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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. Always a big hole when a player with skill like Nick can't play but the depth on this team is one of its biggest strengths and I'd think Olson will probably be the one in for Schmaltz and he has been playing pretty good when he is in the lineup.

    Just as long as Olson only pushes players and doesnt lay any big clean hits on them so he doesnt go to the box

  2. Very surprised to see Olson out I thought he has been one of our better forwards in most games maybe he got banged up in practice? Makes sense to get Thompson in with his upside and since he hasn't played in a while and Mattson really seems to be the only defenseman that you could take out right now.

    Im ok with Mattson sitting, i havnt noticed him very much in the last few games. I dont know who they would take out for St.Clair but theres no reason he shouldnt play, so i guess its Olson, i like how Olson plays though, another big hitter on the team.

  3. They wouldn't like it if we called them Mighty Whities," said one Native American protester.

    If there no objections, I'd like to submit "Mighty Whities" as a replacement for "Fighting Sioux". ;)

    How about the Fighting Mighty Whities!! Keep the word Fighting in there!

  4. Trevor Olson appears to have replaced Andrew McWilliam as the player who will draw at least one penalty per game for what is in essence "hitting too hard". Tonight they called it roughing, last week they called it "contact to the head elbowing" and for McWilliam it was almost always "elbowing". Apparently a player is allowed to make contact with another player, but not if the contact is too violent.

    Hak should tell these guys not to hit so hard other wise they're not going to get they're after school snack after the game. They should just replace these refs with NHL refs who knows keep your head up otherwise you're going to get blown up. Caggiula got nailed that one game and there was no penalty called and i was fine with that cuz he wasnt looking. Needless to say the refs need to be more consistent and not be blowing these guys noses during the game!!!!

  5. Thompson > Mattson

    Thompson > Ausmus

    Thompson > Stetcher

    Just my opinion. I think the debate of who should play on the back end should be between Ausmus, Stetcher and Mattson.

    Right now I would try:




    I love the length, scoring ability and two way play of the first two pairing. The third pairing gives us a combination of physicality in Ausmus with a heady player in Stetcher. I just don't think Mattson does anything great. Don't get me wrong, he is a good player but outside of experience what does he bring to the table that the other guys don't?


  6. I thought I heard that the Univ. of Minnesota wasn't going to allow the Redskin logo at TCF stadium when the Vikes play Washington there. I know the Univ. of Minnesota wasn't playing us in a lot of sports because of our logo. Now I hear the U of M isn't trying to stop it. When it comes to Indian logos their sure seems to be a lot of inconsistencies in the enforcement of policies nationwide.

    That was their excuse to not get their a** kicked by us :)

  7. Here's the rub. The Seminole Tribe signed off on it, the Sioux tribe in Standing Rock did not. End of story. It sucks, but that's the reality.

    Kinda hard to sign off when the council doesnt let you vote!!!

  8. Some lineup changes for tonight Poganski and Mattson in Chyzk and Thompson out:










    So you put the Rodwell type player Olson with Cags and Schmaltz and put Pattyn who is a 3rd or 4th line grinder energy player on the fisrt line with Parks and Mac? I guess that makes perfect sence :/

  9. I think the most blatant example of this was the BU kid two years ago. Players like MacWilliam are the exact reason why 5 minute majors need to be reviewed before being enforced. He received multiple 5 minute majors and ejections but they were mostly from good hard checks like the one on the Michigan Tech player two years ago.

    Whats gonna happen if these players make it to the NHL, they're gonna get smoked and their teammates are gonna tell them to get their ass up or they're gonna get sent to the minors.

  10. I'm all for physical hockey like what we got from McWilliam, but not the kind of chippy, tough-guy, stupid stuff that puts us a man down. McWilliam got the box a lot, but mostly because he hit people so hard the refs felt there had to be a penalty.

    Thats because unlike our guys, players get hit and lay on the ice so a penalty is called. Ive never seen our guys do that, maybe i have the goggles on

  11. I was just watching the highlights of the Manitoba game and how patcient Nick is with the puck and just takes his time. Twice he rushed right to the net and went for the rebound and another time a team mate lost it and Nick was right behind him and picked it up. I just dont remember a player like Nick at UND. He's gonna be fun to watch. GO SIOUX!!!

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