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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Another reason the Dems are in denial. Look at this poll. NEW @ABC/@washingtonpost polls out of Wisconsin and Michigan (Likely voters) Wisconsin Biden: 57% (+17) Trump: 40% Michigan Biden: 51% (+7) Trump: 44% https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/covid-surge-hurts-trump-wisconsin-biden-leads-closer/story?id=73834112
  2. Just how deranged are the Dem's. Beto wants Biden to visit TX to flip the state. Did Beto not watch the debate where Joe said transition away from oil. Clueless. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/28/joe-biden-texas-2020-433088
  3. More bad news for Joe. Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll · 59m Oct 28, 2020 - Morning Reader Data Points: National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval For @POTUS - October 21-28, 2020 Wed 10/21 - 31% Thu 10/22 - 37% Fri 10/23 - 46% Mon 10/26 - 44% Tue 10/27 - 42% Wed 10/28 - 40%
  4. Are this suburnians voting for Biden. Breaking911 @Breaking911 · 37m Philly OEM: “The Philadelphia Police Dept urges all residents in the 12, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, & 26th Districts remain indoors except when necessary. These areas are experiencing demonstrations that have turned violent with looting.”
  5. This isn't good for Joe. A high-ranking Chinese businessman was charged by the Justice Department with global corruption and bribery in 2017, and the first call he made after his arrest was to Vice President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, who thinks the call was meant for Joe’s son, Hunter. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/analysis-hunter-biden-tied-to-china-firm-with-questionable-dealings
  6. Emerson has a handle on this. https://emersonpolling.reportablenews.com/pr/october-national-poll-biden-with-five-point-lead-one-week-out Oops damn I found this. They also had predictions in 2016. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/304663-emerson-college-polling-predicts-electoral-landslide-for
  7. I thought Biden had it wrapped up. Nope Kamala in NV. One hell of a crowd.
  8. CJ is a great player and great teammate. His time is coming a d it will be worth watching and reading about. He is a excellent player.
  9. https://breaking911.com/breaking-tony-bobulinski-ex-hunter-biden-associate-speaks-out-brings-new-allegations-against-joe-biden/
  10. I know they are trying to flip the senate because Biden will not win. Bank on it. Why do you suppose Biden made 10 trips to his home state PA. He is losing his home state.
  11. Georgia has started trending purple so voter turnout will determine. Biggest note I noticed was Gov Stacy Abrams is heading up the Asia-Amrrican vote. She Kamala is really helping. Wait what I thought she was black. Whatever. Biden needs Georgia because he will lose PA. But I think the Dems want more attention on Georgia because of two senators are up for re-election. Trying to flip the senate. I think they miss by Two of course they miss the WH as well.
  12. https://saraacarter.com/the-crow-indian-tribe-endorses-trump-why-change-horses-in-midstream/
  13. But But But But that is only for those making over $400,000. Correct? or did Joe get the number wrong again and he meant $40
  14. Trump took that wand and created a great economy and energy independence which help lead to peace in the middle east.
  15. yes I'm listening to his rant. lol too little to late. Biden is toast.
  16. Exactly. How Dems can push a candidate that is definitely suffering from dementia is unbelievable.
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