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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. I wonder where Pence will be campaigning. Dave Catanese @davecatanese Replying to @davecatanese Stepien back to pumping up MINNESOTA, says internal polling shows a “tightening race.” “The race is for real,” in MN, Stepien says. Trump campaign is boosting its ad buy there and Pence will visit Monday. I just found a update. Trump must be wasting his time and limited money in MN. https://www.fox9.com/news/vice-president-pence-to-visit-minnesota-on-monday
  2. long long wait to go. Still the cost of infrastructure makes too costly for residents.
  3. Stumbling and Bumbling Biden mixing figures, years etc. He lost PA last night. Biden margin on Black and Hispanic voters is shrinking. This debate really hurt Biden.
  4. Yes but we are not working out of fossil fuels. He is dreaming.
  5. As Biden said. We will work it out. No Fossil Fuels no pipelines. Get ready solyndra round two and more bankruptcy for taxpayers holding the bag.
  6. Interesting article on Colin Peterson. This from a reader of the article and his comment. This sums up his reelection problem. It's more Pelosi remaining as speaker. She and the squad are an dragging him down. "I consider Collin Peterson a friend. I have voted for him while I was a lifelong Democrat and continued to vote for him up to now as an Independent. He has done a great job for our area and the people in it. He was one of two Reps that didn't vote to impeach President Trump because his constituents didn't want that. He actually listens to us and our concerns. Given that, sadly I cannot vote for him this time around. The American people cannot allow today's version of "Democrats" to maintain or grow in strength and numbers. I am saddened by what happened to my Democratic Party and if you wonder why people like President Trump are elected and will probably win a 2nd term, look no farther than what most of today's Democrats are like." https://www.startribune.com/only-conservative-democrat-left-minnesota-s-collin-peterson-bets-on-record-in-re-election-fight/572829332/
  7. pick a date. just like bingo. oh he said that about the 2nd amendment and guns. wrong topic.
  8. Well if not coding, maybe make buggy whips since we will not be driving cars, pickups. buy a horse before the price goes up and you have to walk.
  9. Agree except it will make a huge difference in PA. Western PA will carry the day for Trump. Secures Ohio as NE Ohio will not want to lose the ground they made with Trump. They depend on oil, Natural Gas and Mfg. In addition a congressional seat in NM will flip now as well. NM is heavily depend on Fed Land with oil drilling fracking.
  10. Biden drags the ticket down. Weak candidates for Dems. Walz is lucky to not be up for election this fall.
  11. Biden realized he lost PA now trying to spin his way out of his comments. Too late you said it.
  12. https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/pa-restaurant-owners-go-court-fined-10000-reopening-just-won?fbclid=IwAR0HnbA46tQErlP4Gu_l6fpoJkzRmyjdSM9SSK8leZu5iWn8MuRDOm_ygwo PA restaurant wins in court at least for now.
  13. Joe definitely lost PA on the debate and it will cost him the election. PA needs the oil industry to survive and Joe wants to transition to a plan that doesn't work. Trump wins.
  14. Good night Trump. Frank Luntz @FrankLuntz My focus group’s words to describe Trump tonight: • “Controlled” • “Reserved” • “Poised” • “Con artist” • “Surprisingly presidential” Words to describe Biden tonight: • “Vague” • “Unspecific” • “Elusive” • “Defensive” • “Grandfatherly” http://youtu.be/Xie2wCbrxGY
  15. Then they can be held liable as it is with 230 they can't. that is the rub.
  16. not according to section 230. They can't censor content.
  17. Do you think Joe will remember him. This is interesting.
  18. Best ad ever. https://t.co/yRgSkXQdNm?amp=1
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