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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. You forgot Hat Trick Hockey on 66th st. in Richfield.
  2. I understand it. It is Minnesota's inferiority complex coming out.
  3. Stillwater is part of the Minneapolis MSA (metropolitan statistical area) and Fargo is not a part of the GF MSA.
  4. Many watches in the Rolex price range that are good. So that would be a yes.
  5. Thanks. Good money for the AHL. Thanks for the link. I am going to bookmark that.
  6. Try Genoway is making around 70K not 550K. That is what he would make in the NHL and not the AHL.
  7. What is there that is more to do that the locals partake in?
  8. They won't get thrown out because it is his word against her and her credibility is ling of low now. It will plead down as all things are. Then is still does not hurt who your parents are.
  9. Sure it is. If you can't see that open your eyes.
  10. I did not say that you did. I asked if you or anyone here had? Since many have my ending statement is fact.
  11. They have not pulled the story. You have to go to the bottom of the news page and keep clicking older.
  12. You have to laugh at ironic things. They tend to be funny.
  13. That is why I do not think she should have resigned.
  14. Have you and many others here made a point to mention Simpson's dad? Tabellini's dad? Luke Johnson's pedigree? Aaron Ness's dad? Now tell me the difference?
  15. Call the Herald tomorrow and complain. Did you call and complain when they wrote stories about athletes? Grow up? I post a Herald link to the story they wrote and you tell me to grow up? Why can no one here defend their position?
  16. So if they cut up the money from this half a tourney I wonder with costs if they ended up with more or less than a home series would have gotten them?
  17. I think 6-4 or 7-3 would be more likely.
  18. A 19 year old girl in the public eye. A 19 year old girl that has been saying something totally different than who she is. A 19 year old girl who is the daughter of prominent North Dakotans. The 19 year old granddaughter of two public figures. Why are you not questioning the Herald for running the story? They found it newsworthy, as it is for the reasons I have stated, to print. Printed even though her grandmother writes for the Herald. Her grandfather was the editor of the Herald. Are you going to call Tom Dennis tomorrow and complain?
  19. Yes I did call his journalist integrity into it. Follow along now. He states he is a writer for the DS. The DS prints stories that might offend someone because the story is about their friend. He will write and print it because he is a newspaper writer and it is his job. By complaining when someone posts here about their friend on a community thread his journalist integrity can be questioned. I can overlook it from him though. He is a young kid who just found out someone that he respects has faults like all of us. Right now you are not trying to pick a fight with me?
  20. Actually I remembered who she was right away. Her grandmother has been including her in her reviews for at least 15 years. You do not find it ironic that a daughter of a District Judge and a Supreme Court Justice daughter gets arrested? Can you honestly say if someone else had started this thread you would have reacted the same way? You also have not been reading the GF Herald for 40 years either. Or the DS for 30 years.
  21. It is even more funny now. http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/carrie-sandstrom-help-students-decide-have-fun-and-stay-safe This is called the community thread which means you talk about the community. It is not a sports page. Different community issues are discussed along with happenings at UND. If you have such an issue with it I suggest a new career path. It is news and sometimes news hits close to home. If you can not be objective and see that you are not a journalist. You are a writer. Answer me this then. Is the Herald being objective running this story when you consider that her grandmother writes for the Herald and has for years. Or that her grandfather was the editor of the Herald for years. Do you not think that they did not give Marilyn a heads up that they were going to run this story and she would have said do it. Do you not think that her grandfather would have said the same thing? Ask a professor this tomorrow and show them this site and see what they say. I bet they will agree with me and not you. I also, as I said before, do not think she should have resigned. It has nothing to do with her job. In fact she could have done a great story on her actions and the consequences.
  22. http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/carrie-sandstrom-help-students-decide-have-fun-and-stay-safe. Oops. This is called the community page for a reason on a website dedicated to the University of North Dakota. Since you seem to have an issue I suggest you rethink journalism since one day you might have to write a story about a friend. You are not being an objective journalist. Ask a professor tomorrow about this and see what they say. Your professor will agree with me. Answer this for me then. Why did the Herald run the story? Her grand mother writes for the Herald and has for years. Her grandfather was the editor of the Herald for years. Why? Because they were being objective journalists. As I said before she should not have resigned. I see no relationship between her indiscretions and her job. She could have written a great wake-up story for other kids. She could have made something good come of this. I still find it funny.
  23. If you are going to try and be funny get your facts straight. Guns were not given to any drug cartels.
  24. Don't forget they started selling the guns under the Bush Admin and not Obama's. Why doesn't the right care about this http://www.warcriminalswatch.org/index.php/news/40-recent-news/243-2-11-09-complete-bush-appointee-resignation-scorecard. Or even more so this? http://www.policymic.com/articles/40811/13-benghazis-happened-under-president-bush-and-fox-news-said-nothing. Or the 247 Marines that died in Beirut because of lack of security under Reagan. Kind of overshadows Benghazi a CIA outpost.
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