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Humurous story on Rocco Grimaldi


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Feminism "Was Established To Allow Unattractive Women Easier Access To The Mainstream"

And that's about where it ends for some people. If you don't toe the line we'll call you ugly cuz you know your only value to society is how you look. That ought to shut you up and make you feel bad about yourself.

You keep up the sound arguments sweetie.. I'll just sit here chastened and admire your big, big brain.

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Agree. Moderate feminism and Christianity both say that every adult has a right to self determination.

What is totally missing from runningwiththedogs portrayal of Rocco is the concept of sacrifice and suffering that comes with position.

Instead, society is inverted: position (regardless of male or female) seems to mandate the infliction of suffering on those below them..

I don't have a problem with people who have a set of values they live within. I don't have a problem with him voicing his beliefs. But inherent in his statements is that others should conform to his beliefs or they are bad people and are harming others. That frequently leads to "We should do something about them." It's that part of the equation that concerns me. I don't think he's going to march around campus with burkas or turtle necks. I also don't think women need to cover themselves to help him conform to his own religious beliefs. That's a demon he needs to face by himself.

I also think when a public figure makes controversial statements people are going to talk about it.

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I don't have a problem with him voicing his beliefs. But inherent in his statements is that others should conform to his beliefs or they are bad people and are harming others. That frequently leads to "We should do something about them."

It's that part of the equation that concerns me. I don't think he's going to march around campus with burkas or turtle necks. I also don't think women need to cover themselves to help him conform to his own religious beliefs. That's a demon he needs to face by himself.

I also think when a public figure makes controversial statements people are going to talk about it.

Aren't those statements missing the concept of grace? Rocco would be the first person to say that he is "bad" by nature, and that only grace is saving him. He's not judging anyone. Where did he ever state that? It's obvious that his words have touched off an internal firestorm of indignation with some people. Why? Have they convicted themselves? And if so, his message is only supposed to offer hope.

All types of poor behavior lead to destructive ends: poor spending habits, poor saving habits, poor work ethic, not pursuing dreams, poor relational decisions, lack of self-love, not listening when truth is being spoken through others. I'm old enough to see the rotten fruits of all of those manifest in different friends lives, and my own. Good pastors talk about those type issues as well as all life issues, more than theology. Rocco wants to be a pastor. The world needs good Pastors. If people don't like what Rocco says, reject it. Don't read his twitters.

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Aren't those statements missing the concept of grace? Rocco would be the first person to say that he is "bad" by nature, and that only grace is saving him. He's not judging anyone. Where did he ever state that? It's obvious that his words have touched off an internal firestorm of indignation with some people. Why? Have they convicted themselves? And if so, his message is only supposed to offer hope.

All types of poor behavior lead to destructive ends: poor spending habits, poor saving habits, poor work ethic, not pursuing dreams, poor relational decisions, lack of self-love, not listening when truth is being spoken through others. I'm old enough to see the rotten fruits of all of those manifest in different friends lives, and my own. Good pastors talk about those type issues as well as all life issues, more than theology. Rocco wants to be a pastor. The world needs good Pastors. If people don't like what Rocco says, reject it. Don't read his twitters.

But the right to free speech doesn't mean that you will be free from people who disagree with you or criticize you. If someone puts ideas I find dangerous into the public sphere I think I have the right/duty to present an opposing idea.

I think the idea that women are responsible for keeping men's sexuality in check is a dangerous one. Isn't that really the underlying rational for the repressive dress of the burka? It's a matter of degrees but I hear the same underlying message "Women should be ashamed of their bodies and the effect that they have on men. Only the man that is in charge of you has the right to see his property."

Women have the right to own their bodies and to be sexual creatures. Some may make really bad choices and pay the consequences. But as self willed people they have the right to those choices. I will also say that I don't think premarital sex is a horrible choice that leads to a broken unfulfilled women. Having premarital sex without knowing what you want out of it certainly can.

When he is a Pastor he will be preaching to people who want to share the same path he is trying to walk. People have the absolute right to choose that path. Counseling them on the best way to achieve that is one thing. Not everyone wants to walk that path and you are likely to get push back when you advocate that everyone hop on board. I don't think I would have had a word to say if he had addressed his tweets to his fellow believers as opposed to the world at large.

Thanks for the conversation. I'll leave it at opinions differ and Go Sioux before we shred the poor dead horse to pieces.

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When he is a Pastor he will be preaching to people who want to share the same path he is trying to walk. ... I don't think I would have had a word to say if he had addressed his tweets to his fellow believers as opposed to the world at large.

If you follow him on Twitter you joined his "congregation". Did someone force you to follow Rocco on Twitter?

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