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  1. LOL.....Thanks for the best laugh I have had in months. I would love to hear you give a description on wiring a house for electricity. I just thought power came through the plug ins.
  2. I feel your pain. I moved back to NW ND a couple of months ago. I went with the local provider for cable just to get the Sioux Hockey games. Most of you don't realize this but these local providers don't give you a large selection of channels let alone HD channels. Also, in western ND you have to wait 4-6 weeks just to get cable hooked up. CBSSN isn't an option for my local provider. So, the option is to get direct tv, but then you miss out on midco games. The other thing is that just becasue Midco will broadcast in HD next year doesn't mean we are getting it in HD. Only MIDCO subscribers are guaranteed it in HD. At this point NCC and RTC have said they aren't switching the broadcast to an HD channel for next years games. I would assume other cable companies will be the same way.
  3. Wow. Jumped to a few conclusions without knowing any facts here.
  4. You could have left this sexist drivel at bisonville.
  5. OK. So, you give them a pass on 99.999999999% of the issues. You may want to check the definition of bullying. And I can state quite assurdely, there are sioux fans who rarely ever visit this site anymore because of your comments on each and every topic.
  6. All tixs have been sold. thxs
  7. The seats in section C39 have been sold. The other tixs I am offering are for face value. I would rather sell to a sioux fan, so if you are interested let me know.
  8. I have 2 sets of tixs available. Both sets are for all 3 games. I have 2 tix in section 221. They are seats 7 & 8 in row 9. I also have 2 seats in section C39. They are seats 13 & 14 in row 7. I am asking $400 for the pair in section 221 and $425 for the pair in section C39. PM or let me know on here if interested.
  9. Tickets have been sold. Thanks
  10. My buyer backed out. At this point I am willing to take $130 for the pair.
  11. I have 2 tickets for friday nights game. Section 315 row M Seats 4 and 5. My friend just sold his seats in same section and row for $100 a piece. I am willing to take less than that. Total I am into these tickets comes to $118.09. PM if interested or make me an offer. Thanks
  12. Toews went for $925. At least that is what my brother told me I purchased it for.
  13. According to Craig they weren't. I was on the same flight as him this past fall and he had said they hadn't been recruited by UND. He said he would have been happy if they went there, but he also realized how things work.
  14. I will second that. I think those sentiments reflect the thoughts of a lot of sioux fans.
  15. No thanks. Never been on POI and won't ever go. I just think the situation could have been handled differently. I also never said his writing was bad.
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