safer, place back in the days when we more freely allowed ourselves the leeway to make more fun of ourselves, and of each other. I know that some of you disagree on this, so enough said.

I have bled green and white for years. My family has too. I watched my daddy carry Ralph out of the Cathedral in Las Vegas fourteen months ago. I travel all over the conference with my kids. We are teed up for the Regionals, regardless of venue. I teach them to hold their heads high when other fans - SCSU fans in particular - rant and rave about the claimed disrespect that we show to the Sioux heritage. I teach them to cheer rabidly, but respectfully, with no foul mouths, no sexism, and no racism. We are all over the Cities sporting the Sioux flag. I have nothing but respect for people who are willing to be themselves, without show of pretense. Again, I am sorry.

Only I could go fishing for information on hotels and have my topic get closed down by the administrators. Administrators, I am sorry. No more even close to off-color remarks about all of the protected folks, and their lifestyles. I am, perhaps, a member of the last unprotected class. Blowharts who pop their mouth off without thinking first.

All I really wanted to know, and still want to know, is where the Sioux stay in Houghton, and in Duluth. One reader gave me a solid read in Duluth. Thanks. Was it you dagies? I forget.

Anyway, here is rooting hard for the Sioux in St. Cloud. If anyone wants to cold cock me, look for the guy with the lil' girl in the green jersey, the young man in the black jersey, and me in my UND HOCKEY sweatshirt. An older son will be in tow Saturday. I got my own jersey coming for the road wars. Personalized. COOKOWSKI. To honor all of the Poles who have so bravely gone before me.

Thanks for your courtesies and patience. Let me know if anyone has anything on the hotel scene.

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Thanks for the note here. I'm sorry I can't help on Houghton, as I've only driven through the UP twice: 500 miles of fog on the way to Detroit, and 500 miles of driving snow on the way back. Of course, that was a round-trip from Grand Forks to Detroit (and Joe Louis Arena) in the Spring of 1987, so everything worked out fine.

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Thanks jk. I appreciate your acknowledgement of my apology. That trip to Detroit must have been great. That was a great team, with a great coach, with the title being the third in eight years. Probably the best North Dakota team ever. This year's team, or next year's, has a solid chance to match that greatness. Of that I am becoming more and more convinced.

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NDH--Al Pearson is taking a bus to Houghton and our group is staying at the same hotel as the team. But I'll be darned if I can remember the name of it. I'll look at his letter when I get home tonight and let you know tomorrow. I think the name has "Square" in it, Franklin Square, maybe?

Edited to say: Yah, I believe it's the Best Western Franklin Square in Houghton where the team & pearson's crew will be.

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