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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. ^This, I'm extremely happy with Hakstol and how he represents our University and our state.  Here's to hoping he hangs a green banner to go along with the white one in 10 days! 

    I said it on a different forum, and I'll repeat it to death. Right now, Hak is my Bud Grant. When he wins it all, he's my Ditka.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus also called parasitic jaegers, have a well-earned reputation as avian pirates, stealing much of their food from other birds. NO on being a parasite of any sort.

    So I guess that's a no on the unofficial state bird, the Fighting "squito's"?

  3. Thanks! He'll just end up agreeing with me.

    I think Common actually went on a rant about how little coaches matter during games. I forget which coach/manager was gone for personal reasons, but it was a unanimously accepted very good coach, and his team won like three in a row without him on the bench. 

  4. The Fighting Foos. UND can fly Dave Grohl in for every game to sing the national anthem and the Foo Fighters can play in the concourse between periods. ;)

    if you get Dave Grohl to play during intermissions, I'll let him call the team whatever he wants
  5. I feel like we can win any game we score 3 goals. Hopefully the pogo line is good for 1/game. 9 & 15 are more than capable of that (if Parks figures out something without Mark, that's gotta be rough for him with how aggressively those two played together) & get something, anything from one of the other two lines, or double up.

  6. There are 2 names that I think will be on the short list of 3 to be voted on.  Nodaks and Nokota.  I think these have the best chance to be a decent nickname moving forward.  Here is why I think why:



    Many people are, to put it lightly, less than excited to choose a entirely new name and logo.  They don't want to be known as anything else if it's not the Fighting Sioux.  Some of these people you can classify then as the "no namers" who simply think "North Dakota" with no nickname is good enough.  Well, being known as the Nodaks might be a middle ground compromise that they and others may rally around.  If UND simply adopted the name "Nodaks" they really don't have to come up with a new logo.  The interlocking ND has been used at UND for decades.  Simple adding Nodaks below the ND logo would give us a name, but we wouldn't have to change too much.  Old jerseys from teams in the past ,basketball I know for sure, had "Nodaks" on them.  So its not like we haven't gone by it before.  Not having to come up with a new logo is something many don't want to do.  Picking Nodaks keeps the logo in place and gices UND a nickname without having to change things drastically.



    Now there are those that want a new name and a new logo and a new identity.  One thing I and others said in the survey was that they wanted something original.  Something that no other school has.  Well Nokota is exactly that.  Cannot get any more original than that.  To my knowledge, no atheltic team is called the Nokota.  Itis the state horse of North Dakota.  And its history is specific to being only from North Dakota. There is the potential for a pretty sweet new logo to be designed as well.  A new logo that people really liked would go a long way.  Of course it has already been mentioned that you could shorten it to "Nokes" if you wanted. 


    Those are the best options I see out there. 

    140 characters or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:

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