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Injuries is the biggest problem for the season, to be honest. When I tell most people that, they roll their eyes and I want to punch them. But seriously, there have been a few games this season where we didn't even have enough healthy skaters to dress a full roster. There have been about four surgeries, one stroke (yes, I said STROKE), and a plethora of pretty much any other bodily injuries that you could think of - wrists, shoulders, backs, groins, legs, ankles... etc. While talking to Coach Russell, he told me that he has NEVER in his fifteen years of coaching seen ANYTHING quite like this. Whistler, I firmly believe my team would be sitting at 6th place right now if we hadn't gotten screwed with injuries like we did. Oh well though. This one's almost done and we'll get a new start next October.

Next season for Tech WILL BE BETTER. Brett Olson and Jordan Baker will be leading the way for this team... leading them right out of the basement.

I was impressed with Tech and really wondering how they only had two WCHA wins. thanks for the explanation.

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