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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. Saying they want the two upper sections on both sides of the Bar (organ bar) on the Sioux end that they shoot twice

    I have 4 seats in that corner (306) & do not want to move to center Ice :huh:;)

    Go to the other end ;)

    I'm sure as long as they don't want my seats Who Cares :D

  2. & the whole place in general was loud (when they could be)

    There were alot of students there

    I'm not one to yell cheers or sing etc. - I watch just about every second when the puck is in play

    But I go as crazy as the next guy when we score

    & I clap at nice plays or big hits

    I'm just wondering how much (if any) the crowd makes in the outcome of a game ? ? ?

  3. PCM I agree 100%

    How & what is there to compromise ?

    Profanity is not Cool or going to be allowed

    Standing & blocking someones view is totally wrong & should not be allowed

    If anyone is intoxicated to a point of bothering those around you, they should be warned once & then removed

    Unless you can get the REA to reconstruct the arena, to make standing OK & not take seats away from people who already have them. It is not a realistic complaint

    I'm getting really tired of having to stand up & let people in & out of my row, while the puck is in play :bigsmile:

    Need more & better ushers / security & trust me this is where this is headed

    "You can't solve problems for people who do not want their problems solved"

  4. I just have to comment on "Grand Forks would not exist without UND"

    UND is a HUGE part of Grand Forks & Welcome by most all

    But have you ever been here in the summer ? It is a much quieter community & seems to do alright

    It's like saying - Without Government ND would not exsist - Who would live up here without Government support ? From Farming to Electricity to Roads, you name it, would it be here without taxes ? & the support the community gives to make our community livable ...Maybe even an exceptional place to live

    We are all here to support one another - Or should be - Don't like it....... leave

    Some of you need to go see the real world & I bet you will someday wish you lived in a community as nice as GF

  5. & the 1000 or so folks that have had those seats (on the end where the Sioux are on offense twice) are just suppose to give them up & take center ice seats :bigsmile: - Many have had those seats for generations & once your used to seeing the game from a certain angle & location in the rink - No other seat is as good

    (Hate to tell ya center ice seats are not like being on the 50 yard line at a football game)

    I even go to my area for HS Games - Many ask why with all the open seats - I don't even like the lower bowl ;) seats - (They are smaller you know)

    I still say again ! Take out the Bar on that end & construct a Standing Bleacher section - Both Bars are way over rated & too expensive & a waste of space

    & put a Lienies Kiosk that sells Creamy Dark on that end in the upper level :love:

    Or reconstruct the the area they are in now & take out the 3 or 4 private boxes & make that area more regular seating - Sure it will cost the Ralph some Bucks - But it would affect a lot less people - I wonder how many more seats it would add to convert that space to regular seating ? - Maybe then convert the Bars to private boxes ?

  6. I like a good knucklehead :huh:

    & I do always seem to watch him when he is on the ice

    I don't mind his antics (as long as he is smart & Does Not Get Caught) & they ultimately help the team, not hurt it.

    Keep Smiling Mike ;) .......... :)

  7. I go to Hockey games to get away from Logic & the real world & yell & watch the game -(I'm into every play & every moment of the game - Not to socialize or get excited about what the students are doing.

    But don't stand up in front of me all night, or you will hear about it, no matter who you are.

    If everyone sits everyone can see - it is the ultimate selfishness, to jump up & block the view of others - let alone stand all the time

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