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    Soon Florida

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  1. Ndsu should have been on the road to mont. state today and the 2 SD schools should have played each other the 2 sd schools,got hosed on the seeding
  2. I like the breaking clipboard type
  3. Mal needs a month Xmas break let someone else coach
  4. Mals coaching is worse than the teams shooting
  5. He said he told the team they can win the summit
  6. Transfer portal is going to be brutal
  7. No, an idiot that ran the foundation and took Minot country club and a few others along for the ride
  8. Missed 11 free throws the last 3 losses are all on Sather I would hate to see a game coached by Sather and Mal together
  9. UND should be around 325 after this game
  10. With king in the lineup UND is playing 4 on 5 he needs to be replaced as a starter
  11. Half time speach should be 30 seconds, send the players out to,practice free throws
  12. Sather sucks today fouls to,give and you let them sink a 3 at the end of the half
  13. Sather sucks today
  14. Fargo wants all the money from everything so they don’t pay taxes for all their new things , it’s the metro way
  15. 14 of 28 free throws made. that sucks
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